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Add larget-series-product exercise (#322)
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glennj authored Dec 8, 2024
1 parent 1e2bd16 commit 3087b0b
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Showing 9 changed files with 357 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions config.json
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Expand Up @@ -535,6 +535,14 @@
"slug": "largest-series-product",
"name": "Largest Series Product",
"uuid": "ac954648-3670-4268-9cf2-907d8588efe1",
"practices": [],
"prerequisites": [],
"difficulty": 3
"slug": "queen-attack",
"name": "Queen Attack",
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/.docs/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Instructions

Your task is to look for patterns in the long sequence of digits in the encrypted signal.

The technique you're going to use here is called the largest series product.

Let's define a few terms, first.

- **input**: the sequence of digits that you need to analyze
- **series**: a sequence of adjacent digits (those that are next to each other) that is contained within the input
- **span**: how many digits long each series is
- **product**: what you get when you multiply numbers together

Let's work through an example, with the input `"63915"`.

- To form a series, take adjacent digits in the original input.
- If you are working with a span of `3`, there will be three possible series:
- `"639"`
- `"391"`
- `"915"`
- Then we need to calculate the product of each series:
- The product of the series `"639"` is 162 (`6 × 3 × 9 = 162`)
- The product of the series `"391"` is 27 (`3 × 9 × 1 = 27`)
- The product of the series `"915"` is 45 (`9 × 1 × 5 = 45`)
- 162 is bigger than both 27 and 45, so the largest series product of `"63915"` is from the series `"639"`.
So the answer is **162**.
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Introduction

You work for a government agency that has intercepted a series of encrypted communication signals from a group of bank robbers.
The signals contain a long sequence of digits.
Your team needs to use various digital signal processing techniques to analyze the signals and identify any patterns that may indicate the planning of a heist.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/.meta/config.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"authors": [
"files": {
"solution": [
"test": [
"example": [
"blurb": "Given a string of digits, calculate the largest product for a contiguous substring of digits of length n.",
"source": "A variation on Problem 8 at Project Euler",
"source_url": ""
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/.meta/example.sml
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
infix |> (* left-associative *)
fun (x |> f) = f x

val product = List.foldl op* 1
val max = List.foldl Int.max ~1
fun spans _ [] = []
| spans span ns =
if span > length ns then []
else (List.take (ns, span)) :: spans span (tl ns)
fun largestProduct (digits: string, span: int): int =
if span > size digits then raise Fail "span must be smaller than string length"
else if span < 0 then raise Fail "span must not be negative"
else if span = 0 then 1
else explode digits
|> (valOf o Int.fromString o str)
|> spans span
|> product
|> max
handle Option => raise Fail "digits input must only contain digits"
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/.meta/tests.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# This is an auto-generated file.
# Regenerating this file via `configlet sync` will:
# - Recreate every `description` key/value pair
# - Recreate every `reimplements` key/value pair, where they exist in problem-specifications
# - Remove any `include = true` key/value pair (an omitted `include` key implies inclusion)
# - Preserve any other key/value pair
# As user-added comments (using the # character) will be removed when this file
# is regenerated, comments can be added via a `comment` key.

description = "finds the largest product if span equals length"

description = "can find the largest product of 2 with numbers in order"

description = "can find the largest product of 2"

description = "can find the largest product of 3 with numbers in order"

description = "can find the largest product of 3"

description = "can find the largest product of 5 with numbers in order"

description = "can get the largest product of a big number"

description = "reports zero if the only digits are zero"

description = "reports zero if all spans include zero"

description = "rejects span longer than string length"

description = "reports 1 for empty string and empty product (0 span)"

description = "reports 1 for nonempty string and empty product (0 span)"

description = "rejects empty string and nonzero span"

description = "rejects invalid character in digits"

description = "rejects negative span"
include = false

description = "rejects negative span"
reimplements = "5fe3c0e5-a945-49f2-b584-f0814b4dd1ef"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
fun largestProduct (digits: string, span: int): int =
raise Fail "'largestProduct' is not implemented"
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/test.sml
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
use "testlib.sml";
use "largest-series-product.sml";

infixr |>
fun x |> f = f x

val testsuite =
describe "largest-series-product" [
test "finds the largest product if span equals length"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("29", 2) |> Expect.equalTo 18),

test "can find the largest product of 2 with numbers in order"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("0123456789", 2) |> Expect.equalTo 72),

test "can find the largest product of 2"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("576802143", 2) |> Expect.equalTo 48),

test "can find the largest product of 3 with numbers in order"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("0123456789", 3) |> Expect.equalTo 504),

test "can find the largest product of 3"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("1027839564", 3) |> Expect.equalTo 270),

test "can find the largest product of 5 with numbers in order"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("0123456789", 5) |> Expect.equalTo 15120),

test "can get the largest product of a big number"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934", 6) |> Expect.equalTo 23520),

test "reports zero if the only digits are zero"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("0000", 2) |> Expect.equalTo 0),

test "reports zero if all spans include zero"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("99099", 3) |> Expect.equalTo 0),

test "rejects span longer than string length"
(fn _ => (fn _ => largestProduct ("123", 4)) |> Expect.error (Fail "span must be smaller than string length")),

test "reports 1 for empty string and empty product (0 span)"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("", 0) |> Expect.equalTo 1),

test "reports 1 for nonempty string and empty product (0 span)"
(fn _ => largestProduct ("123", 0) |> Expect.equalTo 1),

test "rejects empty string and nonzero span"
(fn _ => (fn _ => largestProduct ("", 1)) |> Expect.error (Fail "span must be smaller than string length")),

test "rejects invalid character in digits"
(fn _ => (fn _ => largestProduct ("1234a5", 2)) |> Expect.error (Fail "digits input must only contain digits")),

test "rejects negative span"
(fn _ => (fn _ => largestProduct ("12345", ~1)) |> Expect.error (Fail "span must not be negative"))

val _ = testsuite
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions exercises/practice/largest-series-product/testlib.sml
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@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
structure Expect =
datatype expectation = Pass | Fail of string * string

fun failEq b a =
Fail ("Expected: " ^ b, "Got: " ^ a)

fun failExn b a =
Fail ("Expected: " ^ b, "Raised: " ^ a)

fun exnName (e: exn): string = General.exnName e
fun truthy a =
if a
then Pass
else failEq "true" "false"

fun falsy a =
if a
then failEq "false" "true"
else Pass

fun equalTo b a =
if a = b
then Pass
else failEq (PolyML.makestring b) (PolyML.makestring a)

fun nearTo delta b a =
if Real.abs (a - b) <= delta * Real.abs a orelse
Real.abs (a - b) <= delta * Real.abs b
then Pass
else failEq (Real.toString b ^ " +/- " ^ Real.toString delta) (Real.toString a)

fun anyError f =
f ();
failExn "an exception" "Nothing"
) handle _ => Pass

fun error e f =
f ();
failExn (exnName e) "Nothing"
) handle e' => if exnMessage e' = exnMessage e
then Pass
else failExn (exnMessage e) (exnMessage e')

structure TermColor =
datatype color = Red | Green | Yellow | Normal

fun f Red = "\027[31m"
| f Green = "\027[32m"
| f Yellow = "\027[33m"
| f Normal = "\027[0m"

fun colorize color s = (f color) ^ s ^ (f Normal)

val redit = colorize Red

val greenit = colorize Green

val yellowit = colorize Yellow

structure Test =
datatype testnode = TestGroup of string * testnode list
| Test of string * (unit -> Expect.expectation)

datatype evaluation = Success of string
| Failure of string * string * string
| Error of string * string

fun indent n s = (implode (List.tabulate (n, fn _ => #" "))) ^ s

fun fmt indentlvl ev =
val check = TermColor.greenit "\226\156\148 " (**)
val cross = TermColor.redit "\226\156\150 " (**)
val indentlvl = indentlvl * 2
case ev of
Success descr => indent indentlvl (check ^ descr)
| Failure (descr, exp, got) =>
String.concatWith "\n" [indent indentlvl (cross ^ descr),
indent (indentlvl + 2) exp,
indent (indentlvl + 2) got]
| Error (descr, reason) =>
String.concatWith "\n" [indent indentlvl (cross ^ descr),
indent (indentlvl + 2) (TermColor.redit reason)]

fun eval (TestGroup _) = raise Fail "Only a 'Test' can be evaluated"
| eval (Test (descr, thunk)) =
case thunk () of
Expect.Pass => ((1, 0, 0), Success descr)
| Expect.Fail (s, s') => ((0, 1, 0), Failure (descr, s, s'))
handle e => ((0, 0, 1), Error (descr, "Unexpected error: " ^ exnMessage e))

fun flatten depth testnode =
fun sum (x, y, z) (a, b, c) = (x + a, y + b, z + c)

fun aux (t, (counter, acc)) =
val (counter', texts) = flatten (depth + 1) t
(sum counter' counter, texts :: acc)
case testnode of
TestGroup (descr, ts) =>
val (counter, texts) = foldr aux ((0, 0, 0), []) ts
(counter, (indent (depth * 2) descr) :: List.concat texts)
| Test _ =>
val (counter, evaluation) = eval testnode
(counter, [fmt depth evaluation])

fun println s = print (s ^ "\n")
fun run suite =
val ((succeeded, failed, errored), texts) = flatten 0 suite

val summary = String.concatWith ", " [
TermColor.greenit ((Int.toString succeeded) ^ " passed"),
TermColor.redit ((Int.toString failed) ^ " failed"),
TermColor.redit ((Int.toString errored) ^ " errored"),
(Int.toString (succeeded + failed + errored)) ^ " total"

val status = if failed = 0 andalso errored = 0
then OS.Process.success
else OS.Process.failure

in println texts;
println "";
println ("Tests: " ^ summary);
OS.Process.exit status

fun describe description tests = Test.TestGroup (description, tests)
fun test description thunk = Test.Test (description, thunk)

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