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@steveluscher steveluscher released this 12 Apr 01:01
· 9128 commits to main since this release
  • Added a React Native / Relay TodoMVC example app.
  • You can now render multiple Relay apps at once, each with their own store.
    The following APIs are early versions and are as of yet undocumented so please
    use them with caution.
    • Added Relay.Environment. Relay.Store is now simply a global instance of
      RelayEnvironment. To create your own isolated store and network subsystem,
      create a new RelayEnvironment() and make use of it wherever environment
      is required.
    • Use Relay.Environment#injectNetworkLayer to inject a custom network layer
      for use within the context of a particular Relay.Environment instance.
    • Added Relay.ReadyStateRenderer. This component takes in an instance of
      Relay.Environment, a queryConfig that conforms to the
      RelayQueryConfigInterface, and a Relay container. It renders
      synchronously based on the supplied readyState. This primitive enables you
      to create alternatives to Relay.Renderer that fetch and handle data in a
      custom way (eg. for server rendered applications).
    • Added Relay.Renderer – a replacement for Relay.RootContainer that
      composes a Relay.ReadyStateRenderer and performs data fetching.
      Relay.RootContainer is now a wrapper around Relay.Renderer that
      substitutes Relay.Store for environment.
  • Renamed the Flow type RelayRendererRenderCallback to RelayRenderCallback.
  • Renamed the Flow type RelayQueryConfigSpec to RelayQueryConfigInterface.
  • RelayContainer.setVariables will no longer check if the variables are
    changed before re-running the variables. To prevent extra work, check the
    current variables before calling setVariables.
  • You can now roll back mutations in the COMMIT_QUEUED state using
  • When specifying a NODE_DELETE or RANGE_DELETE mutation config, you can
    omit parentID if your parent, in fact, does not have an ID.
  • In cases where you query for a field, but that field is unset in the response,
    Relay will now write null into the store for that field. This allows you to
    return smaller payloads over the wire by simply omitting a key in the JSON
    response, rather than to write an explicit fieldName: null.
  • If the relay prop does not change between renders, we now recycle the same
    object. This should enable you to make an efficient this.props.relay === nextProps.relay comparison in shouldComponentUpdate.
  • You can now craft a connection query having invalid combinations of connection
    arguments (first/last/after/before) so long as the values of those arguments
    are variables and not concrete values (eg. friends(first: $first, last: $last) will no longer cause the Relay Babel plugin to throw).
  • Added runtime validation to mutation configs to help developers to debug their
  • Added RelayNetworkDebug. Invoke
    require('RelayNetworkDebug').init(Relay.DefaultNetworkLayer) to enjoy simple
    to read logs of your network requests and responses on the console. Substitute
    your own network layer if you use one.
  • Added two new rangeBehaviors:
    • IGNORE means the range should not be refetched at all.
    • REFETCH will refetch the entire connection.
  • Connection diff optimization: Enables a mode where Relay skips diffing
    information about edges that have already been fetched. This can be enabled by
    adding @relay(variables: ['variableNames']) to a connection fragment.