Some plugins require that your app name matches your real app.
Rename the App id found config.xml under widget id. From com.blank.test To {{your app id}} config.xml
<widget id="com.blank.test" ...
Find the plugin you wish to work on and install it via cordova cli (Under WebStorm section)
$ cordova plugin add {{plugin name}}
If applicable find the plaform you wish to work on IE not standard such as tabris, tv, etc. (Under Android Studio section)
$ cordova platform add {{dirctory containing platform files}}
- PhoneGap/Cordova
- Bash Support
- Markdown Navigator
In order for the cordova Run commands to work you will need to configure the path to the project. You will also need to plugin your android device and select it from the Edit configuration Section
Plugin you device Choose the matching profile IE PhoneGap/Cordova->Emulator (See RunDebug.png) Under Specify target click refresh and choose device.
Note many cli comands will remove the .idea folder from the
$ cordova plugins install cordova-plugin-dialogs
$ cordova platform add android
- Restore the .idea folder (optional)
- open the
$ProjectRoot$ /platforms/android in Android Studio by following these instructions:
It is best to work on your plugin in the plugins folder then use the command to apply changes to the cordova project.
A dangerous but much quicker way is to work directly in the platforms/android for example in Android Studio then run cordova build. All WORK WILL BE LOST when YOU forget to move all your changes back into the pluginis/ and run a cordova cli command. So use at your own discretion.
Created cordova project
$ npm install cordova -g
$ cordova create blank com.blank.test TestApp
Opened the cordova project in WebStorm
Configured Configurations using drop down in upper right Edit Configurations
Added Phonegap/Cordova task for Android VM/Emulator For both configured command:run plaform:android Specify Target:(Choose Device) Note: Device must be visible to adb IE turned on or connected
Created and
Added platform for either android or other.
$ cordova platform add android
Opened platforms/android in Android Studio then configured
Added files to git including the .idea at platforms/android/.idea so that android studio could be easily restored