This is a demo application showing how to build rest api using golang.
To run, from the root of the repo
go run .
The App has a few Endpoints
All api endpoints are prefixed with /api/v1
To reach any endpoint use baseurl:8080/api/v1/{endpoint}
Get Books by Author
Optional query parameter for ratingAbove ratingBelow limit and skip
Get Books by BookName
Optional query parameter for ratingAbove ratingBelow limit and skip
Get Book by ISBN
Delete Book by ISBN
Create New Book
This step is completely optional. But if you want to run you go app in the cloud somewhere IBM Cloud has an excellent paas solution using Cloud Foundry.
If you want to follow along
Once you have an IBM Cloud account and the IBM Cloud CLI installed,
From terminal
ibmcloud login
ibmcloud target --cf
Open the manifest.yaml
in the root of the cloned repository.
Change the app name to something you like. After the change the file should look something like this
- name: <your-app-name>
random-route: true
memory: 256M
GOPACKAGENAME: bookdata-api
Then from the root of the repo run
ibmcloud cf push
Wait a few minutes and voila! It should be running.
To find your app url
ibmcloud cf apps
You should see your app as running and also have the URL there.