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Evidence VS Code

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Evidence is an open source toolkit for building data products with just SQL and markdown. Connect to your database, write SQL queries, and include charts, tables, and dynamic text - all from markdown. To get started, visit the docs.

This extension provides language support, Evidence project and dev server shortcut commands, and autocomplete for Evidence Markdown files.

Evidence Side-by-Side


  • Syntax highlighting for:
    • Markdown
    • SQL Query Blocks
    • Components (Svelte syntax highlighting)
    • JavaScript expressions
  • Autocomplete suggestions for inserting:
    • Components (Charts, Tables, Text Components)
    • SQL Query Blocks
    • Templating (Loops, Conditionals)
  • Evidence commands to:
    • Create new project
    • Start and stop dev server
    • Update to the latest version
    • View extension settings
    • Clear app data and queries cache
    • Build app for deployment to production
    • Preview Evidence markdown documents


Evidence requires NodeJS between version 16.14 and version 20.9. You can download and install the latest long-term support (LTS) version from

This extension also depends on Svelte for VS Code that provides syntax highlighting and rich intellisense for Svelte components in VS Code. Svelte for VS Code will be installed automatically when you install Evidence extension.


You can install the Evidence extension from the VS Code Marketplace, or by searching for Evidence in the VS Code Extensions tab.

Evidence Extension Installation

Getting Started

To get started with Evidence using VS Code locally, follow these steps:

  1. Open the command palette in VS Code (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)

  2. Search for and click New Evidence Project

  3. Select an empty folder to create your Evidence project within

    Evidence Project Start

  4. Click the Start Evidence button to install all required dependencies and start the dev server, or use the commands detailed below in the Commands section

    Evidence Server Start

    Note: The initial installation and server start can take up to 2 minutes depending on your computer. If you have issues with the startup time, you can use Codespaces (see next section).

    At the end of this step, your browser will automatically open to your app preview, which will appear at localhost:3000

  5. We recommend putting VS Code and your browser side-by-side, like in the screenshot below. This will give you immediate development feedback on your app every time you save a markdown file.

    Evidence Side-by-Side

  6. Make changes to your markdown files and save the file to see the changes reflected in your app preview

  7. Try the "slash commands" included with the extension by typing / - you will see a list of available viz and UI components from our library. Select a component to insert by hitting Tab or clicking on the component.

    Once the component code has been inserted, you can hit Tab again to move through the inputs for a component and fill them in.

    Evidence Slash

Running Evidence in GitHub Codespaces

You can use the Evidence VS Code extension with GitHub Codespaces.

  1. Click here to create a new project in Codespaces

  2. The Evidence extension will be installed automatically

  3. Click the Start Evidence button to install all required dependencies and start the dev server, or use the commands detailed below in the Commands section

  4. You will get a popup saying Your application running on port 3000 is available. Click to open in browser

    Running Evidence in GitHub Codespaces

  5. Make changes to your markdown files and save the file to see the changes reflected in your app preview

  6. After making changes to your project, click the Source Control icon in the left panel and commit your changes

    Make a change in Codespaces

  7. Click Publish Branch - this will prompt you to create a private or public repo for your Evidence project

    Publish repo in Codespaces

  8. From here, you can continue to develop your project in Codespaces, or you can choose to clone your repo locally and work from there


The Evidence extension provides a number of custom VS Code shortcut commands for Evidence projects. Most of these correspond to CLI commands which can be run from your terminal if you prefer.

You can access the VS Code shortcut commands from the command palette (Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P) by typing Evidence in the command search box:

Evidence Extension Commands

VS Code Command Title Description CLI Command
newProject New Evidence Project Create new Evidence project in the open workspace, or the selected folder in VS Code File Explorer. npx degit evidence-dev/template my-project
cd my_project
installDependencies Install Dependencies Install Evidence app NodeJS modules. npm install
runSources Run Sources Run all source queries npm run sources
startServer Start Dev Server Start Evidence app dev server. npm run dev
stopServer Stop Dev Server Stop Evidence app dev server. Ctrl + C
build Build Build Evidence app for deployment to production. npm run build
buildStrict Build Strict Build Evidence app for deployment to production in a strict mode. npm run build:strict
updateDependencies Update to Latest Version Update all Evidence app NodeJS libraries to the latest version. npm install @evidence-dev/evidence@latest @evidence-dev/core-components@latest
clearCache Clear Cache Clear Evidence application data and queries cache.
viewSettings VS Code Extension Settings View Evidence extension settings in the built-in VS Code Settings editor.
copyProject Copy Existing Project Provide a URL of a Github repo to pull from


You can self-host or deploy on Evidence Cloud, with a public project or behind user authentication.

Evidence projects utlize a scheduled build process, which runs the queries in your project and builds all of your pages. The output of this process is a pre-built, self-contained static web application.

This results in near instant page loads for your users and means that they are not hitting your data warehouse by interacting with their reports.

Despite this static output, you can still deliver fully interactive and exporable data products through our most recent release for Universal SQL

Sign up for Evidence Cloud here

Learn more about deployment here


Create User or Workspace Settings to change default Evidence VS Code extension Settings.

Open Evidence extension Settings in VS Code by using the Evidence: VS Code Extension Settings command, or navigating to File -> Preferences -> Settings (cmd/ctrl+,) and searching for Evidence in the Settings search box.

Evidence Extension Settings

Available Settings

Note that after editing some settings you may need to close and reopen VS Code for the new setting to take effect.

Setting Name Type Default Value Description
evidence.previewType Preview Type string external Where to show development app preview: web browser, in VS Code (side-by-side), in VS Code (full width)
evidence.defaultPort Default Port number 3000 Default Evidence app dev server port.
evidence.autoStart Auto Start boolean false Automatically start Evidence app dev server when opening a project.
evidence.slashCommands Slash Commands boolean true Enabled slash commands - get component suggestions when typing /
evidence.templateProjectUrl Template Project Url Url string /template Evidence template project GitHub Url or local file:// path to the project template folder to use when creating new Evidence projects. Defaults to the built-in Evidence extension /template project that ships with this extenstion for faster New Evidence Project scaffolding.

You can request new Evidence extension settings to enhance this extension user experience in VS Code by submitting a feature request or pull request.

VS Code Settings JSON

You can also reconfigure Evidence extension settings in vscode/settings.json workspace configuration file. The .vscode/settings.json file is a JSON file that stores your VS Code Settings. It contains settings that apply globally to all workspaces open in VS Code, or to a specific workspace.

Edit your settings in ./vscode/settings.json by opening the Command Palette... with cmd/ctrl+shift+p, searching for and selecting Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON) command.

VS Code Settings JSON

Evidence Settings

All Evidence extension settings start with evidence. prefix. You can overwrite default Evidence extension settings in the open workspace directly by opening and changing /.vscode/settings.json in your project.

The following Evidence project workspace /.vscode/settings.json example sets different default Evidence dev server port, overwrites new dev server autoStart setting, and uses a modified local copy of the built-in Evidence /template project with file:// Uri to create new Evidence projects.

  "evidence.defaultPort": 5000,
  "evidence.autoStart": "false",
  "evidence.templateProjectUrl: "file://E:/projects/"

Contribute to this extension

If you would like to contribute to this VS Code extension, we welcome PRs and issues in the Github repo.

You can start by building the extension locally and making changes from there.

To build the latest version of Evidence VS Code extension from source:

  1. Clone this github repository and run the following commands from the command line:
$ git clone
$ cd evidence-vscode
$ npm install
$ npm run compile
$ code .
  1. Press F5 to start debugging Evidence VS Code extension.
  2. Open any Evidence project folder in the new Extension Host Window to try updated extension commands and features.

See the official Debugging extension documentation for more information about developing extensions in VS Code.


If you run into any issues setting up the extension, please reach out: