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This community-maintained library, written in Swift, provides an easy way to use the OpenAI REST API.

SPM Compatible Cocoapods Compatible Carthage Compatible License: MIT


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

To install OpenAI, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ExyteOpenAI'

To integrate OpenAI into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile

github "exyte/OpenAI"


  • iOS 16+, tvOS 16+, macOS 13+, watchOS 8+
  • Xcode 15+

Development Roadmap

  • Models
  • Files
  • Assistants
  • Run streaming
  • Chat
  • Swift Concurrency support
  • Audio
  • Images
  • Moderations
  • Fine-tuning
  • Vector Store Files

Assistants API usage

  1. Obtain your API key. Do not share this with others or expose it in any client-side code.

⚠️ OpenAI strongly recommends developers of client-side applications proxy requests through a separate backend service to keep their API key safe. API keys can access and manipulate customer billing, usage, and organizational data, so it's a significant risk to expose them.

  1. Create a client instance.
let client = OpenAI(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
  1. Create an Assistant by defining its instructions and model.
let assistantPayload = CreateAssistantPayload(model: .gpt_4o, name: "My Assistant", instructions: "Be funny")
client.createAssistant(from: assistantPayload) <...>
  1. Create a Thread to start the conversation.
let threadPayload = CreateThreadPayload(messages: [...], metadata: [...])
client.createThread(from: threadPayload) <...>
  1. Add Messages to the Thread from the user.
let messagePayload = CreateMessagePayload(role: .user, content: "Hello!")
client.createMessage(in: threadId, payload: messagePayload) <...>
  1. Run the Assistant on the Thread to generate a response.
client.createRun(in: threadId, payload: CreateRunPayload(assistantId: assistantId)) <...>
  1. Check the Run status until it is completed or failed.
client.retrieveRun(id: runId, from: threadId)
  1. Retrieve the Messages from the Assistant.
let listPayload = ListPayload(after: lastMessageId)
client.listMessages(from: threadId, payload: listPayload) <...>

For more detailed information about OpenAI Assistants API usage, please refer to and our Examples section.

Available endpoints


Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.

    from: CreateChatCompletionPayload(
        model: model,
        messages: [ChatCompletionMessage(role: .user, content: "Hello")]

Returns ChatCompletion


List and describe the various models available in the API. A list of models and their differences can be found on


Returns ObjectList<Model>

retrieveModel(with: modelId)

Returns Model

deleteModel(with: modelId)

Returns DeletionStatus


Files are used to upload documents that can be used with features like Assistants.

uploadFile(payload: FilePayload(purpose: filePurpose, fileURL: fileURL))

Returns File


Returns ObjectList<File>

retrieveFile(id: fileId)

Returns File

deleteFile(id: fileId)

Returns DeletionStatus

retrieveFileContent(id: fileId, destinationURL: destinationURL)

Returns URL


Build assistants that can call models and use tools to perform tasks.

createAssistant(from: CreateAssistantPayload(model: model, name: name, ...))

Returns Assistant

listAssistants(payload: ListPayload(limit: limit, ...))

Returns ObjectList<Assistant>

retrieveAssistant(id: assistantId)

Returns Assistant

modifyAssistant(id: assistandId, payload: CreateAssistantPayload(model: updatedModel, name: updatedName, ...))

Returns Assistant

deleteAssistant(id: assistantId)

Returns DeletionStatus

    from: CreateThreadPayload(
	messages: [CreateMessagePayload(role: .user, content: "Hello"), ...],
	metadata: ["key1": "value1", ...]

Returns Thread

retrieveThread(id: threadId)

Returns Thread

modifyThread(id: threadId, payload: ModifyPayload(metadata: ["key1": "value1", ...]))

Returns Thread

deleteThread(id: threadId)

Returns DeletionStatus

createMessage(in: threadId, payload: CreateMessagePayload(role: .user, content: "Hello"))

Returns Message

listMessages(from: threadId, payload: ListPayload(limit: limit))

Returns ObjectList<Message>

retrieveMessage(id: messageId, from: threadId)

Returns Message

modifyMessage(id: messageId, from: threadId, payload: ModifyPayload(metadata: ["key1": "value1", ...]))

Returns Message

createRun(in: threadId, payload: CreateRunPayload(assistantId: assistantId, ...))

Returns Run

createStreamRun(in: threadId, payload: CreateStreamRunPayload(assistantId: assistantId))

Returns StreamEvent sequence

    from: CreateThreadAndRunPayload(
	assistantId: assistantId,
	thread: CreateThreadPayload(
	    messages: [CreateMessagePayload(role: .user, content: "Hello"), ...],
	    metadata: ["key1": "value1", ...]

Returns Run

listRuns(from: threadId, payload: ListPayload(limit: limit, ...))

Returns ObjectList<Run>

retrieveRun(id: runId, from: threadId)

Returns Run

modifyRun(id: runId, from: threadId, payload: ModifyPayload(metadata: ["key1": "value1", ...]))

Returns Run

cancelRun(id: runId, from: threadId)

Returns Run

listRunSteps(from: runId, in: threadId, payload: ListPayload(limit: limit, ...))

Returns ObjectList<RunStep>

retrieveRunStep(id: runStepId, from: runId, in: threadId)

Returns RunStep


To try the OpenAIAssistants examples:

  • Clone the repo
  • Open OpenAIAssistantsExample/OpenAIAssistantsExample.xcodeproj
  • Try it!

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