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How to install it without Android device?

Piotr Stadnicki edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Simple answer

You can't, libraries I use only runs on ARM. But!
You can run virtualisation of Android. Here's my recommendation of doing this

1. Install Android on virtualisation software like ESXi

First download Android 9 x86 from here
Remember you have to download android-x86_64-9.0-r2.iso other images won't work because we'll be using houdini lib
Next install Android using this guide

2. Turn on NativeBridge

After successful installation of Android go to 'Settings' then 'Android-x86 options' and enable NativeBridge.

If it can't enable download houdini lib from here on your Android virtualisation.
Then start Terminal Emulator app and run this

cd /sdcard/Download
mkdir /sdcard/arm
cp houdini9_y.sfs /sdcard/arm
setprop persist.sys.nativebridge 1

After that go back to 'Android-x86 options' and enable NativeBridge

I strongly recommend to disable turning off screen in Developer Settings (refer to this)

3. Install HaierACBridge

It should work now!