This is the Containeragent for funk-server.
If you don´t know what funk is please read here first.
You need one on each Host|Worker|Minion
You can configure each Agent different on each installation and combine the information to one Elasticsearch Stack.
Envoirmentname | value | description | require |
FUNK_SERVER | wss://[url]:[port] | Complete Funk Server URL | true |
CONNECTION_KEY | string | The Key to authenticate against funk-server. Is declared at your funk-server | true |
INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY | false (default) or true | disable ssl verification for server connection | false |
LOG_STATS | all cumulated(default) or no | this agent should be collect statsinformation (cumulated send the mostly needed Statsinfos like : RamUsageMb, CPUUsagePercent...) | false |
SWARM_MODE | false (default) or true | Agent run on a swarm Cluster. Get better Metainformation about the Containers. | false |
LOG_LEVEL | debug or info (default) or warn or error | Which log-level for the agent own logs | false |
ENABLE_GEO_IP_INJECT | false (default) or true | Will download a geolite2 DB to get geoinfomation by IP Adresses | false |
STATSINTERVALL | 15 | If LOG_STATS is not no. than the intervall to collect this information |
labelname | value | description |
funk.log | boolean (default true) | big lever. log this container or not ? |
funk.log.stats | boolean (default true) | Log Stats info for this Container ? |
funk.log.logs | boolean (default true) | Log Stdout/Stderr for this Container ? |
funk.log.staticcontent | json string | static information who whants to send for this container for example: {"stage": "dev"} (take a look for escaping inside docker-compose.yml or manifest.yml) |
funk.searchindex | string | the eleaticsearch index to log. It will generate a index for log and for stats info. if empty it will use default_(logs |
funk.log.geodatafromip | string (starts with .) | is the path inside your log to the ipaddress where geodata will be inject. something like this .RequestAddr (at the moment only work with flat data on root level). You have to enable environment(ENABLE_GEO_IP_INJECT) at your funk_agent to use this flag. |
funk.log.formatRegex | regex with subgroups | funk logs json out of the box. If your logs have a format other than json (the complete line will be logged to field message) and you want to separate it, you can give the format by regex and decelerate submatches. |
For example you Loglines looking like this:
[negroni] 2019-08-12T13:38:52Z | 200 | 1.519074ms | localhost:3001 | POST /graphql
you can give this container the label funk.log.formatRegex with value:
\\[[a-z]*\\] *(?P<time>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z) *\\| *(?P<status>[0-9]{3}) *\\| *[\\t]{0,} *(?P<request_time>\\d{0,5}.\\d+)(?P<request_format>(ms|µs)) *\\| *(?P<domain>.*) *\\| *(?P<method>(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)) *(?P<message>.*)
Attention if you want to test it at an online regextool like regexr you have to replace \\
with \
The Double Backslash you need at your docker-compose file
In Kibana you will see now an logentry with separate information: logs.time, logs.status, logs.request_ms, logs.domain ....
I am sure your regex would be better than this example.
If you have build some Regex for standard logs like Apache, NGNIX, etc. I am happy to get Issue/Merge Request to add this to this Page.
Run it as mode global At the container you have to set Container labels not deploy labels. (the labels at root)
If you enable the flag enableGeoIPInject then this product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from