ATX monitor is a cheap way to build a work bench power supply from an old ATX block. It uses an arduino and a LCD display to monitor and display output values (both voltage and current) from 3.3V, 5V and 12V rails.
- 1 x ATX power supply
- 1 x Arduino (pro mini)
- 1 x An LCD display compatible with LiquidCrystal (YB2004A 20x4 lines)
- 6 x Some resistor to build voltage divider, value is not important as you avoid more that 5V output
- 3 x ACS 712 current sensor modules (you can also build yourself with a raw ACS712 and a couple of resistor and capacitor)
I used an Arduino pro mini.
- LCDRs -> Arduino pin 4
- LCDEn -> Arduino pin 5
- LCDDb4 -> Arduino pin6
- LCDDb5 -> Arduino pin7
- LCDDb6 -> Arduino pin8
- LCDDb7 -> Arduino pin9
- 12V ATX output -> voltage divider -> Arduino pin A5
- 5V ATX output -> voltage divider -> Arduino pin A4
- 3.3V ATX output -> Arduino pin A3
- 12V rail ACS712 -> Arduino pin A0
- 5V rail ACS712 -> Arduino pin A1
- 3.3V rail ACS712 -> Arduino pin A2
Adjust values from DEFINE section to match your hardware.