Clone the faasm/experiment-base and follow the instructions there to set up the repo structure (including this repo) and your Azure account. You will also have to clone the main faasm repo.
For convinience, we export two env. variables:
export FAASM_EXP_BASE_DIR=<path/to/faasm/experiment-base>
export FAASM_DIR=<path/to/faasm/faasm>
source ./bin/
inv cluster.provision --vm Standard_DC4s_v3 --nodes 4 --location eastus2 --sgx
inv cluster.credentials
Deploy the Faasm cluster:
inv k8s.deploy --workers=4 --sgx
Check that the SGX plugins are enabled:
# You should see both device and plugin stuff
kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep sgx
First create the VM:
cd ~/experiment-base
source ./bin/
inv vm.create --sgx --region eastus2
Then provision it:
inv vm.inventory --prefix faasm-sgx
# May have to comment out the linux-hwe-20.04 in ansible/tasks/base.yml`
inv vm.setup
SSH into the VM and then:
cd ~/code/faasm
./bin/ faasm-sgx
inv dev.cmake --sgx Hardware
Note, if you want to fetch a branch different than master you may have to run:
cd ~/code/faasm
git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
When you are done, delete the VM:
# List VMs and copy the relevant name (with sgx)
inv vm.list-all
inv vm.delete <vm_name>