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Rendertron Cache Server

Cache server for between the rendertron cache server and the client. Caches rendertron urls using file cache. No documents are preserved in memory.

Setup (Docker)

  • (Optional) Update env.docker variables to match your preferred configuration. (Like cache path)
  • Update the docker compose file. Comment / uncomment startup of the rendertron server
  • Run docker compose up


Route should be formatted as follows: /render/your url

  • GET - Retrieves and caches the page (if cached the cache will be used)
  • PUT - Invalidates cache for given url and retrieves it's content
  • DELETE - Invalidates cache for given url and all it's sub paths
  • GET with route /list/url - Lists all cached pages and their children.

Benchmarks Results

Running 30s test @
 12 threads and 400 connections
 Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
   Latency   101.97ms  237.27ms   1.99s    92.62%
   Req/Sec   533.00    382.37     3.08k    85.50%
 125325 requests in 30.08s, 5.44GB read
Requests/sec:   4168.54
Transfer/sec:    201.045MB