- Innopolis, Russia
- @Evoleodev
- @Evoleo
Warp Public
Warp is a feature-rich framework for multiplayer games, written in GameMaker and NodeJS (previously GM-Online-Framework)
LDtkParser Public
A parser for .ldtk levels for GameMaker
ChessOnline Public
a simple online multiplayer version of chess made with Warp
TurboGML Public
Forked from FoxyOfJungle/TurboGMLThe largest collection of useful general GML functions (AI, Linear Algebra - Vectors, Arrays, Structs, Strings, File Search, Conversions etc)
Game Maker Language MIT License UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
SimpleUI Public
a minimalistic UI framework for GameMaker
ProximityChat Public
An example project in GameMaker + Node.js showcasing basic multiplayer and proximity voice chat
SpellingWarlock_LD55 Public
Game Maker Language UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
PythonSatelliteSim Public
a small project for Innopolis University courses
Python UpdatedDec 14, 2022 -
EvoleoUI Public archive
a UI library for GameMaker Studio 2.3.3+, heavily inspired by React and the Web (really really raw as of now)
SNAP Public
Forked from JujuAdams/SNAPEasy data format saving and loading for GameMaker Studio 2.3.2
Game Maker Language MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2022 -
GMS-Node-Server Public archive
A modified version of rm2kdev's MMORPG series
LudSwing Public
the most enjoyable Foddian game of All Time(oh and also it has online multiplayer) (unfinished)
StreamGame Public
a multiplayer game made with GMOF on stream (unfinished)
NextBootstrap Public
me learning Tailwind.css in a Next.js environment
GMOF-pong-example Public
An example project for GM-Online-Framework. Uses the old (pre-4.0) version
CellularAutomata Public
A cool cellular automata implementation in GMS 2.3
BrainfuckGM Public
my take on a Brainfuck interpreter written in GML, been done before many times by other people, I mostly made it just for fun
GameMakerLibraries Public
Forked from JujuAdams/GameMakerLibrariesA big ol' list of GameMaker libraries, extensions, tools etc.
UpdatedMay 9, 2021 -
messager Public
A minimalistic social network, created using NodeJS + ReactJS (abandoned at an early stage, oops)
JavaScript UpdatedMay 1, 2021 -
ArrayClass Public
Forked from GameMakerDiscord/ArrayClassBetter arrays/ds_lists for GameMaker Studio 2.3
Pack.gml Public
A light-weight library to pack data and load it into function scope
rt-shell Public
Forked from daikon-games/rt-shellAn easy-to-use, customizable, and extensible cheat/debug console for GameMaker Studio 2.3+
Yacc Other UpdatedOct 30, 2020 -
Deflection Public
A 1-bit metroidvania game, initially planned to make the entirety of it in 1 month and release to Steam
Yacc UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
Robots Public
An old game of mine where you control 3 separate robots, who are trying to escape the facility that they work in
Game Maker Language UpdatedApr 4, 2020