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Mark Friedrich edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 38 revisions

1. Getting Started

Make sure your server environment fulfils all Requirements first. I assume that you have FTP or SSH access to your server/webspace and you can see a "dummy" index.html.

2. Get the code

Option A

Navigate to your desired install location and git clone the repo:

$ git clone

Make sure that "master" branch is selected!

Option B
  • Download the latest release of PATHFINDER.
  • Un-zip everything and push it to your webspace (e.g. use a FTP client)

3. Set permissions

Check your project directories and change/adjust permissions. Example: project-structure

Check /logs and /tmp/cache. Both folders will be empty at start but will be used for for logging and temporary caching. These folders need write permission. Set them to 0766. If write permission is not set correctly, you will get a HTTP ERROR - 5xx!

4. Install dependencies

Install all 3rd party dependencies, PATHFINDER depends on. Composer will install all stuff from composer.json. Run this command in your project root dir:

$ composer install

This creates a new folder /vendor. Make sure your Webserver user has read permissions for it.

5. Server settings

Depending on your web server, there is some additional configuration work to do. Make your choice and continue with these: