A C++ program that generates the assembly code for a given expression.
- C++ compiler
- MASM (to run the assembly code that was generated)
Copy the folder "Irvine" to your C:/ drive. Make sure you have ml.exe and link.exe in your PATH.
Open Command Prompt and navigate to this directory. Then type:
g++ -o eval eval.cpp
This will compile the C++ source file.
eval.exe "22 * (50 + (36 / 12) - 16 )"
This will run the .exe file with the expression as command line argument.
ml.exe /c /coff output.asm
This will assemble the .asm generated by the above .exe
link.exe /subsystem:console output.obj
This will link the .obj file generated by the above .asm file
This will output the result of expression.
A Batch script make_it_happen.bat has been added which runs all the above commands for you in case you are lazy like me.