This is a Telegram bot that I wrote for our chat with friends to have fun by interacting with it. The bot is built using the Aiogram library for Python.
- GPT: Integrated chatGPT to our bot.
- Sakura: The bot will send random photo of my cat Sakura.
- Kakura: The bot will send random photo of my cat Sakura goes to the toilet.
- Wedding: The bot will send random photo from wedding of our friends.
- Fact: The bot will send you random fact.
- Quote: The bot will send you random quote from Anime series that we have watched.
- Game: Simple game where you have to guess the number.
- Good morning: Every morning, Bishkek time, the bot wishes good morning and sends the weather of those cities where my friends live.
- Birthdays check: The bot checks my friends birthdays and reminds the chat about them.
- Search for the bot on Telegram by its username (Ichiraku Bot) or invite it to a group chat using the link:
- Start the bot by typing
- Clone the repository
- Go to the root directory of the project, create the .env file and fill it in as .env.example shows.
- To run the project:
docker compose up --build -d