Final project for subject PJV (Programming in Java) of CTU FEE.
Main functions:
- Singleplayer
- Multiplayer
- Continue loaded game
- Timer
- Press Start and choose type of game (Singleplayer or Multiplayer)
- Type your name
- Play the game: click on piece to choose it and click on another square to make move.
Project has MVC structure:
Start - main runnable class, create Controller
Controller - class, which controlls View and Model classes
view package
- View (extends Application) - GUI, visualisat of game
- MenuScene (extends Scene) - makes Menu layout Scene
- BoardScene (extends Scene) - makes chess board layout Scene (main playground Scene)
model package
- Model - main Logic class, controlls all data classes
- Player - representation of player
- ComputerPlayer - class, which extendst Player class and represents Computer move, when player playes single game.
- Squares - boxes on Chess board
- Board - representation of chess board
model.piece package
- Piece - abstract class for representation chess pieces
- BishopPiece - representation of Bishop piece
- KingPiece - representation of King piece
- KnightPiece - representation of Knight piece
- PawnPiece - representation of Pawn piece
- QueenPiece - representation of Queen piece
- RookPiece - representatnion of Rook piece
Project UML diagram