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- A lot of keybindings are configurable using
set -g @tilish-<option> "<val>"
This is a plugin that makes tmux
behave more like a typical
dynamic window manager. It is heavily inspired by i3wm
, and
most keybindings are taken directly from there. However, I have made
some adjustments to make these keybindings more consistent with vim
using hjkl instead of
jkl; for directions, and
using vim
's definitions of "split" and "vsplit". There is also an
"easy mode" available for non-vim
users, which uses arrow keys
instead of hjkl.
The plugin has been verified to work on tmux
v1.9, v2.6, v2.7, v2.9, and v3.0.
Some features are only available on newer versions of tmux
(currently v2.7+),
but I hope to provide at least basic support for most tmux
versions in active use.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue and I'll try to look into it.
Okay, so who is this plugin for anyway? You may be interested in this if:
- You're using or interested in using
, but find the default keybindings a bit clunky. This lets you try out an alternative keybinding paradigm, which uses a modifier key (Alt) instead of a prefix key (Ctrl + b). The plugin also makes it easier to do automatic tiling viatmux
layouts, as opposed to splitting panes manually. - You use
, but also do remote work overssh
. This lets you use similar keybindings in both contexts. - You also use other platforms like Gnome, Mac, or WSL. You want to take
muscle memory with you viatmux
. - You're not really using
anymore, but you did like how it handled terminals and workspaces. You'd like to keep working that way in terminals, without usingi3wm
for your whole desktop. - You use a window manager that is similar to
, e.g.dwm
, and want to have that workflow intmux
The easiest way to install this plugin is via the Tmux Plugin Manager.
Just add the following to ~/.tmux.conf
, then press Ctrl + b
followed by Shift + i to install it (assuming default prefix key):
set -g @plugin 'farzadmf/tmux-tilish'
For tmux
v2.7+, you can customize which layout is used as default for new workspaces.
To do so, add this to ~/.tmux.conf
set -g @tilish-default 'main-vertical'
Just replace main-vertical
with one of the layouts from the tmux
Description | Name |
split then vsplit | main-horizontal |
only split | even-vertical |
vsplit then split | main-vertical |
only vsplit | even-horizontal |
fully tiled | tiled |
The words "split" and "vsplit" refer to the layouts you get in vim
running :split
and :vsplit
, respectively. (Unfortunately, what is called
a "vertical" and "horizontal" split varies between programs.)
If you do not set this option, tilish
will not autoselect any layout; you
can still choose layouts manually using the keybindings listed below.
After performing the steps above, you should read the list of keybindings. For further configuration options:
- If you use
, consider integrating it withtilish
. - If you do not use
, consider activating easy mode. - If you use
, consider activating prefix mode. - If you use
, see this section. - If you like
, check out the application launcher. - If it doesn't work, check your terminal settings.
It is also recommended that you add the following to the top of your .tmux.conf
set -s escape-time 0
set -g base-index 1
The first line prevents e.g. Esc + h from triggering the
Alt + h keybinding, preventing common misbehavior when
using vim
in tmux
. This option is automatically set by tmux-sensible, if
you use that. The second line makes workspace numbers go from 1-10 instead of 0-9,
which makes more sense on a keyboard where the number row starts at 1. However,
explicitly checks this setting when mapping keys, and works fine without it.
Finally, here is a list of the actual keybindings. Most are taken from i3wm
Below, a "workspace" is what tmux
would call a "window" and vim
would call a "tab",
while a "pane" is what i3wm
would call a "window" and vim
would call a "split".
NOTE: a bunch of the following keys can be overridden through the options (see below).
Keybinding | Description |
Alt + 0-9 | Switch to workspace number 0-9 |
Alt + Shift + 0-9 | Move pane to workspace 0-9 |
Alt + hjkl | Move focus left/down/up/right |
Alt + Shift + hjkl | Move pane left/down/up/right (NOTE: the arrow keys are always bound) |
Alt + Enter | Create a new pane at "the end" of the current layout |
Alt + s | Switch to layout: split then vsplit |
Alt + Shift + s | Switch to layout: only split |
Alt + v | Switch to layout: vsplit then split |
Alt + Shift + v | Switch to layout: only vsplit |
Alt + t | Switch to layout: fully tiled |
Alt + z | Switch to layout: zoom (fullscreen) |
Alt + r | Refresh current layout |
Alt + n | Name/rename current window |
Alt + Shift + q | Quit (close) pane |
Alt + Shift + e | Exit (detach) tmux |
Alt + Shift + c | Reload config |
The Alt + 0 and Alt + Shift + 0
bindings are "smart": depending on base-index
, they either act on workspace 0 or 10.
The following options can be used to override some keys mentioned in the above table (if they're not set, the default value will be used):
set -g @tilish-refresh "..."
(default r)set -g @tilish-rename "..."
(default n)
The keybindings that move panes between workspaces assume a US keyboard layout.
However, you can configure tilish
for international keyboards by providing a string
prepared by pressing Shift +
For instance, for a UK keyboard, you would configure it as follows:
set -g @tilish-shiftnum '!"£$%^&*()'
Your terminal must support sending keycodes like M-£
for the above to work.
For instance, a UK keyboard layout works fine on urxvt
, but does not work
by default on kitty
or alacritty
, which may require additional configuration.
option can be disabled if set to---
like this:set -g @tilish-rename '---'
option, which defaults toEnter
resulting in the combination of Alt + Enter to create a new pane, can be disabled if set to---
like this:set -g @tilish-new_pane '---'
By default, we set hooks to auto-refresh the window layout when a pane is created/deleted. The setting can be controlled using
. It's a 2-character (default is 'yy'
- First character enables/disables auto-refreshing after a pane is created (
) - Second character enables/disables auto-refreshing after a pane is deleted (
So, for example, to disable the hooks, we would do something like this:
set -g @tilish-refresh_hooks 'nn'
We use some keys to manipulate the window layout. The setting is controlled through the option @tilish-layout_keys
where the default value is sSvVtz
, representing the following:
- First character (s) is used to switch to layout
- Second character (S) is used to switch to layout
- Third character (v) is used to switch to layout
- Fourth character (V) is used to switch to layout
- Fifth character (t) is used to switch to layout
- Sixth character (z) is used to switch to layout
In order to override a key, you need to specify the complete string and only change the ones you desire. For example, to use i and I instead of v and V, respectively, we would do something like this:
set -g @tilish-layout_keys 'sSiItz'
To disable a key, you can set it to _
; for example, to disable mod-t
to switch to tiled layout, we can do:
set -g @tilish-layout_keys 'sSiI_z'
To make the plugin more accessible for people who do not use vim
as well,
there is also an "easy mode" available, which uses arrow keys instead of
the vim
-style hjkl keys.
There's a setting called tilish_easymode
, consisting of two characters that enables/disables
the "easy mode" for pane focus/movment.
The default value is 'nn'
, which means to use vim-style keybindings for both focus and movement:
- The first character corresponds to pane focus.
- The second character corresponds to pane movement.
For example, by doing this in .tmux.conf
set -g @tilish-easymode 'ny'
we can enable the "easy mode" only for pane movement, which means the revised keybindings for the pane movement then become:
Keybinding | Description |
Alt + Shift + ←↓↑→ | Move pane left/down/up/right |
Or by doing this:
set -g @tilish-easymode 'yn'
will enable arrows for pane focus. The revised keybindings for the pane focus then become:
Keybinding | Description |
Alt + ←↓↑→ | Move focus left/down/up/right |
Note that this feature is currently only available in tmux
The "prefix mode" uses a prefix key instead of Alt, and
may be particularly interesting for users of editors like kak
that use Alt key a lot. To activate this mode, you
define a prefix keybinding in your tmux.conf
. For instance, to use
Alt + Space as your tilish
prefix, add:
set -g @tilish-prefix 'M-space'
Actions that would usually be done by Alt + key
are now accomplished by pressing the prefix and then key.
For example, opening a split is usually Alt + Enter,
but with the above prefix this becomes Alt + Space
then Enter. Note that the tilish
prefix is different from
the tmux
prefix, and should generally be bound to a different key.
For the prefix key, you can choose basically any keybinding that tmux
supports, e.g. F12
or C-s
or anything else you may prefer.
All these keybindings are repeat
'able, so you do not have to press the
prefix key again if you type multiple commands fast enough. Thus, pressing
Alt + Space followed by hj would
move to the left and then down, without requiring another prefix activation.
The tmux
option repeat-time
can be used to customize this timeout.
Personally, I find the default 500ms timeout somewhat short, and would
recommend that you increase this to at least a second if you use tilish
set -g repeat-time 1000
In i3wm
, the keybinding Alt+d is by default mapped to
the application launcher dmenu
, which can be practical to quickly open apps.
If you have fzf
available on your system, tilish
can offer a similar
application launcher using the same keyboard shortcut. To enable this
functionality, add the following to your ~/.tmux.conf
set -g @tilish-dmenu 'on'
Basically, pressing Alt+d will then pop up a split
that lets you fuzzy-search through all executables in your system $PATH
Selecting an executable runs the command in that split. When you want
to start an interactive process, this can be more convenient than
using Alt+Enter and typing the command name.
This is currently only available in tmux
Not all terminals support all keybindings. The plugin has been verified
to work well with: iTerm2
on macOS; alacritty
, kitty
, gnome-terminal
, and urxvt
on Linux; wsltty
and alacritty
on Windows. Some of these terminals bind Alt+Enter to
fullscreen, so you have to disable that for the tilish
"new pane" binding to
work. Moreover, gnome-terminal
steals the "switch workspace" keybindings
Alt+0-9 if you open multiple tabs. If you
use macOS, you likely want to configure the Option
key to send either Esc+
) or Meta
) under the keyboard settings of the app.
If you use xterm
, almost none of the Alt keys work by default.
That can be fixed by adding this to ~/.Xresources
XTerm*eightBitControl: false
XTerm*eightBitInput: false
XTerm.omitTranslation: fullscreen
XTerm*fullscreen: never
If you use tilish
inside i3wm
or sway
, keybindings like
Alt+Enter may spawn a new terminal in your window manager
instead of a new terminal pane inside tmux
. The window manager always takes
priority — so if both i3wm
and tilish
define the same keybinding,
will intercept the keybinding before tmux
sees it.
The best way to solve this is perhaps to change your window manager modifier key
to Super, also known as the "Windows key". As described
in the i3wm
user guide, this can
be done by changing $mod
to Mod4
in your i3wm
config. That way, pressing e.g.
Alt+Enter opens a new terminal pane inside tmux
, while
Super+Enter opens a new terminal in i3wm
Alternatively, tilish
also supports a Prefix mode. This is in my opinion
less ergonomic than the default tilish
keybindings. However, it does not require the use
of Alt, and is therefore compatible with the default i3wm
There are plugins such as:
- tmux-navigate
- vim-tmux-navigator
- smart-splits.nvim
which both allow seamless navigation/resizing between
splits andtmux
splits. The former has an advantage that it also works overssh
connections, and that it plays better with zooming (Alt+z). If you use either plugin, you can telltilish
to make it setup the keybindings for you. (If you don't,tilish
will use fallback keybindings that don't integrate withvim
It is perhaps easiest to setup tmux-navigate
. Just load navigate
after tilish
in your tmux.conf
, and set the option @tilish-navigate
to on
to integrate them.
Thus a full working minimal example of a tpm
-based tmux.conf
would be:
# List of plugins.
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
set -g @plugin 'farzadmf/tmux-tilish'
set -g @plugin 'sunaku/tmux-navigate'
# Plugin options.
set -g @tilish-navigate 'on'
# Install `tpm` if needed.
if "test ! -d ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm" \
"run 'git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm && ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins'"
# Activate the plugins.
run -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm"
No further setup is required; tilish
sets up the keybindings, and navigate
handles seamless navigation of vim
splits. However, if you also want
this seamless navigation over ssh
connections, you should install
the accompanying vim
plugin; see their website for more information.
To install vim-tmux-navigator
, you should first install the plugin for vim
or nvim
, as described on their website. Then place this in your
) or ~/.vimrc
noremap <silent> <m-h> :TmuxNavigateLeft<cr>
noremap <silent> <m-j> :TmuxNavigateDown<cr>
noremap <silent> <m-k> :TmuxNavigateUp<cr>
noremap <silent> <m-l> :TmuxNavigateRight<cr>
You then just have to tell tilish
that you want the integration:
set -g @tilish-navigator 'on'
A minimal working example of a ~/.tmux.conf
with tpm
would then be:
# List of plugins.
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
set -g @plugin 'jabirali/tmux-tilish'
# Plugin options.
set -g @tilish-navigator 'on'
# Install `tpm` if needed.
if "test ! -d ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm" \
"run 'git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm && ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins'"
# Activate the plugins.
run -b "~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm"
Although this plugin also provides navigation, as of now, we only support the resizing of splits.
The default directions used as up/down/left/right are tvfg
. They might seem random, but on a
"normal" keyboard, you can see how they can represent the directions 😉.
You to setup the plugin in neovim (see their Website), and then tell tilish
to enable
the integration:
set -g @tilish-smart_splits 'on'
And you can customize the keys (the order is left/down/up/right); for example, the default is:
set -g @tilish-smart_splits_dirs 'fvtg'
There's also the variable @tilish-smart_splits_dirs_large
, which resizes the panes in larger
deltas. Different delta values for x
and y
directions can be specified using the
and @tilish-smart_splits_large_dy
Default values for the options mentioned above (there's no need for these lines in your config; there are here for reference):
set -g @tilish-smart_splits_dirs_large 'sxed'
set -g @tilish-smart_splits_large_dx 10
set -g @tilish-smart_splits_large_dx 6