An implementation of Monitoring Rewards based on the paper Temporal Logic Monitoring Rewards via Transducers
It is developed to be easily integrated with OpenAI Gym environments.
You need to install the python flloat library in order to use this library.
- First install flloat
pip install flloat
- Then clone this repo
git clone htts://
A Monitoring Specification is composed by a LTLf formula and 4 numeric reward values.
MonitoringSpecification(ltlf_formula, r, c, s, f)
A monitor takes observations from an environment and gives rewards to an agent acting on it.
A Reward Monitor is built from a single Monitoring Specification and a mapping from environment's observations to transducer's traces.
It takes a single environment's observation and gives a reward according to its specification together with a flag that tells if the underlying automata went to an inescapable state.
reward_monitor = RewardMonitor(
# ...
reward, is_perm = reward_monitor(observation)
A Multi Reward Monitor is built from a list of Monitoring Specifications and a mapping from environment's observations to transducer's traces and gives rewards.
It takes a single environment's observation and gives as reward the sum of the rewards of the specifications from which is made together with a flag that tells if the underlying automata went to an inescapable state.
multi_monitor = MultiRewardMonitor(
# ...
reward, is_perm = multi_monitor(observation)
This library provides either single or multiple monitoring reward specifications.
Let's consider as example the Mountain Car environment.
As stated in the paper:
The state space is the set of pair <position, velocity>. A reward of −1 is given at each timestep. The goal state is when position ≥ 0.5. We model the reward function with a monitoring temporal specification (♦goal, 0, −1, 0, 0), where goal is a fluent that is true when (position ≥ 0.5), false otherwise.
# We define the LTLf formula
ltlf_formula="F goal" # ♦goal
# We define the Monitoring Specification
monitoring_specification = MonitoringSpecification(
# We define a function that map environment's observations into trace steps
def obs_to_trace_step(observation) -> TraceStep:
position, velocity = observation
if position >= 0.5:
return {'goal': True}
return {'goal': False}
# We create a Reward Monitor
reward_monitor = RewardMonitor(
# Import and initialize Mountain Car Environment
env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0')
while not done:
action = agent.act()
observation, _, done, info = env.step(action)
reward, is_perm = reward_monitor(observation)
# To stop the episode earlier
done = done | is_perm
Let's consider as example the Taxi domain.
As stated in the paper:
There are 4 locations and the goal is to pick up the passenger at one location (the taxi itself is a possible location) and drop him off in another. The reward is +20 points for a successful drop-off, and -1 point for every timestep it takes. There is also a -10 reward signal for illegal pick-up and drop-off actions. The goal state is when the passenger is dropped off at the right place. We can model the Taxi problem as a sequence task: (♦(p ∧ ♦q), 0, −1, +20, 0), where p means “pick up the passenger” and q means “drop-off the passenger to the right location”. The bad action penalty is another temporal specification (♦bad action, −10, 0, 0, 0).
# We define the LTLf formulas
ltlf_formula_1="F(p & F(q))" # ♦(p ∧ ♦q)
ltlf_formula_2="F(bad_action)" # ♦bad_action
# We define the Monitoring Specifications
monitoring_specification_1 = MonitoringSpecification(
monitoring_specification_2 = MonitoringSpecification(
monitoring_specifications = [monitoring_specification_1, monitoring_specification_2]
# We define a function that map environment's observations into trace steps
def obs_to_trace_step(observation) -> TraceStep:
# ...
# We create a Multi Reward Monitor
multi_monitor = MultiRewardMonitor(
# Import and initialize Taxi domain Environment
env = gym.make('Taxi-v2')
while not done:
action = agent.act()
observation, _, done, info = env.step(action)
reward, is_perm = multi_monitor(observation)
# To stop the episode earlier
done = done | is_perm
When you train an agent on multiple episodes you usually reset the environment every time an episode end.
You can do the same with a Monitor:
for episode in range(num_episodes):
while not done:
action = agent.act()
observation, _, done, info = env.step(action)
reward, is_perm = monitor(observation)
# To stop the episode earlier
done = done | is_perm