A java infix evaluator based on "Shunting Yard" algorithm.
Evaluate an arithmetic expression is as simple as:
Double result = new DoubleEvaluator().evaluate("(e^3-1)*sin(pi/4)*ln(pi^2)").
But Javaluator provides you with much more ...
Key features:
- Functions support, including variable argument count.
- Constants support: e, pi, etc ...
- Variables support: Example sin(x) for x = pi/4.
- Highly configurable: Reduce the built-in operator or function sets, define your own brackets.
- Extensible: Define your own grammar, or extends the existing one.
- Localizable: Define localized names for functions or constants.
- Syntax check
- Small footprint: 26kB, no additional library required.
- Fully documented
Please visit the project's web site to learn more: https://javaluator.fathzer.com
If you use Javaluator in your product, we will be happy to add a link to your product in the Javaluator's web site.