Tcdeploy offers a simple method to deploy artifacts from TeamCity build servers to your target server. The build server is queried cyclically for a new successfull build in order to download and extract all artifacts to the target directory. We support deploying multiple build configurations to multiple directories.
The only command-line option, which is obligatory, is the directory which should be search recursivly by tcdeploy:
$ /usr/sbin/tcdeploy /var/www
Tcdeploy is designed as a daemon, so a systemd service file is supplied within this repository.
Place a Deployfile file in a directory within the search path of tcdeploy. The artifacts will be deployed in the directory containing the Deployfile.
provider = "tc"
tc_url = "http://teamcity.local"
tc_build_conf = "MyBuildConfig"
tc_user = "deploy"
tc_password = "deploy"
If the directory, where the Deployfile is located, will be published to the general public (e.g. via http server), then you should restrict the access to the following files:
- Deployfile
- .deploycache