custom shape libraries for that help with the creation of UML diagrams
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been created in the 1990s as unification of the Booch method, the object-modeling technique (OMT), and object-oriented software engineering (OOSE). Later on, it was adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) for standardization. UML diagrams can be used for sketching, creating blueprints, and as a programming language (see Fowler, p. 2). This project is focused on the sketching use case, as a tool to manage complexity in the context of reverse engineering, design, and discussion of complex software systems.
The application (fka. is a free general-purpose drawing tool that has a few shapes with which UML diagrams can be painted. This repository contains a collection of shape libraries with a customized set of UML shapes.
The simplest way to use the custom shape libraries from this repository is to copy one of the links below this paragraph to the clipboard, then visit the website, click the "Decide later" button when being asked where to store the diagram, and import the library via the menu entry "File > Open Library from > URL...".
Use Case Diagram • Component Diagram • Deployment Diagram • State Machine Diagram
The app can also be downloaded and installed as a desktop app: drawio-desktop. In this case, it may be convenient to download the custom shapes and import them for the device as described below.
The custom shape libraries can be downloaded by clicking on this link or by executing either of these Shell commands in the terminal:
Download with git clone via SSH
git clone
Download with git clone via HTTPS
git clone
Download ZIP archive with curl
curl \
unzip -d .
The app can be opened directly in the browser at or after downloading it from the drawio-desktop GitHub releases.
The libraries from this repository can be imported via the menu entry "File > Open library from > Device".
Books on UML