The ROS bridge, currently supported for ROS Noetic, interfaces with the Amiga gRPC services to:
- Stream data from the Amiga brain services
- Control the Amiga using the available vehicle control APIs.
Using the ROS bridge with the amiga requires an Amiga OS >= v2.0.0
For Amiga brains running Amiga OS
, please refer to
The recommended usage of the amiga-ros-bridge
, and instructions on this page,
reflect the recommended user workflow of running the amiga-ros-bridge
on a development
PC with a remote gRPC
connection to the Amiga brain (over wifi).
The connection can be configured by changing the host
fields in include/service_config.json
from localhost
to your robot's name (e.g., element-vegetable
You may refer to the
Docker Setup for experimental instructions on running theamiga-ros-bridge
directly on the brain, inside of a docker container. However, please not that these are experimental and do not reflect the recommended workflow.
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message from the canbus service.
- Published by the
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message from the state estimation filter service.
- Published by the
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message from the gps service.
- Published by the
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message from the oak camera service.
- Published by the
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message from the oak camera service.
- Published by the
TIP: You can check for any additional streams with
$ rostopic list # And you should see: # # /canbus/twist # /filter/state # /gps/pvt # /oak0/imu # /oak0/left # /rosout # /rosout_aggAnd inspect the topic with:
$ rostopic info /canbus/twist # And you should see: # # Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped # # Publishers: # * /amiga_streams (http://<your-pc>:<port>) # # Subscribers: None
- Published by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message
- Published by the
- Subscribed by the
node - Type:
- Corresponds to
proto message
- Subscribed by the
These instructions are for installing the amiga-ros-bridge
to interact with
Amiga brains running the Amiga OS 2.0 through a ROS bridge.
For Amiga brains running Amiga OS
, please refer to
To run the amiga_ros_bridge
on your PC, you will need to have already followed the
ROS Noetic install instructions
NOTE: Using ROS on your PC means you're either running some flavor of Linux or know how to run ROS in a VM on your other OS.
More detail is available at ROS - Create a catkin workspace.
# You can choose a different name for `catkin_ws` here
# But the remaining documentation assumes this is what you've used
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
# Navigate to the src/ directory of your catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
# Clone the amiga-ros-bridge, with submodules
git clone --recursive
# Navigate to the catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws/
# Run catkin_make
# Navigate to the catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws/
# Build the venv
# You will be prompted for your password
# Navigate to the catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws/
# Get the current directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Add sourcing the amiga-ros-bridge to devel/setup.bash
echo "source $DIR/src/amiga-ros-bridge/" >> devel/setup.bash
Now when you source devel/setup.bash
the amiga-ros-bridge/venv/
will also be sourced.
You can use the amiga_streams
node to stream sensor data from the Amiga brain services.
Each stream topic will be setup as a ROS publisher,
and the farm-ng proto message will be converted to a corresponding ROS message.
To run the amiga_streams
Configure the connection by changing the host
fields in
from localhost
to your robot's name (e.g., element-vegetable
Then run:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch amiga_ros_bridge amiga_streams.launch
You can subscribe to published values from the amiga with ROS command line tools. For example:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rostopic echo /canbus/twist
You can edit the topics streamed by modifying the subscriptions
field in
For instance, you could stream the /rgb
image stream from oak0
instead of the
stereo camera by changing path
of the subscription.
Or you could add an oak1
client and create an additional stream of the /oak1/imu
Do this by adding to the configs, e.g.:
"name": "oak1",
"port": 50011,
"host": "localhost"
And adding a subscription:
"uri": {
"path": "/imu",
"query": "service_name=oak1"
"every_n": 1
It is recommended to adjust the include/service_config.json
to suit your needs.
Add the streams that you need and remove any you do not to save bandwidth and computational resourced.
NOTE: A farm-ng -> ROS conversion for all messages has not yet been implemented.
If the message/topic you need is not yet supported, please either:
- (good) Post a request in
- (better) Open an issue in this repository with your feature request
- (best) Contribute the new stream by opening a PR to this open source repository!
WARNING: When the dashboard is in auto mode, this will cause the Amiga to drive. Make sure the area is clear before using this.
You can also test this by sending the commands when the Amiga dashboard is not in AUTO READY or AUTO ACTIVE and see the commands being sent with the red needle on the auto page.
You can use the twist_control
node to command the Amiga robot with TwistStamped
This bridge node will forward your TwistStamped
messages published on the /amiga/cmd_vel
to the canbus service to drive the amiga.
To run the twist_control
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch amiga_ros_bridge twist_control.launch
You can also subscribe to measured TwistStamped
states of the amiga with ROS command line tools.
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rostopic echo /amiga/vel
To test the twist_control
node of the amiga-ros-bridge
you can publish TwistStamped
commands to the ROS bridge on the
topic with the examples/
To successfully run this example, you must use your local PC, as the example won't work if executed directly from an Amiga brain (because of the opencv popup window).
Run from your terminal:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun amiga_ros_bridge examples/
Drive the robot with WASD
keys to increment / decrement linear and angular velocities.
Hit the space bar to stop the robot (set linear and angular velocities to 0