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Reinforcement Learning Assembly


RL Assembly is a collections of implementations of Ape-X and R2D2, together with necessary infra such prioritized replay and environments like atari.

Key Implementation Choices

TorchScript for synchronizing model between C++ & Python

We run a large number of simulations & model inference in C++ while run training in Python. This requires the model being updated in Python while being used for inference in C++. We use TorchScript to achieve that. The model is defined once in Python with TorchScript annotations, and can be used in both places.

One thread runs multiple simulators in a for-loop

Often simple environments like Atari are too cheap to exhaust a CPU core. Meanwhile, running too many threads (much more than # CPU) can cause unwanted overhead on context switching. So we run K instances of simulators in for-loop in each thread. We then form a small batch of K elements for that particular thread and run model inference on it. For the case of Atari & Hanabi, K can often be 80 or 120, resulting a decent batch size of 80/120 per thread. We often create 60 or 80 threads on our machine with 40 cores / 80 HyperThreads.

Compile & Run


Install cudnn7.3, cuda9.2 and gcc7. This might be platform dependent. Other versions might also work but we have only tested with the above versions. Note that we discovered a deadlock problem when using tensors with C++ multi-threading when using cuda10.0 on Pascal GPU.

Create your own conda env & compile PyTorch from source. If PyTorch and this repo are compiled by compilers with different ABI compatibility, mysterious bugs that unexpectedly corrupt memory may occur. To avoid that, the current solution is to compile & install PyTorch from source first and then compile this repo against that PyTorch binary. For convenience, we paste instructions of compling PyTorch here.

# create a fresh conda environment with python3
conda create --name [your env name] python=3.7
conda activate [your env name]

conda install numpy pyyaml mkl mkl-include setuptools cmake cffi typing
conda install -c pytorch magma-cuda92

# clone pytorch
git clone -b v1.3.0 --recursive
cd pytorch

export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX:-"$(dirname $(which conda))/../"}
# set cuda arch list so that the built binary can be run on both pascal and volta
TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="6.0;7.0" python install

Clone & Build this repo

For convenience, add the following lines to your .bashrc to set path.

CONDA_PREFIX=${CONDA_PREFIX:-"$(dirname $(which conda))/../"}
export CPATH=${CONDA_PREFIX}/include:${CPATH}

Clone this repo.

git clone --recursive

Install additional dependencies

pip install tensorboardX
conda install zlib
# if the current cmake version is < 3.15
conda install -c conda-forge cmake

Then to build this repo with atari.


cd atari
# build atari
cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
mkdir build
cd build
make -j40

# build rela & atari env wrapper
cd ../..  # go back to rela/atari
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Add symlink for roms. We can obtain roms by install atari_py.

pip install atari_py

cd atari
mkdir roms; cd roms
# we can find where atari_py is installed and copy/symlink the roms here.
# If CONDA_PREFIX is set properly & python version is 3.7,
# the following command should work.
ln -s $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/atari_py/atari_roms/* ./


Note that we need to set the following before running any multi-threading program that uses torch::Tensor. Otherwise a simple tensor operation will use all cores by default. (ignore if you have put this line in your bashrc.)


pyrela/scripts contains some examples scripts for training/debugging

cd pyrela

# for fast launching & debugging
sh scripts/

# example run of apex training
# this will create 2400 atari envs, which may take a while
# adjust --num_thread, --num_game_per_thread, --act_device
# according to your hardware setting
sh scripts/

# example run of apex training
sh scripts/

Learning Curves

For simplicity, these models are trained & evaluated with 1 life per episode regardless of how many lives the game environment provides.



use black to format python code, run black *.py before pushing


the root contains a .clang-format file that define the coding style of this repo, run the following command before submitting PR or push

clang-format -i *.h
clang-format -i *.cc


Reinforcement Learning Assembly is licensed under MIT License.


Reinforcement Learning Assembly



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