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Merge pull request #3396 from fable-compiler/ts-erased-union
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Emit Fable erased unions as TS union types
  • Loading branch information
alfonsogarciacaro authored Apr 4, 2023
2 parents d15006f + 446c8c0 commit 216d3d1
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Showing 23 changed files with 732 additions and 615 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Fable.Transforms/BabelPrinter.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ module PrinterExtensions =
| ArrayExpression _
| ObjectExpression _
| JsxTemplate _
| JsxElement _ -> printer.Print(expr)
| JsxElement _
| UnaryExpression _ -> printer.Print(expr)
| _ -> printer.WithParens(expr)

member printer.PrintOperation(left, operator, right, loc) =
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/Dart/Fable2Dart.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ module Util =

| Fable.TypeCast(expr, t) ->
match t with
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntFullName(Types.ienumerableGeneric | Types.ienumerable), [_]) ->
| Fable.DeclaredType(EntRefFullName(Types.ienumerableGeneric | Types.ienumerable), [_]) ->
match expr with
// Optimization for (numeric) array or list literals casted to seq
// Done at the very end of the compile pipeline to get more opportunities
Expand All @@ -1494,15 +1494,15 @@ module Util =
| ExprType(Fable.Array _ | Fable.List _) ->
transform com ctx returnStrategy expr

| ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType(EntFullName(Types.dictionary | Types.idictionary), _)) ->
| ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType(EntRefFullName(Types.dictionary | Types.idictionary), _)) ->
transformExprAndResolve com ctx returnStrategy expr (fun expr ->
let t = transformType com ctx t
get t expr "entries")

| ExprType(Fable.String) ->
Dart.Replacements.stringToCharSeq expr |> transform com ctx returnStrategy

| ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType(EntFullName "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match", _)) ->
| ExprType(Fable.DeclaredType(EntRefFullName "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match", _)) ->
Dart.Replacements.regexMatchToSeq com t expr |> transform com ctx returnStrategy

| _ -> transformCast com ctx t returnStrategy expr
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Fable.Transforms/Dart/Replacements.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ let regexMatchToSeq com t e =

let regex com (ctx: Context) r t (i: CallInfo) (thisArg: Expr option) (args: Expr list) =
let isGroup = function
| ExprType (EntFullName "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group") -> true
| ExprType(DeclaredTypeFullName "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group") -> true
| _ -> false

let createRegex r t args =
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347 changes: 12 additions & 335 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/FSharp2Fable.Util.fs

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

148 changes: 96 additions & 52 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/Fable2Babel.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -294,9 +294,6 @@ module Reflection =
|> libReflectionCall com ctx r "class"

let private ofString s = Expression.stringLiteral(s)
let private ofArray babelExprs = Expression.arrayExpression(List.toArray babelExprs)

let transformTypeTest (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx range expr (typ: Fable.Type): Expression =
let warnAndEvalToFalse msg =
"Cannot type test (evals to false): " + msg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,8 +437,7 @@ module Annotation =
| Replacements.Util.Builtin kind ->
makeBuiltinTypeAnnotation com ctx typ kind
| Fable.DeclaredType(entRef, genArgs) ->
let ent = com.GetEntity(entRef)
makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx ent genArgs
com.GetEntity(entRef) |> makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs

let makeTypeAnnotationIfTypeScript (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx typ expr =
if com.IsTypeScript then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,8 +563,9 @@ module Annotation =
TypeAnnotation.functionTypeAnnotation(funcTypeParams, returnType)

// Move this to Replacements.tryEntity?
let tryNativeOrFableLibraryInterface com ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) genArgs =
let tryNativeOrFableLibraryInterface com ctx genArgs (ent: Fable.Entity) =
match ent.FullName with
| _ when not ent.IsInterface -> None
| Types.icollection
-> makeNativeTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs "Iterable" |> Some
// -> makeImportTypeAnnotation com ctx [Fable.Any] "Util" "ICollection"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -607,31 +604,56 @@ module Annotation =
-> makeImportTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs "Observable" "IObserver" |> Some
| Types.iobservableGeneric
-> makeImportTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs "Observable" "IObservable" |> Some
| "Microsoft.FSharp.Control.IEvent`1"
-> makeImportTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs "Event" "IEvent" |> Some
| Types.ievent2
-> makeImportTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs "Event" "IEvent$2" |> Some
| _ -> None

let makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx (ent: Fable.Entity) genArgs =
match ent.FullName, genArgs with
| Types.nullable, [genArg] ->
let makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs (ent: Fable.Entity) =
match genArgs, ent with
| [genArg], EntFullName Types.nullable ->
makeNullableTypeAnnotation com ctx genArg
| _ ->
if ent.IsInterface
then tryNativeOrFableLibraryInterface com ctx ent genArgs
else None
|> Option.defaultWith (fun () ->
match Lib.tryJsConstructorForAnnotation true com ctx ent with
| Some entRef ->
match entRef with
| Literal(Literal.StringLiteral(StringLiteral(str, _))) ->
match str with
| "number" -> NumberTypeAnnotation
| "boolean" -> BooleanTypeAnnotation
| "string" -> StringTypeAnnotation
| _ -> AnyTypeAnnotation
| Expression.Identifier(id) ->
makeGenericTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs id
// TODO: Resolve references to types in nested modules
| _ -> AnyTypeAnnotation
| None -> AnyTypeAnnotation)

| _, Patterns.Try (Util.tryFindAnyAttribute [Atts.erase; Atts.tsTaggedUnion]) (erasedAtt: Fable.Attribute) ->
if erasedAtt.Entity.FullName = Atts.erase && ent.IsFSharpUnion then
let genArgs = ent.GenericParameters genArgs
|> (fun (p, a) -> p.Name, a)
|> Map

let transformSingleFieldType (uci: Fable.UnionCase) =
List.tryHead uci.UnionCaseFields
|> (fun fi -> fi.FieldType |> resolveInlineType genArgs |> makeTypeAnnotation com ctx)
|> Option.defaultValue VoidTypeAnnotation

match ent.UnionCases with
| [uci] when List.isMultiple uci.UnionCaseFields ->
|> List.mapToArray (fun fi -> fi.FieldType |> resolveInlineType genArgs |> makeTypeAnnotation com ctx)
|> TupleTypeAnnotation
| [uci] -> transformSingleFieldType uci
| ucis -> ucis |> List.mapToArray transformSingleFieldType |> UnionTypeAnnotation

// TODO: tsTaggedUnion
else AnyTypeAnnotation

| _, Patterns.Try (tryNativeOrFableLibraryInterface com ctx genArgs) ta -> ta

| _, Patterns.Try (Lib.tryJsConstructorForAnnotation true com ctx) entRef ->
match entRef with
| Literal(Literal.StringLiteral(StringLiteral(str, _))) ->
match str with
| "number" -> NumberTypeAnnotation
| "boolean" -> BooleanTypeAnnotation
| "string" -> StringTypeAnnotation
| _ -> AnyTypeAnnotation
| Expression.Identifier(id) ->
makeGenericTypeAnnotation com ctx genArgs id
// TODO: Resolve references to types in nested modules
| _ -> AnyTypeAnnotation

| _ -> AnyTypeAnnotation

let makeAnonymousRecordTypeAnnotation com ctx fieldNames fieldTypes: TypeAnnotation = fieldNames fieldTypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1377,9 +1399,17 @@ module Util =

| Fable.Binary(op, left, right) ->
match op, left, right with
| (BinaryEqual | BinaryUnequal), Fable.Value(Fable.Null _, _), e
| (BinaryEqual | BinaryUnequal), e, Fable.Value(Fable.Null _, _) ->
com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, e) |> makeNullCheck range (op = BinaryEqual)
| (BinaryEqual | BinaryUnequal), e1, e2 ->
match e1, e2 with
| Fable.Value(Fable.Null _, _), e
| e, Fable.Value(Fable.Null _, _) ->
com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, e) |> makeNullCheck range (op = BinaryEqual)
| ExprType(Fable.MetaType), _ ->
let e = Replacements.Util.Helper.LibCall(com, "Reflection", "equals", Fable.Boolean, [e1; e2], ?loc=range)
let e = if op = BinaryEqual then e else makeUnOp None Fable.Boolean e UnaryNot
transformAsExpr com ctx e
| TransformExpr com ctx left, TransformExpr com ctx right ->
Expression.binaryExpression(op, left, right, ?loc=range)

| _, TransformExpr com ctx left, TransformExpr com ctx right ->
Expression.binaryExpression(op, left, right, ?loc=range)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1655,6 +1685,18 @@ module Util =
let kind = if var.IsMutable then Let else Const
[| Statement.variableDeclaration(kind, var.Name, ?annotation=ta, typeParameters=tp, init=value) |]

let transformUnionCaseTag (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx typ tag =
if com.IsTypeScript then
match typ with
| Fable.DeclaredType(ent, _) ->
let ent = com.GetEntity(ent)
match tryJsConstructorWithSuffix com ctx ent "_Tag" with
| Some(Expression.Identifier(tagIdent)) -> EnumCaseLiteral(tagIdent, ent.UnionCases[tag].Name) |> Literal
| _ -> ofInt tag
| _ -> ofInt tag
ofInt tag

let transformTest (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx range kind expr: Expression =
match kind with
| Fable.TypeTest t ->
Expand All @@ -1666,23 +1708,19 @@ module Util =
let expr = libCall com ctx range "List" "isEmpty" [] [expr]
if nonEmpty then Expression.unaryExpression(UnaryNot, expr, ?loc=range) else expr
| Fable.UnionCaseTest tag ->
let expected =
if com.IsTypeScript then
match expr.Type with
| Fable.DeclaredType(ent, _) ->
let ent = com.GetEntity(ent)
match tryJsConstructorWithSuffix com ctx ent "_Tag" with
| Some(Expression.Identifier(tagIdent)) -> EnumCaseLiteral(tagIdent, ent.UnionCases[tag].Name) |> Literal
| _ -> ofInt tag
| _ -> ofInt tag
ofInt tag
let expected = transformUnionCaseTag com ctx expr.Type tag
let actual = getUnionExprTag com ctx None expr
Expression.binaryExpression(BinaryEqual, actual, expected, ?loc=range)

let transformSwitch (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx useBlocks returnStrategy evalExpr cases defaultCase: Statement =
let transformSwitch (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx useBlocks returnStrategy (evalExpr: Fable.Expr) cases defaultCase: Statement =
let consequent caseBody =
if useBlocks then [|Statement.blockStatement(caseBody)|] else caseBody

let transformGuard = function
| Fable.Test(expr, Fable.UnionCaseTest tag, _) ->
transformUnionCaseTag com ctx expr.Type tag
| TransformExpr com ctx e -> e

let cases =
cases |> List.collect (fun (guards, expr) ->
// Remove empty branches
Expand All @@ -1691,20 +1729,22 @@ module Util =
| _, _, [] -> []
| _, _, guards ->
let guards, lastGuard = List.splitLast guards
let guards = guards |> (fun e -> SwitchCase.switchCase([||], com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, e)))
let guards = guards |> (fun e -> SwitchCase.switchCase(transformGuard e))
let caseBody = com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, returnStrategy, expr)
let caseBody =
match returnStrategy with
| Some Return -> caseBody
| _ -> Array.append caseBody [|Statement.breakStatement()|]
guards @ [SwitchCase.switchCase(consequent caseBody, com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, lastGuard))]
guards @ [SwitchCase.switchCase(transformGuard lastGuard, consequent caseBody)]

let cases =
match defaultCase with
| Some expr ->
let defaultCaseBody = com.TransformAsStatements(ctx, returnStrategy, expr)
cases @ [SwitchCase.switchCase(consequent defaultCaseBody)]
cases @ [SwitchCase.switchCase(body=consequent defaultCaseBody)]
| None -> cases

Statement.switchStatement(com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, evalExpr), List.toArray cases)

let matchTargetIdentAndValues idents values =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1758,9 +1798,8 @@ module Util =
| _, Fable.Value((Fable.CharConstant _ | Fable.StringConstant _ | Fable.NumberConstant _), _) -> Some(left, right)
| Fable.Value((Fable.CharConstant _ | Fable.StringConstant _ | Fable.NumberConstant _), _), _ -> Some(right, left)
| _ -> None
| Fable.Test(expr, Fable.UnionCaseTest tag, _) ->
| Fable.Test(expr, Fable.UnionCaseTest _, _) as right ->
let evalExpr = Fable.Get(expr, Fable.UnionTag, Fable.Number(Int32, Fable.NumberInfo.Empty), None)
let right = makeIntConst tag
Some(evalExpr, right)
| _ -> None
let sameEvalExprs evalExpr1 evalExpr2 =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2297,6 +2336,10 @@ module Util =
let hasAttribute fullName (atts: Fable.Attribute seq) =
atts |> Seq.exists (fun att -> att.Entity.FullName = fullName)

let tryFindAnyAttribute fullNames (ent: Fable.Entity) =
let fullNames = set fullNames
ent.Attributes |> Seq.tryFind (fun att -> Set.contains att.Entity.FullName fullNames)

let transformModuleFunction (com: IBabelCompiler) ctx (info: Fable.MemberFunctionOrValue) (membName: string) (args: Fable.Ident list) body =
let isJsx = hasAttribute Atts.jsxComponent info.Attributes
let args, body =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2547,9 +2590,7 @@ module Util =

let extends =
|> (fun parent ->
let ent = com.GetEntity(parent.Entity)
makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx ent parent.GenericArgs)
|> (fun parent -> com.GetEntity(parent.Entity) |> makeEntityTypeAnnotation com ctx parent.GenericArgs)
|> Seq.toArray

let typeParameters =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2618,7 +2659,10 @@ module Util =
| Fable.ClassDeclaration decl ->
let entRef = decl.Entity
let ent = com.GetEntity(entRef)
if ent.IsInterface then
let isErased = tryFindAnyAttribute [Atts.erase; Atts.tsTaggedUnion] ent |> Option.isSome
if isErased then
elif ent.IsInterface then
if com.IsTypeScript
then [transformInterfaceDeclaration com ctx decl ent]
else []
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63 changes: 54 additions & 9 deletions src/Fable.Transforms/FableTransforms.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,11 +181,15 @@ let noSideEffectBeforeIdent identName expr =
findIdentOrSideEffect expr && not sideEffect

let canInlineArg identName value body =
(canHaveSideEffects value |> not && countReferences 1 identName body <= 1)
|| (noSideEffectBeforeIdent identName body
&& isIdentCaptured identName body |> not
// Make sure is at least referenced once so the expression is not erased
&& countReferences 1 identName body = 1)
match value with
| Value((Null _|UnitConstant|TypeInfo _|BoolConstant _|NumberConstant _|CharConstant _),_) -> true
| Value(StringConstant s,_) -> s.Length < 100
| _ ->
(canHaveSideEffects value |> not && countReferences 1 identName body <= 1)
|| (noSideEffectBeforeIdent identName body
&& isIdentCaptured identName body |> not
// Make sure is at least referenced once so the expression is not erased
&& countReferences 1 identName body = 1)

/// Returns arity of lambda (or lambda option) types
let (|Arity|) typ =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,6 +331,26 @@ module private Transforms =
| None -> e
| e -> e

let typeEqualsAtCompileTime t1 t2 =
let stripMeasure = function
| Number(kind, NumberInfo.IsMeasure _) -> Number(kind, NumberInfo.Empty)
| t -> t
typeEquals true (stripMeasure t1) (stripMeasure t2)

let rec tryEqualsAtCompileTime a b =
match a, b with
| Value(TypeInfo(a, []),_), Value(TypeInfo(b, []),_) ->
typeEqualsAtCompileTime a b |> Some
| Value(Null _,_), Value(Null _,_)
| Value(UnitConstant,_), Value(UnitConstant,_) -> Some true
| Value(BoolConstant a,_), Value(BoolConstant b,_) -> Some(a = b)
| Value(CharConstant a,_), Value(CharConstant b,_) -> Some(a = b)
| Value(StringConstant a,_), Value(StringConstant b,_) -> Some(a = b)
| Value(NumberConstant(a,_,_),_), Value(NumberConstant(b,_,_),_) -> Some(a = b)
| Value(NewOption(None,_,_) ,_), Value(NewOption(None,_,_),_) -> Some true
| Value(NewOption(Some a,_,_),_), Value(NewOption(Some b,_,_),_) -> tryEqualsAtCompileTime a b
| _ -> None

let operationReduction (_com: Compiler) e =
match e with
// TODO: Other binary operations and numeric types
Expand All @@ -339,10 +363,31 @@ module private Transforms =
Value(NumberConstant(v1 + v2, AST.Int32, NumberInfo.Empty), addRanges [r1; r2])
| _ -> e

| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalAnd, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v1), v2), _, _, _) -> if b then v2 else v1
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalAnd, v1, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v2)), _, _, _) -> if b then v1 else v2
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalOr, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v1), v2), _, _, _) -> if b then v1 else v2
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalOr, v1, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v2)), _, _, _) -> if b then v2 else v1
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalAnd, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v1), v2), [], _, _) -> if b then v2 else v1
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalAnd, v1, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v2)), [], _, _) -> if b then v1 else v2
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalOr, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v1), v2), [], _, _) -> if b then v1 else v2
| Operation(Logical(AST.LogicalOr, v1, (Value(BoolConstant b, _) as v2)), [], _, _) -> if b then v2 else v1

| Operation(Unary(AST.UnaryNot, Value(BoolConstant b, r)), [], _, _) -> Value(BoolConstant(not b), r)

| Operation(Binary((AST.BinaryEqual | AST.BinaryUnequal as op), v1, v2), [], _, _) ->
let isNot = op = AST.BinaryUnequal
tryEqualsAtCompileTime v1 v2
|> (fun b -> (if isNot then not b else b) |> makeBoolConst)
|> Option.defaultValue e

| Test(expr, kind, _) ->
match kind, expr with
// This optimization doesn't work well with erased unions
// | TypeTest typ, expr ->
// typeEqualsAtCompileTime typ expr.Type |> makeBoolConst
| OptionTest isSome, Value(NewOption(expr,_,_),_)->
isSome = Option.isSome expr |> makeBoolConst
| ListTest isCons, Value(NewList(headAndTail,_),_) ->
isCons = Option.isSome headAndTail |> makeBoolConst
| UnionCaseTest tag1, Value(NewUnion(_,tag2,_,_),_) ->
tag1 = tag2 |> makeBoolConst
| _ -> e

| IfThenElse(Value(BoolConstant b, _), thenExpr, elseExpr, _) -> if b then thenExpr else elseExpr

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