This repository contains the code associated with the paper:
The Pitfalls of Memorization: When Memorization Hurts Generalization
Authors: Reza Bayat*, Mohammad Pezeshki*, Elvis Dohmatob, David Lopez-Paz, Pascal Vincent
We explore the interplay between memorization and generalization in neural networks. Includes Memorization-Aware Training (MAT), a novel framework to mitigate the adverse effects of memorization and spurious correlations, alongside theoretical insights, algorithms, and experiments that deepen our understanding of how memorization impacts generalization under distribution shifts.
Install the required packages and download the datasets:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --download --data_path ./data waterbirds celeba civilcomments multinli
We first run XRM and store the held-out predictions for the training set as well as the inferred group labels for the validation set. For more details, checkout the instructions in the XRM repo. As an example, this is how it can be done for the Waterbirds dataset:
python --phase 1 --datasets Waterbirds --group_labels no --algorithm XRM --out_dir ./phase_1_results --num_hparams_combs 10 --num_seeds 1 --slurm_partition <your_slurm_partition>
To run the MAT algorithm:
python --phase 2 --datasets Waterbirds --group_labels yes --algorithm MAT --out_dir ./phase_2_results --phase_1_dir ./phase_1_results --num_hparams_combs 10 --num_seeds 1 --slurm_partition <your_slurm_partition>
To read the results:
- Model selection using the best 'va_wga', i.e., validation worst group accuracy (ground-truth annotations)
python XRM/ --dir phase_2_results --datasets Waterbirds --algorithms MAT --group_labels yes --selection_criterion va_wga
- Model selection using the best 'va_gi_wga', i.e., validation worst group accuracy (XRM-inferred annotations)
python XRM/ --dir phase_2_results --datasets Waterbirds --algorithms MAT --group_labels yes --selection_criterion va_gi_wga
This source code is released under the CC-BY-NC license, included here.
If you make use of our work or code, please cite this work :)
title={The Pitfalls of Memorization: When Memorization Hurts Generalization},
author={Bayat, Reza and Pezeshki, Mohammad and Dohmatob, Elvis and Lopez-Paz, David and Vincent, Pascal},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.07684},