This module provides an option to have a 'revealed' state on scene Notes.
When enabled, then the 'revealed' state will be used to determine if the Note is visible to players.
(The default Foundry VTT behaviour is for Notes to be visible to players only if the linked document is accessible by the player.)
There is an option to set the tint colour of the Note icon to indicate if the linked document is reachable or not (if the Note has no linked document, then it will always be displayed in the "unreachable" tint).
Two new options appear in the Note configuration panel (select the Notes layer, and double right-click on a note to open the configuration panel).
Use Reveal State will enable the Note to be managed by this module.
Revealed to Players will indicate whether this Note is visible to players or not.
The Module Settings window provides some configurable parameters:
- two icon tint values so that Players can see if the Note is linked to a document
- two icon tint values so that GMs can see if the Note has been revealed to players
A function is exported which allows a Note to be marked as using the Revealed state management.
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