This package is no longer maintained. If you have a well maintained fork, please send me an email so I can add a link to it here.
Meteor template components to use with Semantic-UI.
semantic-ui package is NOT included in this package, to allow you to use a customized version if you need to. If you don't use a custom version, you must add the default package
to your meteor app, otherwise, there will be no styling.
In your Meteor app directory:
$ meteor add fabienb4:semantic-ui-components
page templateLoading
page templatemenu
- Page templates are entire pages (to be used with iron:router package for example).
- Components are to be included in your pages when needed.
With iron:router package:
loadingTemplate: "Loading",
onBeforeAction: function() {
if (! Meteor.status().connected) {
} else {;
{{> menu items=items classes="blue inverted"}}
The items
attribute is used to create the menu's items. It must have one of the following formats:
// Simple
items = [
{ href: "link-one", value: "Link One" },
{ value: "Item Two" }
// With icon/flag
items = [
{ href: "link-one", icon: "file text icon" },
{ value: "Item Two", icon: "my flag" },
// Sub-menu (dropdown)
items = [
{ href: "link-one", value: "Link One" },
{ value: "Item Two", icon: "file text icon" },
value: [
{ href: "sub-link-one", value: "Sub Link One", icon: "file text icon" },
{ value: "Sub Item Two" },
icon: "file text icon"
In the following example
are reactive variables from the template helpers (they can also come from the current data context).
// Small inverted progress bar
{{> progressBar classNames="small inverted" current=currentValue total=maxValue}}
// Progress bar that changes color when completed
{{> progressBar current=currentValue total=maxValue completeClass="green"}}
// Progress bar with style when low (useful for countdown)
{{> progressBar current=currentValue total=maxValue styleLowBar=true low=20 veryLow=10}}
// Progress bar with ratio display
{{> progressBar current=currentValue total=maxValue showRatio=true}}
// Progress bar with percent display
{{> progressBar current=currentValue total=maxValue showPercent=true}}
// Colored progress bar with label display
{{> progressBar classNames="labeled green" label="Capacity" current=currentValue total=maxValue}}
// Colored progress bar with label & ratio display
{{> progressBar label="Capacity" current=currentValue total=maxValue showRatio=true}}
{{> searchInput}}
// With ID
{{> searchInput id="searchName"}}
// With placeholder
{{> searchInput placeholder="Search..."}}
and name
attributes MUST be passed to the template.
WARNING: Categories and selection/search don't play well together
// Simple
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items}}
// With a custom placeholder
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items placeholder="Select an item"}}
// Specify classes for the dropdown (default: "fluid selection")
{{> selectDropdown name="items" options=items classNames="compact selection"}}
// Remove default "fluid selection" from classes
{{> selectDropdown name="items" options=items classNames=""}}
// Required select
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items required=true}}
// Searchable select (**do not play well with categories**)
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items search=true}}
// Searchable select with full text search (**do not play well with categories**)
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items fullTextSearch=true}}
// Allow additions
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items allowAdditions=true}}
// Allow category selection
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items allowCategorySelection=true}}
// Multiple selections
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items multiple=true}}
// Maximum selections
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items maxSelections=true}}
// Don't use labels
{{> selectDropdown name="items" items=items useLabels=false}}
The items
attribute is used to create the select's options. It must have one of the following formats:
// Simple
items = [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
// With icon/flag/label/description
// See:
items = [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1", icon: "file text icon" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2", icon: "bz flag" },
{ value: "3", label: "Item 3", circularLabel: "red" },
{ value: "4", label: "Item 4", description: "new" }
// Groups with headers
// See:
items = [
itemGroup: "Group one",
items: [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
itemGroup: "Group two",
items: [
{ value: "3", label: "Item 3" },
{ value: "4", label: "Item 4" }
// Categories (**do not play well with selection/search**)
// See:
items = [
category: { value: "cat-one", label: "Category one" },// value used if allowCategorySelection
items: [
{ value: "1", label: "Item 1" },
{ value: "2", label: "Item 2" }
category: { label: "Category two" },
items: [
{ value: "3", label: "Item 3" },
{ value: "4", label: "Item 4" }
Some extensions to semantic-ui default build that are useful when using Meteor.
<i class="reversing magnet icon"></i>
Anyone is welcome to contribute. Fork, make your changes (test them!), and then submit a pull request.
Bitcoin: 34o6GtZPvVXparT46Zw2kfdxex2SWRpkGS