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Gen2 edited this page May 20, 2017 · 3 revisions


For lack of a better name, “boardlinks” are those sets of navigational links that appear at the top and bottom of board pages. They can be a list of links to boards and/or other pages such as status blogs and social network profiles.

“Groups” in the boardlinks are marked with square brackets. Tinyboard allows for infinite recursion with groups. Each array() in $config['boards'] represents a new square bracket group.

Custom links can be defined by using key => value pairs.


// [ a / b / c ] $config['boards'] = array('a', 'b', 'c');

 ``// [ a ] [ b / c ] [ d / e ] [ home ]``
  ``$config['boards'] = array(``
``array('b', 'c'),``
``array('d', 'e'),``
``array('home' => '/')``


`// PHP 5.4.0+ syntax`
 `$config['boards'] = [ ['a'], ['b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], ['home' => '/'] ];`

Taken from: Boardlinks