Releases: faradey/madock
- Added Grafana as a service
- Added Grafana dashboards for Loki, Mysql and Redis
- Support for snippets in configuration files has been added. This has allowed us to eliminate repetitive code and settings.
- Added the new option
formadock bash
command. It can be usedbash
as a shell.
- Added supporting of Shopware
- Fixed mailcatcher configuration with MP_SMTP_AUTH_ACCEPT_ANY and MP_SMTP_AUTH_ALLOW_INSECURE
- Fixed documentation
- Fixed the media synchronization public path
- Added --db-host, --db-port, --db-name, --db-user, --db-password as options for the remote:sync:db command
@artmouse @jonatanaxe @serhii-chernenko @WorkSpaceBorisov
- Fixed opensearch-dashboards
- Added new command
madock project:clone
more - Added php/nodejs service to the php container
- Fixed documentation
- Fixed bug with the
madock cli
command - Added custom commands more
- Support Magento 2.4.7 and Adobe Commerce 2.4.7
- Updated docker-compose version to 3.8
- Fixed DB host for the service db2
- Fixed GetActiveProjects method
- Fixed start/stop project
- Fixed db:export
- Fixed node grunt exec:
- Fixed documentation
- Added "RUN npm install -g grunt-cli" to docker file
- Fixed bug with "cache" folder
- Fixed if/else in config files
- Fixed project configuration
- Fixed Snapshot container
- Added snapshots functionality for the project
- Fixed .madock/config.xml
- Update PHP mcrypt version
- Fixed OpenSearch env variables
- Added command scope:add to add a new scope and activate it
- Added the ability to store the madock configuration within a project in the .madock folder. To do this, you need to manually create a .madock folder and transfer configuration files and database backups to it, if necessary
- Added full support for creating patches for cweagans/composer-patches
- Added full support for creating patches for vaimo/composer-patches
- Added logger with stack trace
- Fixed the config cache
- Fixed the bug with the enable/disable services
- Fixed compatible version magerun n98 and PHP
- Fixed Adobe Cloud commands
- Fixed project path
- Fixed db:import
- Fixed bug with config.xml and the setup of a new project
- Fixed missing dir aruntime/projects
- Fixed working commands Start, Stop, Restart without internet
- Fixed madock info
- Fixed xdebug profile for PHP 7.1 or less
- Added the new option PUBLIC_DIR in the project configuration. Each platform can have a different path of public folder therefore this option will be specified as a public folder in the container.
- Fixed host for phpmyadmin2
- Fixed mcrypt extension for PHP
- Fixed mail for CLI
- Improve command "madock c:f"
- Added --force option for the command "madock rebuild". Removes running containers without waiting for them to complete correctly and creates new containers.
- Added new library for CLI commands
- Replaced Mailhog to Mailpit
- The configuration file format would be changed from .txt to .xml. The project configuration file env.txt has been renamed to config.xml. The old configuration files have been preserved so that if you have problems with the new version of Madock, you can roll back to the old version.
- Configuration scopes for the project have been added. Now switching between configurations has become convenient and there is no need to create a copy of the project in a neighboring folder. The database is also separate for each scope.
- Added the new command "madock scope:list" for listing all scopes of the project.
- Added the new command "madock scope:set" for switching between scopes of the project.
- The commands "remote:sync:media", "remote:sync:db" and "remote:sync:file" have received an additional option "--ssh-type" which specifies the prefix of the name of the ssh settings in the project configuration. This way you can specify which ssh settings to use when executing the command.
- Added aruntime configuration caching. Now Madock will parse files less when starting and rebuilding a project.
- Added the new command "madock config:cache:clean" for cleaning Madock aruntime cache.
- Added the new command "madock open" for opening the project in the browser.
- Improve documentation of Madock
Shopify support
Custom PHP project support
Relocated setup option "Specify Magento version" to top
Added CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX option in config. This option will allow you to run a madock project independently of other docker builds in the space with the default madock_ prefix. For already configured projects, the space will have an empty prefix to prevent projects from breaking.
Added --ignore-table for "db:export" and "remote:sync:db" commands. Ignore the table when exporting. The specified table will not be included in the backup file. To specify multiple tables, specify this option multiple times.
Updated OS Ubuntu for containers from 20.04 to 22.04. This will only affect those projects that will be installed after updating this build.
Improve documentation for new commands
Fixed some problems with NodeJs
Fixed issue #9
Thanks @artmouse @serhii-chernenko