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GridCapa deployment module

MPL-2.0 License

This repository contains all the deployment files for GridCapa applications:

  • Docker Compose scripts for test and development usage
  • Kubernetes scripts for production usage

Deploying using Docker Compose

GridCapa framework instantiates different GridCapa applications by business process. Docker Compose scripts are designed to run all GridCapa applications independently.

GridCapa currently contains the following applications:

  • Gridcapa CORE CC
  • GridCapa CORE Validation
  • GridCapa CSE EXPORT D2CC
  • GridCapa CSE IMPORT D2CC
  • GridCapa SWE BTCC
  • GridCapa SWE D2CC
  • GridCapa SWE IDCC DACF
  • GridCapa SWE IDCC IDCF


Docker Compose scripts needs Docker (version >= 18) and docker-compose.

Default GridCapa environment

First, you need to deploy the common base of GridCapa application :

cd docker-compose/common
docker-compose up -d

Then, you can deploy independently any process you want. For example to deploy CSE IMPORT D2CC :

cd docker-compose/cse-import-d2cc
docker-compose up -d

After deploying the processes you needed, you will have to modify the nginx.conf file in docker-compose/nginx by commenting the sections you don't need in the upstreams and in the locations. In IntelliJ, to comment, select the block and click on ctrl + /. After that you can deploy nginx :

cd docker-compose/nginx
docker-compose up -d

Be careful to your local resources if you try to deploy too many processes it could be quite heavy.

Multiple environment are available:

Specific GridCapa front-end app development environment

cd docker-compose-for-front-end-development
docker-compose up -d
  • Now you have the gridcapa back-end running with docker-compose
  • Then run locally gridcapa-app following the application README.
  • You should be able now to debug locally your front-end application

MinIO bucket notifications

GridCapa platform needs bucket notifications activated on MinIO server to run correctly.

First, start by downloading MinIO client application. Then add the MinIO server to the list of servers available:

./mc alias set gridcapa_compose http://localhost:9000 gridcapa gridcapa

Check correct connectivity:

./mc ls gridcapa_compose

Register all PULL and DELETE events to be notified by MinIO in the RabbitMQ broker. MinIO bucket ARN (herearn:minio:sqs::_:amqp) can be obtained in MinIO logs at startup.

./mc event add gridcapa_compose/gridcapa arn:minio:sqs::_:amqp --event put,delete

Check that they have been correctly saved by listing current notifications enabled.

./mc event list gridcapa_compose/gridcapa

XPRESS Solver licence

Xpress is a commercial solver and as such requires a licence to be used. Please copy yours (xprauth.xpr file) inside the following folder :


Deploying using Kubernetes

Kubernetes deployment is still under development. This documentation is still to be provided.


Some secrets are needed on the cluster as deployment prerequisites. Encrypted password can be obtained by default bcrypt algorithm.

kubectl create secret generic gridcapa-rabbitmq-credentials --from-literal='rabbitmq-user=<RABBITMQ_USER>' --from-literal='rabbitmq-password=<RABBITMQ_PASSWORD>'
kubectl create secret generic admin-rabbitmq-credentials --from-literal='rabbitmq-user=<RABBITMQ_USER>' --from-literal='rabbitmq-password=<RABBITMQ_PASSWORD>'
kubectl create secret generic rabbitmq-secrets --from-literal='rabbitmq-erlang-cookie=<RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE>'
kubectl create secret generic gridcapa-minio-credentials --from-literal='minio-access-key=<MINIO_ACCESS_KEY>' --from-literal='minio-secret-key=<MINIO_SECRET_KEY>'
kubectl create secret generic gridcapa-ftp-credentials --from-literal='ftp-user=<FTP_USER>' --from-literal='ftp-password=<FTP_PASSWORD>'
kubectl create secret generic gridcapa-postgresql-credentials --from-literal='postgres-password=<POSTGRES_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='config-user=<CONFIG_USER>' --from-literal='config-password=<CONFIG_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='core-cc-user=<CORE_CC_USER>' --from-literal='core-cc-password=<CORE_CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='core-valid-user=<CORE_VALID_USER>' --from-literal='core-valid-password=<CORE_VALID_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-export-d2cc-user=<CSE_EXPORT_D2CC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-export-d2cc-password=<CSE_EXPORT_D2CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-export-idcc-user=<CSE_EXPORT_IDCC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-export-idcc-password=<CSE_EXPORT_IDCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-import-d2cc-user=<CSE_IMPORT_D2CC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-import-d2cc-password=<CSE_IMPORT_D2CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-import-idcc-user=<CSE_IMPORT_IDCC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-import-idcc-password=<CSE_IMPORT_IDCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-import-ec-d2cc-user=<CSE_IMPORT_EC_D2CC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-import-ec-d2cc-password=<CSE_IMPORT_EC_D2CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-import-ec-idcc-user=<CSE_IMPORT_EC_IDCC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-import-ec-idcc-password=<CSE_IMPORT_EC_IDCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-valid-d2cc-user=<CSE_VALID_D2CC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-valid-d2cc-password=<CSE_VALID_D2CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='cse-valid-idcc-user=<CSE_VALID_IDCC_USER>' --from-literal='cse-valid-idcc-password=<CSE_VALID_IDCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='swe-btcc-user=<SWE_BTCC_USER>' --from-literal='swe-btcc-password=<SWE_BTCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='swe-d2cc-user=<SWE_D2CC_USER>' --from-literal='swe-d2cc-password=<SWE_D2CC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='swe-idcc-user=<SWE_IDCC_USER>' --from-literal='swe-idcc-password=<SWE_IDCC_PASSWORD>' --from-literal='swe-idcc-idcf-user=<SWE_IDCC_IDCF_USER>' --from-literal='swe-idcc-idcf-password=<SWE_IDCC_IDCF_PASSWORD>'
kubectl create secret generic gridcapa-keycloak-credentials --from-literal='keycloak-user=<KEYCLOAK_USER>' --from-literal='keycloak-password=<KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD>'
kubectl create secret tls gridcapa-tls --key <private key file> --cert <certificate file>

MinIO bucket notifications

GridCapa platform needs bucket notifications activated on MinIO server to run correctly.

First, start by downloading MinIO client application. Then add the MinIO server to the list of servers available:

./mc alias set gridcapa_k8s <minio-url> <minio-user> <minio-password>

Check correct connectivity:

./mc ls gridcapa_k8s

Register all PULL and DELETE events to be notified by MinIO in the RabbitMQ broker. MinIO bucket ARN (herearn:minio:sqs::_:amqp) can be obtained in MinIO logs at startup.

./mc event add gridcapa_k8s/gridcapa arn:minio:sqs::_:amqp --event put,delete

Check that they have been correctly saved by listing current notifications enabled.

./mc event list gridcapa_k8s/gridcapa

Deployment of authentication for Azure

There is a specific folder overlays/azure/authentication/ that enables to deploy a homemade keycloak solution. It will then be used by gridcapa-app with authentication to get a token, so that gateway can identify the user.

It will be deployed in default namespace but is completely independent of azure dev deployment that concerns GridCapa applications.

It is deployed on a different ingress controller and the address is, on which you can reach admin keycloak UI.

Deployment on Azure DEV

This environment is used for CI for all gridcapa processes

  • host:
  • namespace: gridcapa-d
kubectl kustomize k8s/overlays/azure/dev/ --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone |  ssh -o "ProxyCommand=connect-proxy -H proxy-metier:8080 %h %p"  farao@XX.XXX.XXX.XXX kubectl apply -n gridcapa-d -f -

Info: need to install connect-proxy with "dzdo apt install connect-proxy"

Deployment on Azure TEST

This environment is used to test CSE gridcapa processes for CORESO

  • host:
  • namespace: gridcapa-t
kubectl kustomize k8s/overlays/azure/test/ --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone |  ssh -o "ProxyCommand=connect-proxy -H proxy-metier:8080 %h %p"  farao@XX.XXX.XXX.XXX kubectl apply -n gridcapa-t -f -

In order to limit resources used by this environment, a KEDA (Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling) has been set up. Its corresponding configuration is located at k8s/overlays/azure/test/keda. Should you wish to pause it for a time, simply edit the scaler you want to pause and change the value to false

On this environment by default only CORE-CC , SWE D2CC & CSE IMPORT-EC-D2CC are deployed. This is done to limit the resources used by the cluster. To deploy each and every process please uncomment corresponding lines in k8s/overlays/azure/test/kustomization.yaml

Label on-demand: "true" is added on every on-demand process to easily go back to the "light" version of the app (where only the three processes and common services are kept). To do that, run ktest delete all -l on-demand="true" or use the alias trim-test

Using local gridcapa-app

In order to be able to use a local gridcapa-app and all elements deployed in the docker environment, you have to deal with CORS limitation. In react when you locally launch gridcapa-app, it will be available on localhost:3000 (typically) but all others services in dockers are available through the nginx server at localhost. The web browser see that "localhost:3000" and "localhost" are different, so it is a cross domain request and that's not allowed.

In order to avoid this, a new docker-compose is available in the folder nginx-dev. This nginx acts as a proxy in order to redirect a request to the gridcapa-app to the local instance.

Before using it you must modify the file nginx.conf in the folder nginx-dev.

on line 22 you will find :

    upstream front-end-local-dev {

this line is responsible to redirect the request to your local instance of gridcapa-app. You have to put the correct IP adress. the correct IP is shown when the react gridcapa-app runs for example :

You can now view gridcapa-app in the browser.

  Local:            http://localhost:3000
  On Your Network:

For the example you have to use the second address. Do not use localhost:3000.

When the nginx-dev docker is up you can access to the gridcapa-app with the url "http://localhost/cse/export/d2cc/". Don't forget to change the REACT_APP_PUBLIC_URL variable in the .env.development file to the corresponding URL.