Proof of concept bot written by Patrick Szalewicz from Hochschule Bremen for his presentation. This bot uses the Telegram API as well as a Raspberry Pi Zero W to illustrate how IOT devices are working.
LED blinking! What time is it? Roll the dice!
Special feature: Blink LED at startup if network is present or not.
In my example I used four LEDs wired as following:
- Red = GPIO 21
- Yellow = GPIO 5
- Green = GPIO 10
- White = GPIO 27
Please change the values in the scripts if you use other GPIO pins.
This bot requires the following programs:
- python
- telepot
- git
- gpio (should be already installed on Raspbian)
- nano (or any other text editor, like vim)
every command should be issued using the 'sudo' command. It's easier to do the following once.
$ sudo su
Install the dependencies before you install the bot:
$ apt install python git nano
$ pip install telepot
installing the bot:
$ git clone
$ cd RasPi-Telegram
$ cp opt/* /opt/
$ cd /opt
$ chmod +x *
insert your token inside the bot file:
bot = telepot.Bot('INSERT YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE!')
$ nano
autorun at startup:
$ crontab -e
and insert the two lines from the crontab.txt file.
Want to contribute? Great!
Just clone the repo, add your changes and create a pull request. You can also create a new issue if you like or contact me via e-mail.
beautify the code- create a "real" config file
GNU General Public License v3.0