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Releases: fastsurvey/console

0.7.0 - Markdown, Paging, Testing and Optimization

11 Jan 21:58
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Release 0.7 - New fields, better tested and some redesigning

🧑‍🚀  Markdown Field
🧑‍🚀  Page Break Field
🧑‍🚀  Component Testing of Fields
🧑‍🚀  Reset Password Flow
🧑‍🚀  Design Improvements

Since there is so much going on in this release (over 100 commits), I cannot list every change made to the codebase. Below you can find some impressions of what has changed.

New message style

I didn't like the old message style because the text itself was green/yellow/red otherwise the message type was not properly detectable.

Old style:

New style:

New field style

The fields in the editor were also more complicated than they needed to be. To the user it was not really clear, what the exact difference between "title" and "description" was. Therefore fields now only have a single description field.

The survey itself now only has a title and no description anymore.

The field hints have also been simplified (both text and design).

The field colors are simpler as well: blue for selection and text, green for email and rose for markdown and break (previously there was one color per field type).

Old style:

New style:

New break field

A new break field to split your survey up into multiple pages.


New markdown field

To give users the possibility to write text within their form, we added a field where one can write text using the markdown format:


If the user is not familiar with the markdown format, there is a link to a syntax reference and a button to add demo content:


The "Add field" popup

This needed a redesign as well!

Old style:

New style:

UX improvements when creating surveys

Changes made:

  • Surveys can have no fields -> New surveys are empty instead of having one mandatory field
  • When adding or pasting fields
    • the field is not collapsed anymore
    • the description input gets focused
    • the page scrolls up/down to the field

Old UX:

New UX:

Results page

With new field types, the results become more complicated and needed simpler design. Now, unaggregated field are shown in a darker white and without a shadow. Dashed lines are reserver for page breaks and markdown fields.

The markdown fields can be expanded in here as well (read only of course).

Old style:

New style:

Survey timing

The survey timing section has been simplified both in semantic and in design. Now start and end times are optional.

Old style:

New style:

Shadows everywhere

The shadow on everything is now less harsh and the background is a bit darker.

Old style:

New style:

0.6.2 - Bug fixes & Optimizations

11 Dec 00:30
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🧑‍🚀  Navbar closed when cursor left the window to the left (fiddly to open)
🧑‍🚀  Header looked different on results and editor page

Bug Fixes

🪲  Logging in with email did not work (username worked fine) - added tests for this as well

0.6.1 - Fixing Bugs, Optimizing Docker Image

08 Dec 18:22
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🧑‍🚀  Docker Image Brought the image size down from 1.16GB to 120MB
🧑‍🚀  Made the testing domain-independent -> Testing the docker build is about 50% faster (4:25 instead of 7:30 - min:sec)

Bug Fixes

🪲  A "Survey not found" page contained a link to /configurations (which no longer exists)
🪲  The MicroAnalytics script didn't work

0.6.0 - Testing, Tuning, Analytics and Monitoring

03 Dec 21:17
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Merge pull request #146 from fastsurvey/0.6


0.4.0 - Flexible Surveys, Raw Data Download

03 Oct 22:02
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Hello again, this update contains some really fine stuff!

New Features

🚀  Flexible Surveys: Until now, you couldn't modify a survey config after you have received a submission. Now you can fully change your complete survey whenever you want.
🚀  Raw Data Download: In the results page you can now download the raw submissions as JSON or as CSV
🚀  New Popup when adding fields
🚀  Changing the Username
🚀  Removing your Account

Bug Fixes

  • 🪲  The console allowed usernames with uppercase letter, but the backend did not like that
  • 🪲  Copy- & pasting fields now works again

Some impressions of the new stuff

New buttons "start now"/"end now" - made possible by config-changes with submissions:


Download the raw submissions:


When adding new fields the popup now contains information about the different field types:


Changing the username will also change all of your survey links!


Fully nuke all of your data from our database 🥷


0.3.1 - Hot Fixes

14 Sep 08:35
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🧑‍🚀  Fix generated survey names

Bug Fixes

🪲  Login page says "Server error" when backend returns 404 (unknown user)
🪲  Login Page does not have "account not verified"
🪲  Navbar labels not showing at medium viewport
🪲  Email address is missing in account data on initial load

0.3.0 - First Public Beta of FastSurvey

13 Sep 20:07
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Merge pull request #85 from fastsurvey/crunch-0.3

Release 0.3 Sprint

General purpose frontend with authentication

13 Nov 00:49
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The frontend with login/register and all these routes as well as navbars etc. without any fastsurvey specific stuff.

Can be used as a frontend boilerplate with login and navigation for any project.