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WSGI Framework - Jahan

This is a simple WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) framework called Jahan. It provides a basic structure for building web applications in Python. It includes a Request object, a Response object, and a Router object for handling incoming HTTP requests and generating appropriate responses.


This repository also contains WSGIserver, which can be used to serve WSGI application builtin in Jahan Further documentation can be found Here

How to Use:

  1. Create an instance of the Jahan class and define your web application routes using the add_route method.

  2. Define callback functions for each route. Each callback function should take a Request object as its first argument.

  3. The callback function should process the request, generate a response (either a Response object or a TemplateResponse object), and return it.

  4. Run the application using the run() method of the Jahan class.

  5. The application will start serving at You can access the application in your web browser.

Demo application: first clone the repository containing Jahan Framework

git clone

It already has demo application built, After cloning the file structure must be in

    /jahan (this folder contains the Framework)

Please create and start and virtual enviornment before running the application

python -m venv <env-name>

In windows activate virtual enviornment


Install pre-run requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the application locally with wsgiref server


The application will start serving at You can access the application in your web browser.

To run the application locally with custom WSGIServer:

  1. paste this code in, after importing WSGIServer class from server module
    if __name__ == '__main__':
         server = WSGIServer('localhost', 8000, application)
      except KeyboardInterrupt:
  1. run

The application will start serving at You can access the application in your web browser.

Classes and Functions:

  1. Request class: A wrapper for WSGI environment dictionaries. It provides read-only access to various properties of the HTTP request, such as query string parameters, request method, path, and WSGI environment.

  2. Response class: A class for creating HTTP responses. It allows you to set the response body, status code, content type, and other response headers.

  3. TemplateResponse class: An inherited class from Response. It allows you to render a Jinja2 template and use it as a response.

  4. Router class: A class for storing URL routes and their corresponding callbacks. It provides methods to add new routes and match a URL path to a specific callback.

  5. Jahan class: The main application class that represents a single web application. It includes a router to handle URL routing. It is a callable WSGI application.

Methods and Properties:

  1. Request class:

    • get_qs: Returns a dictionary of query string parameters provided by the user.
    • get_post: Returns a dictionary of data provided by the user via POST method.
    • path: Returns the path of the request.
    • method: Returns the method of the request (e.g., GET, POST, etc.).
    • env: Returns the whole WSGI environment passed in the request.
  2. Response class:

    • status: Returns the HTTP status code and reason phrase of the response.
    • __iter__(): Iterates over the response body and yields data to be sent to the client.
  3. TemplateResponse class:

    • __iter__(): Renders the Jinja2 template and yields the response body. Jinja2 templating engine is implemented, so context can be simply accessed in html using {{ context }}. For further documentation please visit offical documentation site of Jinja.
    TemplateResponse("template.html", context={"Name": "John"})

    In html file

    <p>{{ Name }}</p>
  4. Router class:

    • add_route(pattern, callback): Adds a new URL route with a corresponding callback function.
    • match(path): Matches a URL path with a callback function from the routing table.
  5. Jahan class:

    • run(): Starts the WSGI application with the built-in python wsgiref server.
    • add_route(route): Adds a new route object to the router.The argument given should be regex. This is decorator method, Use:
    app = Jahan(__name__)
    def hello_world(request):

    In above code hello_world is added to url route <your-domain-name>/ as callback function

Application Workflow:

  1. The Jahan class creates an instance of the Router class to store URL routes and their callbacks.

  2. The user defines URL routes using the add_route decorator method of the Jahan class and provides corresponding callback functions.

  3. When an HTTP request is received, the application method of the Jahan class is called.

  4. The Router class matches the URL path of the request with a callback function from the routing table. Routing table stores all the url routes with its callback function

  5. The matched callback function is called with a Request object as its argument.

  6. The callback function processes the request, generates a response, and returns it as a Response object.

  7. The application method sets the response status and headers, and iterates over the response body to send it to the client.

  8. The WSGI server starts serving the application, and it continues to serve incoming requests until it is terminated.


The framework uses the following Python standard libraries and third-party modules:

  • re: For regular expressions.
  • urllib: For parsing query string and post data.
  • http module: For handling HTTP status codes and reason phrases.
  • wsgiref.headers: For handling response headers.
  • wsgiref.simple_server: For creating a simple WSGI server.
  • jinja2.Template: For rendering Jinja2 templates.


The WSGIServer class is a simple WSGI server that implements the Python WSGI protocol for running web applications on a local machine. It is used to serve WSGI applications like the Jahan class defined in the Jahan framework.

Class Attributes:

  • host: str, the host IP address or domain name where the server will listen for incoming connections.
  • port: int, the port number on which the server will listen for incoming connections.
  • app: WSGI application, a callable object conforming to the WSGI interface.


  1. __init__(self, host: str, port: int, app)

    • Initialize the WSGIServer instance with the given host, port, and WSGI application.
  2. handle_request(self, client_socket)

    • Handle an incoming client request by parsing the request, invoking the provided WSGI application, and sending back the response to the client.
    • Parameters:
      • client_socket: socket, the client socket representing the incoming connection.
  3. start_response(self, status, response_headers)

    • Callback function for the WSGI application to set the response status and headers.
    • Parameters:
      • status: str, the HTTP status code and message (e.g., '200 OK').
      • response_headers: list of tuples, containing the response headers (e.g., [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]).
  4. send_response(self, client_socket, response)

    • Send the HTTP response to the client.
    • This method takes the response generated by the WSGI application and sends it back to the client through the provided client socket. The response includes the HTTP status line, headers, and the response body.
    • Parameters:
      • client_socket: socket, the client socket representing the incoming connection.
      • response: WSGI response, the response generated by the WSGI application.
  5. serve_forever(self)

    • Start the WSGI server and listen for incoming connections indefinitely until interrupted.
    • This method binds the server socket to the provided host and port, starts listening for incoming connections, and handles each connection in a separate thread.
    • The server will keep running until a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C) is received, at which point it will close the server socket and stop listening for new connections.


The WSGIServer class relies on the socket, threading, and io modules from the Python standard library.

Usage Example:

1). Create an instance of the WSGIServer class and provide the Jahan application as the WSGI application.

server = WSGIServer('', 8000, Jahan('MyApp').application)

2). Start the server and listen for incoming connections.


3). The server will run on and will serve the Jahan web application.


The WSGIServer implementation may not cover all security issues, so it's best suited for local development and testing purposes.


Built using jahan webframework and database integration using SQLAlcemy






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