This is a library for the Smart Citizen Kit V2.0 for performing audio analysis.
It's intented to perform audio analysis on a SAMD21 processor of a MEMS I2S microphone output. The signal analysis is performed through a FFTAnalyser.
- Signal windowing through hann method
- FFT analysis with arm's cortex funtion on q31_t data type
- Spectrum calculation and configurable weigthing through look-up table (A, C or Z)
- Custom Spectrum Equalisation
- RMS calculation and dB scale Convertion
There is an octave script in /OCTAVE/WEIGHTING that generates a custom weighting table as specifies in the actual legislation. It outputs a csv file that can be used for LUT generation.
For further functionalities, such as configurable Audio Analysis through FFT, FIR filter and so on, visit here.
With kind references to: