If you’re looking for a flexible schedule in which you can make your own hours, work from home during this pandemic, then a freelance job might be for you. A lot of work can be done remotely these days, so your dreams of working from your couch can come true by developing a freelance web application to manage all of these. Freelance web applications are platforms, where both people looking for work and employers post their offers.
- Admin
- Freelancer
- Clients
- Admin
- Control all users (Freelancers and Clients): Admin can Add, Remove Users
- Control the wall page: Admin can Add, Remove and Update job posts in the wall page which are created by the client
- Admin pages (in dashboard layout) include:
- Admin information (profile page): photo, first name, last name, email, phone number and user role (admin).
- All the users that using the system so that the admin can control them.
- All the posts that created by the clients so that the admin can control them.
- If the Admin remove a post from his profile it reflects directly to the wall and be removed.
- Admin Accept or Refuse Posts written by the Clients before adding it to the Wall.
- The admin must login first, to operate his job
- Clients
- Write job posts that will show in the wall page
- Client pages (in factory layout) include:
- Client information (profile): photo, user name, first name, last name, email, phone number.
- Client can change (update) his information
- A Form that the Client will use to write job posts and add them to the Wall.
- Post contains: Client name, Job Type (fixed or hourly), Job Budget, post creation date, Job description, Number of proposal submitted.
- Admin Accept or Refuse Posts written by the Clients before adding it to the Wall.
- History that includes all job Posts that have been added before by this client in the Wall (mention date in each Post)
- Client can manage his Posts (Add, Edit, Delete, Search).
- Client Accept or Refuse freelancers’ proposals for a certain job. If the client accepts the proposal, the job post will be removed from the wall page.
- The Client must login first, to operate his job
- Freelancer
- Login to apply for a job
- View (read only) all job posts from different clients (no need to login)
- Freelancer pages (in wall layout) include:
- All Posts that have been added by Clients from their Profiles.
- Each post (created by Client) has: Client name, Job Type (fixed or hourly), Job Budget, post creation date, Job description, Number of proposal submitted.
- Freelancer can search for a job by Title, Date or Client name.
- If the Admin remove a post from his profile it reflects directly to the wall and be removed.
- Freelancer can save a particular post in saved page (to read later)
- User can apply to a job by sending a proposal to the client