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Lime App

  • React Native / Expo
  • Typescript
  • Supabase
  • Mapbox
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LimeApp SS

Install and Run IOS

yarn install
npx expo run:ios


1 - Run npx create-expo-stack@latest, Follow SS

Alternatively, run npx create-expo-stack@latest LimeApp --expo-router --stylesheet

2 - Install rn mapbox ->

expo install @rnmapbox/maps

3 - Update plugin section of app.json with below

      "RNMapboxMapsDownloadToken": "sk.ey..",
      "RNMapboxMapsVersion": "11.0.0"

4 - Go to and create an account, generate a token ( also select DOWNLOAD:READ ) and use that at app.json instead of sk.ey..

5 - Run npx expo install expo-location to install location service for expo and update plugin section of app.json with below

      "locationWhenInUsePermission": "Show current location on map."

6 - Run npx expo prebuild --clean to build native dependencies after installing mapbox

7 - Create .env file at root and Use Default public token from mapbox dashboard to use Mapbox related components. Don't forget to add .env to .gitignore file.


8 - Create Map component and start using map in the App

-------------------- First Commit --------------------

9 - Create a json file with lat and long of scooters and update Map component to render scooter icons on the map with those lat and long

-------------------- Second Commit --------------------

10 - Add cluster prop to the ShapeLayer, render CircleLayer for clusters, Render the count of scooters in a cluster using SymbolLayer, Hide Scooter Icons when in cluster filter={['!', ['has', 'point_count']]}

-------------------- Third Commit --------------------

11 - Create directions service to calculate routes between user location and selected scooter

12 - Update Map file to render directions on the map

-------------------- Forth Commit --------------------

13 - Refactor: Create ScooterProvider to move business logic to provider to reuse that later on

14 - Refactor: Create LineRoute and ScooterMarkers to simplfy Map component

-------------------- Fifth Commit --------------------

15 - Install for bottom sheets

yarn add @gorhom/bottom-sheet@^5 react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler

16 - Update plugin section of babel.config.js

const plugins = ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'];

17 - Add Start Journey button to sheet and make it disabled if scooter's distance more than 1000 mt

-------------------- Sixth Commit --------------------

18 - Setup Supabase project called LimeApp

19 - Install supabase packages ->

npx expo install @supabase/supabase-js @react-native-async-storage/async-storage @rneui/themed

20 - Follow documents to Install and configure supabase libs in React Native

21 - Follow documents to Setup Auth Provider and routers to implement authentication

22 - SUPABASE: Go to Authentication/providers, select email and toggle off confirm email and save to let user signup without confirming email

-------------------- Seventh Commit --------------------

23 - SUPABASE: Follow -> to use GEO data in Postgres with PostGiS (extensions is the one not gis)

24 - SUPABASE: Run below command at SQL Editor section to create a new table

create table if not exists public.scooters (
	id int generated by default as identity primary key,
	location geography(POINT) not null,
  battery float default 0

25 - SUPABASE: Run below command at SQL Editor section to create geo index

create index scooters_geo_index
  on public.scooters
  using GIST (location);

26 - SUPABASE: Run below command at SQL Editor section to insert scooter locations

insert into public.scooters(location)
  (st_point(-122.4115, 37.795)),
  (st_point(-122.395, 37.793)),
  (st_point(-122.4135, 37.797)),
  (st_point(-122.4, 37.775));

27 - SUPABASE: Run below command at SQL Editor section to create the nearby_scooters SQL function

create or replace function nearby_scooters(lat float, long float, max_dist_meters float)
returns table (id, battery public.scooters.battery%TYPE, lat float, long float, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
  select id, battery, st_y(location::geometry) as lat, st_x(location::geometry) as long, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
  from public.scooters
  where st_dwithin(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography, max_dist_meters)
  order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;

28 - Add below function to ScooterProvider to fetch nearby scooters

// rpc = remote procedure call
const { error, data } = await supabase.rpc('nearby_scooters', {
  lat: location.coords.latitude,
  long: location.coords.longitude,
  max_dist_meters: 2000,

-------------------- Eighth Commit --------------------

29 - SUPABASE: Create table called rides and add user_id and scooter_id with their foregn keys, finished_at with timestamptz type

30 - Add policies for rides table

- Enable insert for authenticated use (INSERT)
- Enable read access for all users (SELECT)
- Enable update for users based on user_id (UPDATE) - used delete policy and changed to update

31 - Add RideProvider and ActiveRideSheet to track rides and show different active ride bottomsheet when user start a journey

-------------------- Ninth Commit --------------------

32 - Show/hide markers based on active ride status

-------------------- Tenth Commit --------------------

33 - SUPABASE: Add following column to rides table, routeDuration - float8, routeDistance - float8 and routeCoords - jsonb

34 - Track ride route and store it in database

-------------------- Eleventh Commit --------------------


Building an e-Scooter App with React Native and Mapbox Lime Clone Backend with React Native and Supabase


Lime App - React Native App






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