This is a port of the haskell package Data.Aviary.Birds. Every thing for your combinatory needs.
Check out the docs to see all available birds.
A combinator or apply
> applicator(x => x + 1)(3)
B3 combinator or function composition (for three functions)
> becard(x => x * -1)(x => x * 2)(x => x - 1)(3)
B1 combinator
> blackbird(x => x * -1)(x => y => x + y)(3)(5)
B combinator or function composition
> bluebird(x => x * 2)(x => x - 1)(3)
B' combinator
> bluebird_(x => y => x * y)(2)(x => x + 1)(2)
B2 combinator
> bunting(x => x * -1)(x => y => z => x + y + z)(1)(2)(3)
C combinator or flip
> cardinal(str => prefix => prefix + str)('-')('birds')
C' combinator
> cardinal_(x => y => x * y)(x => x + 1)(2)(3)
C* combinator - cardinal once removed.
> cardinalstar(str => prefix => postfix => prefix + str + postfix)('birds')('!')('-')
C** combinator - cardinal twice removed.
> cardinalstarstar(a => b => separator => postfix => a + separator + b + postfix)('fantasy')('birds')('!')('-')
D1 combinator
> dickcissel(prefix => postfix => str => prefix + str + postfix)('-')('!')(x => x.toUpperCase())('birds')
D combinator
> dove(postfix => str => str + postfix)('!')(x => x.toUpperCase())('birds')
D2 combinator
> dovekie(prefix => str => prefix + str)(x => x.toUpperCase())('fantasy-')(x => x.toLowerCase())('BIRDS')
E combinator
> eagle(prefix => str => prefix + str)('-')(str => postfix => str + postfix)('birds')('!')
E^ combinator
> eaglebald(x => y => y + x)(a => b => b + a)('!')('birds')(a => b => a + b)('fantasy')('-')
F combinator
> finch(-1, 3)(x => y => x * y)
> idiot('bird')
K combinator or const
> kestrel('bird')('cat')
PSI combinator or on
> psi(x => y => x + y)(x => x * -1)(3)(5)