ezplatform-ee-installer changes between v2.5.0 and v3.0.0
- EZP-30605: Upgrade
to use Symfony 4 components (#49) - EZP-30846: As a Maintainer I want to drop deprecated Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder::root method calls (#57)
- EZP-30898: As a Developer I want deprecated CleanInstaller to be dropped (#58)
- EZEE-2921: Move Editorial Workflow schema from installer to Bundle (#59)
- EZEE-2855: Move flex workflow to Symfony workflow (#60)
- EZP-31478: As A Maintainer I want to drop Legacy (SQL) Search Engine FullText data from clean data (#61)
- EZP-31220: As a Developer I'd like eZ Platform packages to be compatible with Symfony 5 (#62)
- EZP-31007: As a Maintainer I want to install ezplatform-kernel instead of ezpublish-kernel (#64)
- EZEE-2988: As an Editor, I want to schedule hiding of a content item (#65)
- EZP-31518: Implement welcome page (#66)