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[refactoring] More than dotfiles. Manager your dotfiles and custom function.

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English | 中文版

What does this repository do?

Automation setup by a simple script.

This project changes a number of settings and configures software on MacOS.

Before you actually execute the script, please make sure what is dotfiles and what does it do.

What is dotfiles?

Dotfiles are important files that will play an integral role in your career as a software developer.

Why use dotfiles?

You spend a sufficient amount of time fine-tuning your setup. You curate configurations and settings that best suit your workflow, aesthetic, and preferences. And you end up with a development environment that helps you, personally, be more productive.

What if after all that time you spent, you now have to switch to a new, different machine? Does that mean you have to start all over again from the beginning?

How would you remember the exact settings and commands you used?

Or what if you have a second machine and you want your set up to be exactly the same on both systems?

One of the main goals of developers is to automate repetitive tasks.

Creating a dotfile repository that is source-controlled and hosted on GitHub will save you time when you want to set up a new computer and install the exact same settings you created for your previous one.

That way all your settings and preferences can be reusable and consistent on other machines.


git clone --depth=1 ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bash # and choose you system os

# and then, run this using terminal (not iTerm, let iTerm settings get discarded on exit)

Supported software

TODO: log as spacevim, colourful font for cool logging

Here is the supported software list.

name description support
git prerequirement, and upgrade by homebrew in a moment
homebrew the beginning of all things
zsh & oh my zsh using evalcache, speeding up the zsh loading
neovim neovim config, support markdown, lsp, autocomplete, highlight...
java using AdoptOpenJdk and jenv
go using goenv
python using pyenv
node using nvm
hammonspoon caffinate, window manager, clipboard history, wallpaper from unsplash, network speed in menubar...
picgo picture bed integration and uploader
customized function & alias sudo passwordless, switch darkmode and lightmode, pbcopy & pbpaste
localizational for users in Mainland China for network environment, default support homebrew proxy and mirror, github proxy, npm mirror, pip mirror



available commands as follow:

git st # status
git lg #
git co # checkout
git ranks # code line statistic


available commands as follow:

HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install $1 # install without brew update


Use alias vim as nvim.

Use as


available commands as follow:

vim +PackerSync


<Leader>m # toggle nvim-tree
<Leader>, # toggle symbols outline
<ALT>H # bufferline cycle next
<ALT>L # bufferline cycle pre
<Leader>w\ # split window vertical
<Leader>w- # split window horizontal
<Leader>wc # close current window
<Leader>wo # close other window
<Leader>h # focus on left window 
<Leader>j # focus on below window 
<Leader>k # focus on upper window 
<Leader>l # focus on right window 





Draw ASCII diagrams

available commands as follow:

<space>v # toggle venn mode

Visual Block + f # draw a single line box

:VBox # draw a single line box or arrow

:VBoxD # draw a double line box or arrow

:VBoxH # draw a heavy line box or arrow

:VFill # fill the area with a solid color

<shift>hjkl # draw arrow
 ◄──   ──►


available commands as follow:

jenv global 1.8 # set global java version
jenv local 1.8 # generate a .java-version file in current folder


available commands as follow:

goenv install -l # list available go versions
goenv install $1 # install go version
goenv global $1 # set global go version 


available commands as follow:

pyenv install -l # list avaliable python versions
pyenv_install $1 # install python version from mirror
pyenv global $1 # set global python version


available commands as follow:

nvm ls-remote --lts # list available node versions
nvm ls # list installed node versions


available commands as follow:

<CMD>q # hold to quit
<CTRL><ALT>m # caffeine
<CMD><SHIFT>v # clipboard
<ALT>d # open aria2 panel

<ALT>r # enable windows manipulation mode
-- q # quit windows manipulation mode
-- <TAB> # open cheatsheet 
-- h # lefthalf
-- l # righthalf
-- j # downhalf
-- k # uphalf
-- c # center
-- <UP> # move to above monitor
-- <DOWN> # move to below monitor

useful function

gitclone # customized function, using for proxy
darklight # toggle darkmode lightmode on macOS


Support more tools.

  • aws cli, multiple configurations manage


[refactoring] More than dotfiles. Manager your dotfiles and custom function.







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