Insert documents to Couchbase from a file or from command line
3 operation: -cl: Insert document to CouchBase from command line
cb-cli -cl -h <HOST> -b <BUCKET> -p <PASSWORD?> -k <KEY> -d <DOCUMENT?>
if document is not defined with -d, command line will wait to be writen in the command line. Useful with some consoles that removes some '"'.
-wf: Write document to a file to be inserted to multiple hosts
cb-cli -wf -f <FILENAME> -b <BUCKET> -p <PASSWORD?> -k <KEY> -d <DOCUMENT> -x
-ff: Insert documents to Couchbase from file
cb-cli -ff -h <HOST> -f <FILENAME>
XML file example:
<fileEntry bucketName="bucketName">
<doc failIfPresent="false" key="key">{"hola":"adeu"}</doc>
You can add manually documents to this file or use the operation -wf to do it