Version: 1.2.0 RC6 (last update 22.01.2018)
Author: PMS
The original multilingual alias code was written by mgbowman.
Date: 2010/06/19
Please check that the plugin is activated on the correct events
Notes: This is a bug fix release and at the time of release is the most stable version. All users are recommended to upgrade to this version.
- Notes
- Pre-requisites
- Upgrade/Update Instructions
- Installation Instructions
- ManagerManager Setup
- PHx Setup
- History
YAMS is a highly configurable extension to MODx that is designed to make it easy to develop multilingual websites. The following features are currently implemented:
All content is managed via a single document tree to enable a consistent site structure across all language variants.
Standard MODx syntax can be used within document templates.
A tabbed language layout for multilingual documents (requires ManagerManager)
Document templates can be configured as multilingual or monolingual.
Highly configurable multilingual URLs. The following are examples of different ways YAMS could be set-up to refer to language variants of a single document:
Multilingual aliases:
- http://server_name/my-doc-en.html
- http://server_name/mon-doc-fr.html
Server name mode only:
Root name mode only:
Root name mode only, with one language at root:
Server name mode, root name mode, friendly alias paths, multilingual aliases and multibyte URLs:
Additional URL configurability, including ability to hide alias of site start document, SEO friendly redirection, multibyte URLs and content-type dependent alias suffixes.
Additional YAMS Placeholders allowing access to language specific settings, such as language name and direction.
Additional functionality via the YAMS snippet call, including the ability to manage custom multilingual chunks, snippets and template variables, to generate list-based or drop-down based language switchers (templatable), the ability to repeat content in multiple languages...
Extensions for Ditto, Wayfinder, Jot and eForm.
Possible to create custom multilingual template variables.
YAMS has been developed on MODx v0.9.6.3+ and EVO 1.3+, with PHP >= 5.2.6-3. It will not work on servers running PHP 4.
ManagerManager is not required for YAMS to function, but is recommended. YAMS can use ManagerManager to hide redundant document variables and organise the language fields in the document view.
To upgrade/update from a previous version do the following:
- Rename your assets/modules/yams directory, to something else. For example assets/modules/yams_old or assets/modules/yams_v1.1.x
- Copy the new yams directory to assets/modules/yams
- Copy your file from your old yams directory into your new yams directory.
- Make sure that your new yams directory and the file (if it exists) are writeable by your server user/group.
- Make sure that your YAMS plugin is set-up to be active on all the events described in the installation instructions below.
- Check that YAMS always appears first in your plugin execution order for each event that it is active. In particular, if you have phx installed then YAMS should appear before it in the OnParseDocument execution order.
- Check that everything is working and that your settings are correctly displayed in the YAMS module. If so, you may remove your old yams directory. If there are any problems, then you can simply roll back be renaming your directories to reinstate your previous yams directory.
Copy the yams directory to assets/modules/yams
Make sure that the assets/modules/yams directory is writeable by the user/group that your server runs under. YAMS maintains a config file called in the directory that is automatically updated via the module interface.
Within MODx under Elements > Manage Elements > Plugins create a new plugin:
Plugin name: YAMS Description: Yet Another Multilingual Solution Plugin Plugin code: require( $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/modules/yams/'); System Events:
- OnLoadWebDocument
- OnParseDocument
- OnWebPageInit
- OnWebPagePrerender
- OnLoadWebPageCache
- OnPageNotFound
- OnBeforeDocFormSave
- OnMakeDocUrl Note that YAMS should be moved to first place in the execution order for all events to which it is associated.
- Within MODx under Elements > Manage Elements > Snippets create a new snippet:
Snippet name: YAMS Description: Gets multi-language content. Snippet code: // The following line needs to be placed between the opening and closing php // markers require( $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/modules/yams/' );
- Within MODx under Modules>Manage Modules create a new module:
Module name: YAMS Description: Yet Another Multilingual Solution Module code: require_once( $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/modules/yams/' );
Reload the page to update the manager view. If you want to use ManagerManager to obtain a tabbed document interface then follow the instructions below (point 5.) to set it up.
Browse to for help setting up your multilingual site.
To set up ManagerManager so that it provides a tabbed document interface, please do the following:
Check that the ManagerManager plugin is installed under Elements > Manage Elements > Plugins. If not, it can be obtained from the MODx repository: The latest version is generally recommended, but please keep an eye on the forums for reports of any problems.
Modify the ManagerManager plugin configuration so that it knows to find custom ManagerManager rules in a chunk called mm_rules. In newer versions this can be set using the configuration tab. In older versions this is done by including the line $config_chunk = 'mm_rules'; in the plugin code.
Under Elements > Manage Elements > Chunks, create a chunk called mm_rules and add the following line:
require( $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/modules/yams/' );
If you are already using custom ManagerManager rules, then it is advisable to place the YAMS require line at the end of the rules.
If using the PHx snippet then please note the following. For some reason, a file specified using include_once gets reincluded and this causes the PHxParser class to be redefined, which generates a PHP parse error. This can avoided by modifying the PHx snippet to wrap the include in some code that will only include the file if the class has not yet been defined:
if ( ! class_exists( 'PHxParser' ) ) { include_once $modx->config['rb_base_dir'] . "plugins/phx/"; }
Also, please remember that the Plugin Execution Order must be edited to place YAMS in first place - that is before PHx - on all associated events.
Version 1.2.0 RC6
- automatically create category YAMS and add YAMS-TVs to it
- fixed links to documentation
- fixed UrlEncode() $_GET-arryas
- replaced deprecated SQL-functions
Version 1.2.0 RC5
- MODX 1.1: Plugin uses new event OnMakeDocUrl for constructing URLs (makes eForm &gotoId compatible)
- added docBlock
- updated links to documentation
Version 1.2.0 RC4
- Code update: Replaced deprecated mysql_ functions for PHP5.5+ compatibility
- Bug Fix: warning "Failed to associate template variable"
- Bug Fix: mm__moveFieldToTab (Modx 1.1 / ManagerManager 0.6.2)
- Bug Fix: For unpublished page + Too many forward attempts
- Bug Fix: Wrong config encoding
Version 1.2.0 RC3
- Feature: The ((yams_data:...)) placeholder now works with document variables in addition to template variables. As with template variables, if multiple placeholders occur on a single document requesting info from different documents this will be done with a minimal number of mysql queries for efficiency.
- Bug Fix: [[YAMS? &get=
...]] snippet calls will now correctly output data from the document variable fields for monolingual documents rather than the default language template variable. - The [[YAMS? &get=
...]] options is now officially deprecated.
Version 1.2.0 RC2
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug whereby YAMS would revert to the default language instead of staying on the current language when using the 'MODx URLs' configuration parameter (set to '*', for example)
- Bug Fix: Fixed bug with incorrect (over-zealous) use of urldecode and urlencode. $_GET and $_POST are automatically url-decoded by PHP, whereas $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is not.
Version 1.2.0 RC1
- Added a file called that defines a constant containing YAMS configuration parameters that can be used to help integration of YAMS with other multilingual software.
- Bug Fix: Added protection against errors if the YAMS config file is accessed directly.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a problem whereby nested YAMS placeholders were not getting evaluated.
- Updated the readme.txt.
- Added three new placeholders (yams_multi), (yams_mono) and (yams_type) in order to help filter documents by type.
- Moved the documentation of language settings and configuration options from the module interface to the online documentation.
- Major code tidy up and reorganisation:
- Utility methods moved into the a new YamsUtils class (
- Some methods have been updated for improved security, by including checks for bad UTF-8 byte streams and by stripping control codes where appropriate.
- All config file manipulation methods (getters, setters, etc..) have been moved into a YamsConfigMgrAbstract abstract class (, which the main YAMS class now inherets. This in turn inherits from a singleton abstract class.
- The escaping that YAMS was doing when writing the PHP config file was not entirely correct and this could have been taken advantage of by someone with malicious intent that managed to obtain access to the YAMS Module interface. This has now been fixed.
Version 1.1.9
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug introduced at version 1.1.8, which breaks ((yams_data:..))
- Bug Fix: Applied kongo09's patch, which fixes a bug whereby default content is not copied over to new fields when multilingual tvs are associated with new templates.,43821.0.html
Version 1.1.8
- Updated YAMS ManagerManager rules so that when hide fields is on, multilingual aliases are hidden when multilingual aliases are switched off and the standard document alias is hidden when multilingual aliases are switched on.
- Updated the documentation for Hide Fields accordingly.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a
that should have been a
in the module - Updated the forum link to,381.0.html
- Added a title field to the YAMS ditto extender. This outputs the page title.
- Bug Fix: Corrected a typo str2lower -> strtolower. This bug fix is necessary for YAMS to work over HTTPS. Reported by noes:,42752.0.html
- Added an additional check to prevent crashing if $modx->documentObject doesn't exist.
- Made the Expand function public.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug whereby the current language would be lost when changing page using ditto pagination and unique multilingual aliases.
- Bug Fix: Corrected a problem with switching languages when using unique multilingual aliases.
- Improved installation instructions.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug whereby YAMS ManagerManager rules would be applied to all (rather than no) templates when no multilingual templates are specified.
- Documentation updates
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC7
- Included @French Fries' Wayfinder breadcrumbs templates and updated the How To? documentation.
- Included an option to turn off automatic redirection to the correct multilingual URL when standard MODx style URLs are encountered for specified document ids.
- Bug fix: MODx default behaviour is that when a document not assigned any alias it is instead referred to by its id. This wasn't implemented. Done now, except that for multilingual documents with unique aliases on, the documents are referred to by langId-docId.
- Removed a system event log command that was added for debugging purposes but accidentally left in the code.
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC6
- Most of the languageicons have been removed from the distribution. The full set can be downloaded from
- Removed the 'do you want to allow YAMS to manager multilingual variables' option from the multilingual templates tab.
- Tweaks to the module interface to make it easier to to find submit buttons.
- Removed some unneeded checks in frequently executed code for efficiency
- Bug Fix: Fixed a couple of errors whereby YAMS was trying to access a regexp match that was undefined (rather than empty)
- Bug Fix: Fixed an error that could potentially result in YAMS not correctly identifying an HTTPS connection.
- Efficiency improvements.
- YAMS removes empty constructs instead of processing them.
- When loading monolingual documents, now only the default language variant is parsed. Previously all language variants were parsed but only one was served. Monolingual documents will be served approx 1/n times faster, where n is the number of languages.
- As soon as a document is loaded from cache YAMS now strips out superfluous language variants. Previously it evaluated all language variants but served just one. For documents with a lot of uncachable content this can lead to an improvement in speed of approx 1/n, where n is the number of languages.
- Bug Fix: Updated the managermanager rules to fix a bug whereby if more than one custom tv was assigned to a language, only the last would be tabified.
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC5
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug whereby on first save of a newly created multilingual document, pagetitles and aliases would not get updated.
- Bug fix: Fixed an URL encoding issue. The php header function accepts a plain text URL, but YAMS was passing it an HTML encoded URL.
- Bug fix: The new multilingual URL capability had broken query parameter mode and non-friendly URLs. Fixed.
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC4
- Now, if YAMS doesn't recognise an URL as being valid, but MODx does, then YAMS will redirect from the MODx recognised URL to the correct URL using the status codes defined on the 'Other Params' tab, rather than generating 404 not found. (This aids compatibility with existing MODx resources that don't understand multilingual URLs and is what YAMS used to do in previous versions before I broke it!)
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC3
- Bug fix: Corrected an .htaccess bug.,36513.msg243901.html#msg243901
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC2
- Bug fix: Corrected a small URL encoding bug.
- Included an option to make MODx stripAlias optional for multilingual aliases.
- YAMS now does automatic updating of aliases, checking for unique aliases and checking for duplicate aliases.
- Updated the YAMS managermanager rules so that they work with the latest version of managermanager (0.3.4), which refers to tvs by name instead of id like MODx. YAMS should be backwards compatible with older versions of both mm and MODx.
- Bug fix: Corrected a dodgy regexp which was causing URL resolution problems when installing into a subdirectory.
- Updated the friendly URL config to include standard MODx stuff (avoids confusion about whether it should be there or not)
- Updated the root name trailing slash redirection to be consistent with apache guidelines.
- stripAlias is now implemented for multilingual URLs. Need to check that it works on pre-Evo installs.
- stripAlias can result in empty aliases. Need to handle that.
- Implemented automatic pagetitle update
- Implemented better document pagetitle synchronisation
- Started implementing automatic alias updating.
- Bug fix: YAMS could return HTTP OK for monolingual documents with an extra root name prefix. Fixed. Now permanent redirects to correct monolingual URL.
- Implemented mime dependent aliases. Currently not possible to set the mime-alias map via the module interface.
- Modified the YAMS to encode tv names in the same way that MODx does for and earlier versions. (Previously the encoding was not done in completely the same way.)
- Altered the PreParse method to prevent the recursion limit from being reached on complicated documents. It now returns a flag that says whether it needs to be called again.
- Tidied up the comments in the code a bit.
- Bug fix: Corrected a missing variable declaration in
Version 1.1.7 alpha RC1
- Bug fix: Corrected (I hope) and URL bug which would affect documents nested at level 2 and greater when using friendly alias paths.
Version 1.1.6 alpha
- Added SEO Strict style URL functionality. YAMS will now permanent redirect
to the correct URL when
- slashes are incorrectly specified (multiple slashes or missing trailing slash)
- the prefix and suffix of a filename are missed
- the prefix and suffix are included for a folder In addition, there is now a new option that allows the re-writing of containers as folders: .../mycontainer.html -> .../mycontainer/ Currently there is no facility for overriding this on a document by document basis.
- Introduced a new redirection mode: "current else browser". When redirecting to a multilingual page, if the site has been visited previously and a language cookie has been saved, the visitor will be redirected to a page in that language. Otherwise they will be redirected to a page based on their browser settings.
Version 1.1.6 alpha RC1
- Bug Fix: Fixed a problem whereby documents could break when loading them from the cache.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a server config bug affecting rootname to rootname/ redirection.
- Bug Fix: Repaired a missing space in a mysql query.
Version 1.1.5 alpha
- Bug Fix: Fixed a parse bug which could occasionally involve a regular expression grabbing too much and breaking YAMS constructs.
Version 1.1.5 alpha RC3:
- Bug Fix: Corrected a bug in breadcrumbs.101.yams.snippet.php
- Made use of the new ((yams_data:...)) construct to optimise breadcrumbs.101.yams.snippet.php by minimising database queries.
- Renamed breadcrumbs.101.yams.snippet.php to give it the php extension. Also included code to protect it against direct execution.
- PreParseOptimise is fairly resource intensive, so only call it if pre-parse-optimisation is really required (that is, if there is more than one nested yams-select construct.)
- yams_doc and yams_docr were really inefficient, because each document alias was requiring at least one database query. Now use a cache which stores the alias of each document in each language, as well as its parent. This can bring result in major performance enhancements
- Updated the server config to include redirection from to
- Bug Fix: Made sure yams-in blocks get parsed on the final PostParse call. As a
result of this fix Ditto will no longer complain that it can't find the language
file when using &language=
- It is not necessary for PostParse to be called recursively. Fixed.
- YAMS was executing on the OnWebPageComplete event... but this was completely unnecessary. Fixed.
- Bug Fix: Fixed misplaced PostParse argument.
- Bug Fix: Corrected a bug which would cause the current language block of a repeat construct to be output as blank when no currentTpl was specified. (In this case, the repeatTpl should be used.)
- Updated the StoreYamsInCallback and StoreYamsRepeatCallback to use a new YamsCounter number rather than using the number of the block being cached.
Version 1.1.5 alpha RC2:
- Bug Fix: Corrected another URL encoding bug that would prevent incorrect changing of language and which sometimes gave rise to blank pages.
Version 1.1.5 alpha RC1:
- Bug Fix: Corrected an URL encoding bug that would prevent incorrect changing of language.
- Updated the Wayfinder and Ditto extensions to use [[YAMS? &get=
. - Updated the manager manager rules to ensure that the template variables are moved to tabs in the correct order. Wasn't sure if the existing array_merge was simply concatenating the sorted arrays.
- Updated the YAMS snippet cal to make use of the ((yams_data:... syntax.
[[YAMS? &get=
is now depracated and [[YAMS? &get=data
should be used in its place - First implementation of the ((yams_data:docId:tvname:phx)) syntax for improved performace through minimisation of the number of sql queries. Does not support PHx yet. Loads data from a maximum of YAMS_DOC_LIMIT documents at time.
- Bug Fix: Fixed several bugs introduced when updating the parsing. YAMS placeholders can now go almost anywhere.
- Fairly major changes to parsing:
- YAMS now ensures that all chunks and tvs - which may contain YAMS placholders
- are parsed on the PreParse step before handing over to MODx.
- It should now be possible to include yams placeholders in cacheable AND uncacheable snippet calls and in chunk and tv names...
- Updated documentation to describe multilingual alias modes in more detail.
- Modified to allow the monolingual URL and (one of) the multilingual URLs to coincide. Now, when unique multilingual aliases are not being used it is only necessary for the multilingual language variants to be unique.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug whereby tv's would be incorrectly sorted in the document view.
- Included a How TO? for custom multilingual tvs/chunks/snippets.
- Updated the multilingual URL generation and checking so as to exclude deleted documents.
- Bug Fix: Corrected a bug whereby YAMS would not change language when on the site start document.
Version 1.1.4 alpha:
- Bug Fix: Corrected the Wayfinder How To? module documentation.
- Implemented automatic redirection of weblinks. This wasn't implemented before. This works with multilingual weblinks too. In the content fields of a multilingual weblink it is possible to specify the same or different URLs or docIds for each language. When using a docId, the target document will be displayed in the same language as the source document, or the default language if the final document is monolingual.
- Made the $yams->ConstructURL( $langId, $docId ) method public so that it can be used as a replacement for $modx->makeUrl( $docId ) when YAMSifying existing snippets etc.
- Bug Fix: Correct a bug in the implementation of friendly url suffixes and prefixes. This bug made the suffixes and prefixes active at every level instead of just the filename.
- Bug Fix: Updated the server config. It now displays the correct output when unique multilingual aliases only are being used. It also advises on virtual host configuration when server name mode is being used.
- Corrected a potential bug whereby the second argument of preg_quote was not specified.
- Reorganised the params on the 'Other Params' tab and updated the multilingual alias text a bit.
Version 1.1.3 alpha:
- Added support for friendly alias prefixes and friendly alias suffixes.
- Bug Fix: Corrected server config bug. ${...} should have been %{...}
- Added support for phx modifiers on multilingual document variables. The
following are examples of accepted syntax:
] - Replaced YAMS' own recursive chunk parsing call an iterative call to MODx's mergeChunkContent. Seemed silly not to reuse existing code.
- Now YAMS maintains a list of monolingual document ids, to avoid having to look up whether a document is multilingual in the database each time.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the server config. Was using the output query param separator instead of the input one. As a result was getting double encoded ampersands.
- Modified the default output query separator (used when it is not defined by PHP) to be & rather than &.
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem whereby invalid monolingual URLs which are invalid due to a multilingual servername being used would redirected to themselves.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug whereby the alias of the site-start document was being included in the URL when using friendly alias paths and when it shouldn't have been because of a YAMS setting.
- Sort of bug fix: I have removed the mb_strtolower function from the URL comparison since mbstring library is not active by default in PHP. Was going to replace it by strtolower - which would have been safe on the encoded URL. However, since MODx does not support case insensitive URLs anyway - so I have removed it. True support for case insensitive URLs would be possible but would require a bit more thought.
- Bug Fix: Fixed bug active when friendly alias paths is on which was causing docs lower than the root to not be found.
Version 1.1.2 alpha:
- Now possible to view document using index.php?id=... So, preview from the document tree now works again.
- Fixed a bug wherby callbacks were being registered statically when they shouldn't have been.
Version 1.1.1 alpha:
- Modified the default multilingual URLs generated by YAMS so that the alias of the default language variant is the same as that of the document variable.
- Implemented a 'Unique Multilingual Aliases' mode. This mode is activated if unique multilingual aliases are being used. In that case it is not necessary to specify root names or server names. YAMS can determine the language group id and document id directly from the alias. The documentation needs updating now.
- Improved commenting of the code a little.
- Applied proper URL encoding to the subdirectory and root name.
Version 1.1.0 alpha:
- Generalised generated query strings to use the php defined argument separator
- Added a parameter for specifying whether aliases are unique or not.
- Updated the copying over of default content for multilingual aliases.
- Now does proper encoding of URLs. Multibyte URLs are correctly encoded.
- Added correct conversion from native encoding to utf-8 to rawurlencoded and back again for URLs and query parameters.
- Added methods for escaping and cleaning strings for embedding in (x)html/xml documents and updated all occurrences of htmlspecialchars to use them.
- Arranged it so that the current language cookie is only set if a valid document is found and it is multilingual.
- If a multilingual alias has not been specified, then nothing is output for the URL.
- Incorporated mbowman's YAMS_UX code into YAMS.
- Generalised it to function with and without friendly alias paths.
- Generalised it to function with or without multilingual alias mode
- Generalised it to take into account absent filename for site start (only default language if using multilingual aliases).
- Fixed incorrect langId specification.
- YAMS now manages the alias document variable associated with multilingual aliases.
- Default descriptions for Multilingual TVs created by YAMS are now in the correct language.
- YAMS now manages a list of supported document variable types.
- Allowed (*.)localhost as a valid server name
Version 1.0.5 beta:
- Fixed bug: Pagetitle document variable not being synchronised with default language pagetitle for multilingual documents on MODx > Evo 1.0.0-RC1. (Problem had same origin as previous managermanager bug.)
- Fixed bug: In releases of MODx prior to MODx Evolution final 404 not found errors would occur when accessing the site root.
Version 1.0.4 beta:
- Optimised the redirection by bringing it forward to OnWebPageInit.
- Added new inactive languages to the default YAMS configuration: German and Russian.
- Updated all the documentation based on experience gained with practical implementation of YAMS.
- Fixed the YAMS ManagerManager extension so that it works with MODx Evolution
- A new extension is available that allows Jot to function seemlessly with YAMS! See the How To? tab.
- Fixed a major bug whereby all pages were returning 404 not founds. Turns out this was partly MODx's fault.
- Included an additional parameter that allows the status code for the redirection that occurs when responding to a request to change language to be set.
- Included an additional parameter that allows the status code for redirection to the default and to other languages to be set separately. This is important for migrating a site from monolingual to multilingual.
- Made the IsValidMonolingualRequest and IsValidMultilingualRequest methods public
- Corrected an error wherby a default language block was being required when it wasn't actually necessary
- Corrected an error in a check for an invalid language in the Expand method.
- PCRE backtracking parameter was too small compared to the potential size of the templates and was giving rise to blank pages for large documents. Increased size of parameter to maximum number of characters that can appear in the content field (approximately).
- Optimised regular expressions by specifying ungreedy content matching where appropriate.
- Optimised regular expressions by specifying opening parts of constructs as once only sub-patterns.
- Updated the reg-exp callback arrays to use YAMS in capitals so as to match the class name.
- Corrected yams->YAMS typo in documentation
- Altered the format of the language string accepted by the YAMS snippet &from parameter. The separators are now double colons :: and double pipes || rather than single ones. This fixes some regexp problems and brings the syntax closer to that used for specifying template variable options. (Sorry for the change, but I thought that it was better to fix this sooner rather than later.)
- Updated advice on the use of eForm on the Documentation>How To? tab.
- Updated the advice on the choice of HTTP status code for automatic language redirection.
- New feature: MODx internal URLs are now automatically handled by YAMS and do not need to be replaced by YAMS placeholders. (No harm done for URLs which already been replaced by YAMS placeholders.) As a result, it is no longer necessary to update all MODx internal URLs as part of the set-up process. YAMS will now automatically handle standard MODx style URLs provided they are surrounded by double quotes - which they almost always are in (X)HTML. See step 5 of the updated setup guide on the Documentation>Setup tab of the YAMS module interface.
- Corrected a bug whereby YAMS would not recognise QuickEdit style template variables starting with a # symbol.
- Corrected a bug whereby pagetitles would be synchronised whether or not this had been requested.
- Corrected badly encoded Japanese text in the default settings.
- Corrected a bug whereby cached documents weren't being redirected correctly.
- Corrected a bug whereby the YAMS snippet would try to grab multilingual content from a monolingual document.
- Corrected a bug in the server settings suggested by MODx when the MODx install is located in a server subdirectory
- Fixed several bugs relating to correct output of document URLs when the MODx install is located in a subdirectory.
- Corrected a bug whereby a MODx parse error would occur when adding a new language while having no multilingual templates defined.
- Corrected a bug whereby settings that had been set but not saved during the failed edit or addition of a language group were being displayed in the module interface as if they had been saved until the page was reloaded.
- When adding a new language group allow the MODx language to be selected via a dropdown.
- Did some reorganising of the files. Only files that users need to refer to /include when setting up yams live at the root directory now. All yams php classes, including the main file, live in the class subdirectory. There are now also css and js subdirectories.
- Replaced a few occurences of strpos and substr by equivalent code using preg for UTF-8 compatiblity.
- Removed the text about the OnDocFormSave event not being required when the document page title synchronisation option is not selected, since it was confusing. Advice is now to always have the plugin active on this event.
- Added an extra configuration parameter on the Other Params tab that allows the MODx install to be pointed to a subdirectory.
- Started preparing for cleaned module code and multilingual module interface.
Version 1.0.3 alpha:
- Updated the documentation. Note that the advice is now to always run the YAMS snippet as cacheable to enable YAMS to optimise the snippet output before the document is cached.
- Included some more How Tos.
- Modified the server name regexp to allow specification of IP based addresses.
- Updated the YAMS snippet to allow templatable content to be repeated over all active languages. The list, select and select form options were updated to make them use this templatable approach. These options now use default file-based templates that can be overriden by the user.
- YAMS placeholders normally decide what the current language is based on context. The placeholder now can be forced to evaluate itself using the document language by appending a + symbol to the placeholder name. For example (yams_id+) This functionality has also been added to the EasyLingual placeholders for completeness.
- Added several new placeholders which enable access to other YAMS parameters. (yams_confirm), (yams_change), (yams_name_in_..), (yams_choose)
- Added a yams-in block which forces content to be displayed as if a specified language is currently active.
- Added an optional (current) sub-block to the yams-repeat syntax.
- Renamed yams-multi to yams-repeat, since mutli is a bit ambiguous.
- Added an additional mode (query mode) whereby the current language is identified via a query parameter rather than different server and root names. This enables closer compatibility with EasyLingual.
- Made it possible to change the page language via GET as well as POST
- Made the name of the GET/POST parameter used to change language configurable via the module interface
- Added an additional pre-parse step on OnLoadDocument before any MODx parsing has taken place and to the OnWebPageComplete event before the document is cached. Pre-parsing evaluates all placeholders before snippets are evaluated so that YAMS placeholders can be used in snippet calls.
- Brought the page redirection forward to OnParseDocument for efficiency.
- Brought determination of the current language forward to OnWebPageInit
- Added an additional optimisation and evaluation step after the OnLoadDocument, OnParseDocument and OnWebPageComplete events. This optimises away yams-select blocks, leaving a single block in the version of the document that gets cached. This minimises the number of yams-select blocks which need to be parsed during the OnWebPagePrerender event and allows for complete compatibility with EasyLingual. It also allows YAMS placeholders to be used within snippet calls, and these may even be within chunks.
- Allowed the user to associate a MODx language name with a YAMS language group. For use with snippets like Ditto and eForm.
- Added a new placeholder, (yams_mname), which provides access to the MODx
language name associated with the current language. This can be used with
snippets like ditto and eForm like so:
[!Ditto? &language=
... !] - Also updated the EasyLingual compatibility placeholders [%language%] and [%LANGUAGE%] to access the specified MODx language name.
- Fixed incorrect language attribute in language select form.
- Added language direction attributes to the language list and language select form.
- Added javascript to the language select drop down to automatically submit language changes. No button presses required now.
- Fixed an error in the ManagerManager whereby it wasn't tabifying deactivated languages.
- Added guidance on multilingual eForm templates.
Version 1.0.2 alpha:
- Fixed setting of MODx theme and language direction.
- Added the (yams_dir) and (yams_align) placeholders
- Setting of language direction via the YAMS module is now possible
- Added an EasyLingual compatibility mode and placeholders.
- Renamed pagetitle on multilingual documents to "Internal Name"
- Provided an option to synchronise the content of the document pagetitle with the default language pagetitle field for multilingual documents.
- Renamed a couple of the existing YAMS placeholders* (yams_url) -> (yams_site) (yams_burl) -> (yams_server)
- Added a couple of new placeholders to help with Wayfinder integration and linking of documents: (yams_doc) (yams_docr)
- Included an option which affects the new placeholders. Allows the omission of the filename of the document in the URL if it is the site start document
- Updated the Wayfinder templates.
- The new templates are in different directories, so you will need to update your Wayfinder Snippet calls. See the Setup tab for guidance. *
- Updated the documentation, and * installation guidance, particularly with respect to linking to other documents. *
Version 1.0.1 alpha:
- Prevented warning about missing config file on first run
Version 1.0 alpha:
- Initial alpha release