SimpleSpatialAnalysis Public
This repository provides approach in calculating simple spatial statistics, namely Global Moran and LISA. Moroever, it also offers various options in measuring neighbourhoods utilizing several comm…
R UpdatedDec 31, 2024 -
VECM_StaplePrices Public
In this Rscript, I performed Vector based time series estimation for 10 staple prices to obtain short-run, long-run, and its error correction. In conclusion, not every commodities are correlated to…
R UpdatedOct 22, 2024 -
SystemicRisk_UndergradThesis Public
Rcode for my undergraduate thesis titled "Systemic Effect on Intersectoral Linkages: Framework and Analysis" covering the interpolation procedure using RAS
UpdatedAug 10, 2023 -
interbanksectoralshock Public
estimating the impact of monetary policy shocks to sectoral activity in Indonesia (based on a paper wrote by Ibrahim (2005))