ExMachina WebComponents packages features and documentations can be found in Exm Notion page
git clone
the project, then simply run npm i
The development process takes place on dedicated feature or fix branches.
Each branch is then merged into master
Please refer to the naming conventions for branches in the good practices section.
NPM Workspace works well to link packages all together.
Using npm i
will install all packages in packages/*
and specified in root package.json
To ensure the usage of the correct lerna version in a package, it is preffered to use npx lerna
To add a dependency in a specific package
npm i sass -w exm-button -w exm-breadcrumbs
Allows local development. Defines the root directory of the project and redirects /demo/index.html
into /
for simplicity
Based on Typescript configuration in @exmg/ts-config-lit
Includes paths of all packages and demo in order for Typscript to build each one individually
Based on Prettier configuration in @exmg/prettier-config-lit
Based on Eslint configuration in @exmg/eslint-config-lit
npm run clean : "del-cli packages/*/node_modules packages/*/package-lock.json && npm run clean:styles & npm run clean :typescript" # Cleans files
npm run clean:styles : "del-cli packages/**/*-css.*" # Cleans *css.ts and *css.js files
npm run clean:typescript : "tsc --build --clean" # Cleans built files from TS
npm run lint: "npm run build:typescript && npm run lint:eslint && npm run lint:prettier" # Lint
npm run format: "npm run lint:eslint -- --fix && prettier \"**/*.js\" \"**/*.ts\" --write --ignore-path .gitignore" # Fornat
npm run lint:eslint : "eslint \"packages/**/*.ts\" \"demo/**/*.ts\"" # Eslint
npm run lint:prettier : "prettier \"**/*.js\" \"**/*.ts\" --check --ignore-path .gitignore" # Prettier
npm run start : "node ./scripts/parseElements.js && npm run build && concurrently --names watch # serve \"npm run watch\" \"web-dev-server --config ./web-dev-server.config.js\"" # Starts demos and watchers for components development
npm run watch : "node scripts/watcher.js" # Runs the watcher script
npm run watch:styles : "exmg-lit-cli sass" # Runs the styles watcher
npm run build: "npm run build:styles && npm run build:typescript" # Builds the components and demos
npm run build:typescript : "tsc --build --verbose" # Build all typescript in components and demos
npm run build:demo-styles : "exmg-lit-cli sass -f \"demo/**/*.scss\"" # Builds the styles in the demos
npm run build:styles : "npx lerna run --stream build:styles && npm run build:demo-styles" # Builds styles in components and demos
npm run version : "npx lerna version" # Runs lerna version through NPX
npm run build:demo : "node ./scripts/parseElements.js && npm run build && rollup --config ./rollup.config.js" # Builds demos entirely
npm run run:demo : "web-dev-server ./docs/demo/index.html" # Runs demos
npm run build:docs : "npm run build && rm -rf ./docs && npm run build:demo && ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc -c ./jsdoc.conf.json -R README.md && node ./scripts/processDemoInDocumentation.js" # Builds docs
npm run run:docs : "web-dev-server /docs/index.html" # Runs docs