Modifications for ZeroBrane Studio to support Addon Development on Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)
ESO = Elder Scrolls Online
ZBS = ZeroBranch Studio
ZeroBrane Studio (IDE for Lua) by Paul Kulchenko
LuaDist Package by Paul Kulchenko to support LuaDist
LuaXML (Lib to parse XML Files)
Note: ZBS is open source, but please consider to donate for this great project
Download LuaDist.lua and save it to {InstallDir}\Packages
Download ESOAddonDev.lua and save it to {InstallDir}\Packages
*Note: includes all on this project, incl. Examples
Type the command inside ZBS on the Local Console: luadist.install "luaxml"
this will install LuaXML Support into ZBS.
Switch the Lua Interpreter in the Menu Project to ESOAddonDev
To fully support your Addon getting Compiled and Debugged you need to do some extra steps.
First all XML Files need to be parsed, so the Object created thru the XML File are known.
You will also need to Execute some Commands to Test out more than just the main-lua Code. Also some Errors will only be found if you call the Methods in the Test. Since the OnLoad Method will not be executed thru an Event ,like it would inside ESO. You can write all Test-Code directly inside the Main-Lua, however it might be more useful to create a seperate Lua for this (i put it in a sub-folder "ZBS" since it's not needed when you commit your addon to
-- Testing with ZBS --------------------------
if ESOAddonDev then
dofile [[Addon-Example\ZBS\Addon-ExampleTests.lua]] -- Run the Tests to confirm your Code works
Main Lua-Example here: Addon-Example/Addon-Example.lua -- Example of necessairy modification to ESO Addin to support the Debugging and Compiling inside ZBS
Test-Lua-Example here: Addon-Example/ZBS/Addon-ExampleTest.lua -- Testing of functionality only used within ZBS