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Mage2 Module Experius WysiwygDownloads

This module makes it possible to upload different filetypes inside the WYSIWYG-editor.


Main Functionalities

The following filetypes are available by default and it is possible to add extra filetypes to the allowed filetypes in the configuration of the module (General > Content Management > WYSIWYG Options > Extra Allowed Filetypes):

  • Word (doc, docm, docx)
  • Excel (csv, xml, xls, xlsx)
  • PDF (pdf)
  • Compressed Folder (zip, tar)

Use the following instructions to upload a file and set a download link:

Additional Information

  1. Go to a WYSIWYG-editor (for example in the content of a CMS Page or a product textarea attribute)
  2. Select a part of the text which is used as a Download Link (it is also possible to add the Download Link to an Image)
  3. Click on the 'Insert/Edit Link'-button (under the textformat dropdown, do not use the 'Insert/Edit Image'-button)
  4. Click on the 'Browse'-icon behind the Link URL-inputfield
  5. Select the Folder in which you want to upload the Downloadable File (recommended is to create a new Downloads folder to store all the Downloadable Files)
  6. Click the 'Browse files'-button
  7. Select the File from your Documents and click on the 'Open/Insert'-button
  8. Select the Uploaded File
  9. Click on the 'Insert File'-button
  10. (The 'File Upload'-windows will automatically close)
  11. It is recommended to set the Target to 'Open Link in a New Window)
  12. Press on the 'Insert'-button in the 'Insert/Edit Link'-popup
  13. The part of the text which was selected is now a Download Link for the selected file

To Unlink the Downloadable File just set the cursor on the Download Link and Click on the 'Unlink'-button.

Add NGINX redirect if you use it as internal URL else where and use store_code in url

    if ( $request_uri ~ ^/(.+)/media/wysiwyg/PDF/(.*)(.pdf$|.PDF$) ) {
            rewrite ^/(.+)/media/wysiwyg/PDF/(.*)(.pdf$|.PDF$) /media/wysiwyg/PDF/$2$3;

Important Issue in Magento < 2.2


This is an issue in Magento and is solved in 2.2.2 for more information see the following commit:


bildschirmfoto 2017-09-20 um 16 44 22 bildschirmfoto 2017-09-20 um 16 49 11

src is correct: <img src="" alt="home-t-shirts.png">

src is incorrect: <img src="" alt="html-cheat-sheet.png">

Change log

Version 1.0.8 - Jan 19, 2018 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Updated and CHANGE.log Added Important Issue in Magento < 2.2

Version 1.0.7 - Sep 4, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [BUGFIX] Solved problem with Product Image upload => Notice: Undefined index: extension

Version 1.0.6 - June 12, 2017 | Derrick Heesbeen

  • [BUGFIX] make it compatible with the Experius FileManager

Version 1.0.5 - June. 7, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Updated with nginx redirect for internal url with storecodes

Version 1.0.4 - May. 18, 2017 | Lewis Voncken

  • [BUGFIX] Solved error message Unsupported image format

Version 1.0.3 - Sep. 23, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Changed README
  • [TASK] Added Open Software License

Version 1.0.2 - Sep. 19, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Version update to 1.0.2 added configuration option to add more allowed filetypes beside the Default Extra Filetypes

Version 1.0.1 - Sep. 17, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • [TASK] Changed the logic so file extensions can be added in the configuration

Version 1.0.0 - Sep. 16, 2016 | Lewis Voncken

  • Initial Commit