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Warsaw in docker container. Warsaw is a security module, a.k.a Guardião, for brazilian internet banking. This project is compatible of Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal and Sicredi.


  • Docker and Docker-Compose of your distro.
  • Set BANKFILES variable (as export BANKFILES=/home/ff/Downloads/Bankfiles) to prevent volume creation error
  • For transparency, privacy and security NEVER USE ANY PRE-BUILT DOCKER IMAGE FROM THIS PROJECT.
  • Obtain a copy of the source code of this repository, check the content and build your own image.


Use docker compose to build and run the docker container, rather than docker run, since environments and volumes are set on docker-compose.yml.

To build: docker-compose build wscef

To first run: docker-compose run --name wscef wscef

To other runs: docker start -i -a wscef

To purge everthing: docker-compose down --rmi all, thanks[1]

To force replace the container: docker-compose up --force-recreate, thanks[1]

PS: Reports that the warsaw daemon for CEF works for:

PS: you must run Docker using a GNU/Linux distro running xorg. Be aware some installations may run another display server, such as Wayland.

The latest firefox release support wayland, not tested with xauth
