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Declarative environment variables for TypeScript.

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// env.ts - declares everything needed from the environment
import { boolean, url } from "austenite";

export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets");
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: false },
// run.ts - starts the service/app, uses declarations from above
import { initialize } from "austenite/node";
import { cdnUrl, isDebug } from "./env.ts";

// validates the environment, option defaults shown here
await initialize({
  // set to "none" to disable Markdown pretty-printing
  markdownPrettyPrint: "prettier",

// cdnUrl.value() is a URL
console.log(`CDN URL hostname is ${cdnUrl.value().hostname}`);

// isDebug.value() is a boolean
console.log(`Debug mode is ${isDebug.value() ? "enabled" : "disabled"}`);

Validation summaries

If the environment is invalid, calling initialize() will terminate the process with a non-zero exit code, and output a table that describes what went wrong:

Environment Variables:

❯ CDN_URL                     CDN to use when serving static assets         <URL>                                         ✗ set to, must be a URL
❯ DEBUG                       enable or disable debugging features        [ true | false ] = false                        ✗ set to yes, expected true or false
❯ EARTH_ATOM_COUNT            number of atoms on earth                    [ <big integer> ]                               ✗ set to 5.9722e24, must be a big integer
❯ GRPC_TIMEOUT                gRPC request timeout                        [ <ISO 8601 duration> ]                         ✗ set to PT30S, must be <= PT10S
❯ LOG_LEVEL                   the minimum log level to record             [ debug | info | warn | error | fatal ] = info  ✗ set to silly, expected debug, info, warn, error, or fatal
❯ PORT                        listen port for the HTTP server             [ <port number> ] = 8080                        ✗ set to 65536, must be between 1 and 65535
❯ READ_DSN                    database connection string for read-models    <string>                                      ✗ set to host=localhost, must have a minimum length of 30, but has a length of 14
❯ REDIS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_HOST  kubernetes `redis-primary` service host       <hostname>                                    ✗ set to, must not begin or end with a dot
❯ REDIS_PRIMARY_SERVICE_PORT  kubernetes `redis-primary` service port       <port number>                                 ✗ set to 65536, must be between 1 and 65535
❯ SAMPLE_RATIO                ratio of requests to sample                 [ <number> ]                                    ✗ set to 1/100, must be numeric
❯ SESSION_KEY                 session token signing key                     <base64>                                      ✗ set to <sensitive value>, must be base64 encoded
❯ WEIGHT                      weighting for this node                       <integer>                                     ✗ set to 0, must be >= 1

Generated usage documentation

If the environment variable AUSTENITE_MODE is set to usage/markdown, calling initialize() will terminate the process with a zero exit code, and output a Markdown document containing usage documentation for the environment variables consumed by each declaration.


See for example output.


If you have the prettier NPM package installed, Austenite will pretty-print Markdown output according to your Prettier config for a file at ./

If you have Prettier installed, but don't have a config file for ./, Austenite will use its own default Prettier config.

If you don't have Prettier installed, or if you set the markdownPrettyPrint option to "none", Austenite won't pretty-print Markdown output.



import { bigInteger } from "austenite";

// required
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",

// optional
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
  { default: 5_972_200_000_000_000_000_000_000n },

// min/max
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
    min: 5_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n,
    max: 6_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n,

// example values
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
    examples: [
      { value: 5_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n, label: "5 septillion" },
        value: 6_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000n,
        as: "0x4f68ca6d8cd91c6000000",
        label: "6 septillion",

// constraints
export const earthAtomCount = bigInteger(
  "number of atoms on earth",
    constraints: [
        description: "must be a multiple of 1000",
        constrain: (v) => v % 1_000n === 0n || "must be a multiple of 1000",
    examples: [
      { value: 5_972_200_000_000_000_000_000_000n, label: "5.9722 septillion" },


import { binary } from "austenite";

// required
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key");

// sensitive
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  isSensitive: true,

// optional
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  default: Buffer.from("SUPER_SECRET_256_BIT_SIGNING_KEY", "utf-8"),

// base64url
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  encoding: "base64url",

// hex
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  encoding: "hex",

// exact length
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  length: 32,

// min/max length
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  length: { min: 32, max: 64 },

// example values
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  examples: [
      value: Buffer.from("128_BIT_SIGN_KEY", "utf-8"),
      label: "128-bit key",
      value: Buffer.from("SUPER_SECRET_256_BIT_SIGNING_KEY", "utf-8"),
      as: "U1VQRVJfU0VDUkVUXzI1Nl9CSVRfU0lHTklOR19LRVk",
      label: "256-bit key",

// constraints
export const sessionKey = binary("SESSION_KEY", "session token signing key", {
  constraints: [
      description: "must be 128 or 256 bits",
      constrain: (v) =>
        [16, 32].includes(v.length) || "decoded length must be 16 or 32",
  examples: [
      value: Buffer.from("SUPER_SECRET_256_BIT_SIGNING_KEY", "utf-8"),
      label: "256-bit key",


import { boolean } from "austenite";

// required
export const isDebug = boolean("DEBUG", "enable or disable debugging features");

// optional
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { default: false },

// custom literals
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
  { literals: { y: true, yes: true, n: false, no: false } },

// example values
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
    literals: { y: true, yes: true, n: false, no: false },
    examples: [
      { value: true, label: "enabled" },
      { value: false, as: "no", label: "disabled" },

// constraints
export const isDebug = boolean(
  "enable or disable debugging features",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not be enabled on Windows",
        constrain: (v) =>
          !v ||
          process.platform !== "win32" ||
          "must not be enabled on Windows",
    examples: [{ value: false, label: "disabled" }],


import { Temporal } from "@js-temporal/polyfill";
import { duration } from "austenite";

// required
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout");

// optional
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  default: Temporal.Duration.from("PT10S"),

// min/max
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  min: Temporal.Duration.from({ milliseconds: 100 }),
  max: Temporal.Duration.from({ seconds: 10 }),

// example values
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  examples: [
      value: Temporal.Duration.from({ milliseconds: 100 }),
      label: "100 milliseconds",
      value: Temporal.Duration.from({ seconds: 5 }),
      as: "P0DT5S",
      label: "5 seconds",

// constraints
export const grpcTimeout = duration("GRPC_TIMEOUT", "gRPC request timeout", {
  constraints: [
      description: "must be a multiple of 100 milliseconds",
      constrain: (v) =>
        v.milliseconds % 100 === 0 || "must be a multiple of 100 milliseconds",
  examples: [
      value: Temporal.Duration.from({ milliseconds: 100 }),
      label: "100 milliseconds",


import { enumeration } from "austenite";

const members = {
  debug: { value: "debug", description: "show information for developers" },
  info: { value: "info", description: "standard log messages" },
  warn: {
    value: "warn",
    description: "important, but don't need individual human review",
  error: {
    value: "error",
    description: "a healthy application shouldn't produce any errors",
  fatal: { value: "fatal", description: "the application cannot proceed" },
} as const;

// required
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",

// optional
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
  { default: "error" },

// example values
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
    examples: [
      { value: "debug", label: "if you want lots of output" },
        value: "error",
        label: "if you only want to see when things go wrong",

// constraints
export const logLevel = enumeration(
  "the minimum log level to record",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not be debug on Windows",
        constrain: (v) =>
          v !== "debug" ||
          process.platform !== "win32" ||
          "must not be debug on Windows",
    examples: [
      { value: "error", label: "if you only want to see when things go wrong" },


import { integer } from "austenite";

// required
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node");

// optional
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  default: 123,

// min/max
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  min: 1,
  max: 1000,

// example values
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  examples: [
    { value: 1, label: "lowest weight" },
    { value: 1000, as: "1e3", label: "highest weight" },

// constraints
export const weight = integer("WEIGHT", "weighting for this node", {
  constraints: [
      description: "must be a multiple of 10",
      constrain: (v) => v % 10 === 0 || "must be a multiple of 10",
  examples: [{ value: 100, label: "100" }],


import { kubernetesAddress } from "austenite";

// required
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary");

// optional
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  default: { host: "", port: 6379 },

// example values
export const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  examples: {
    host: [
      { value: "", label: "remote" },
      { value: "redis.localhost", label: "local" },
    port: [
      { value: 6379, label: "standard" },
      { value: 6380, label: "alternate" },

// constraints
const const redisPrimary = kubernetesAddress("redis-primary", {
  constraints: [
      description: "must be allowed",
      constrain: ({ host, port }) =>
        ].includes(`${host}:${port}`) || "not allowed",


import { networkPortNumber } from "austenite";

// required
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",

// optional
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
  { default: 8080 },

// min/max
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
  { min: 49152, max: 65535 },

// example values
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
    examples: [
      { value: 80, label: "standard web" },
      { value: 50080, label: "ephemeral" },

// constraints
export const port = networkPortNumber(
  "listen port for the HTTP server",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not be disallowed",
        constrain: (v) => ![1337, 31337].includes(v) || "not allowed",
    examples: [{ value: 8080, label: "standard" }],


import { number } from "austenite";

// required
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",

// optional
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
  { default: 0.01 },

// min/max
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
  { min: 0.01, max: 0.25 },

// example values
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
    examples: [
      { value: 0.01, label: "1%" },
      { value: 0.25, as: "2.5e-1", label: "25%" },

// constraints
export const sampleRatio = number(
  "ratio of requests to sample",
    constraints: [
        description: "must be a multiple of 0.01",
        constrain: (v) => v % 0.01 === 0 || "must be a multiple of 0.01",
    examples: [{ value: 0.01, label: "1%" }],


import { string } from "austenite";

// required
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",

// sensitive
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { isSensitive: true },

// optional
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { default: undefined },

// default
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { default: "host=localhost dbname=readmodels user=projector" },

// exact length
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { length: 100 },

// min/max length
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
  { length: { min: 100, max: 1000 } },

// example values
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
    examples: [
        value: "host=localhost dbname=readmodels user=projector",
        label: "local",
        value: " dbname=readmodels user=projector",
        label: "remote",

// constraints
export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not contain a password",
        constrain: (v) =>
          !v.includes("password") || "must not contain a password",
    examples: [
        value: "host=localhost dbname=readmodels user=projector",
        label: "local",


import { url } from "austenite";

// required
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets");

// optional
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  default: undefined,

// default
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  default: new URL(""),

// limit to specified protocol(s)
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  protocols: ["https"],

// resolve against a base URL
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  base: new URL(""),

// example values
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  base: new URL(""),
  examples: [
      value: new URL(""),
      label: "absolute",
      value: new URL(""),
      as: "resource",
      label: "relative",

// constraints
export const cdnUrl = url("CDN_URL", "CDN to use when serving static assets", {
  constraints: [
      description: "must not be a local URL",
      constrain: (v) =>
        !v.hostname.endsWith(".local") || "must not be a local URL",
  examples: [
      value: new URL(""),
      label: "absolute",


You can specify custom constraints in a few ways.

To make a constraint fail, you can either throw an error or return an error message string.

To make a constraint pass, don't throw, and don't return anything, or return undefined if you prefer to be explicit. You can also return true to make your constraint pass, if you want to use the || operator for a more compact expression.

// exception-based constraint

import { string } from "austenite";

export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not contain a password",
        constrain: (v) => {
          // pass by not throwing
          if (!v.includes("password")) return;

          // fail by throwing an error
          throw new Error("must not contain a password");
// return-based constraint

import { string } from "austenite";

export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not contain a password",
        constrain: (v) => {
          // pass by returning undefined
          if (!v.includes("password")) return undefined;

          // fail by returning a string
          return "must not contain a password";
// compact return-based constraint

import { string } from "austenite";

export const readDsn = string(
  "database connection string for read-models",
    constraints: [
        description: "must not contain a password",
        constrain: (v) =>
          !v.includes("password") || "must not contain a password",

Explicit typing

If you want to explicitly type your declarations, you can use the Declaration<T> type:

import { type Declaration } from "austenite";

export const nodeEnv: Declaration<"development" | "production"> = enumeration(
  "Node.js environment",
    development: {
      value: "development",
      description: "the app is under active development",
    production: {
      value: "production",
      description: "the app is running normally",
    default: "development",

If your declaration is optional, you must include undefined in the union type:

import { type Declaration } from "austenite";

export const nodeEnv: Declaration<"development" | "production" | undefined> =
    "Node.js environment",
      development: {
        value: "development",
        description: "the app is under active development",
      production: {
        value: "production",
        description: "the app is running normally",
      default: undefined,

See also

This package is heavily inspired by Ferrite, which provides similar features for Go.


Declarative environment variables for TypeScript






Contributors 4
