Faillint is a simple Go linter that fails when a specific set of import paths or exported path's functions, constant, vars or types are used. It's meant to be used in CI/CD environments to catch rules you want to enforce in your projects.
As an example, you could enforce the usage of
of the errors
package. To prevent the usage of the errors
package, you can
configure faillint
to fail whenever someone imports the errors
package in
this case. To make sure fmt.Errorf
is not used for creating errors as well,
you can configure to fail on such single function of fmt
as well.
go install
Assume we have the following file:
package a
import (
func foo() error {
return errors.New("bar!")
Let's run faillint
to check if errors
import is used and report it:
$ faillint -paths "" a.go
a.go:4:2: package "errors" shouldn't be imported, suggested: ""
works on a file, directory or a Go package:
$ faillint -paths "errors,fmt.{Errorf}" foo.go # pass a file
$ faillint -paths "errors,fmt.{Errorf}" ./... # recursively analyze all files
$ faillint -paths "errors,fmt.{Errorf}" # or pass a package
By default, faillint
will not check any import paths. You need to explicitly
define it with the -paths
flag, which is comma-separated list. Some examples are:
# Fail if the errors package is used.
-paths "errors"
# Fail if the old context package is imported.
-paths ""
# Fail both on stdlib log and errors package to enforce other internal libraries.
-paths "log,errors"
# Fail if any of Print, Printf of Println function were used from fmt library.
-paths "fmt.{Print,Printf,Println}"
# Fail if the package is imported including sub paths starting with
"". In example: ``,
``, .nettest`, ...
-paths ""
If you have a preferred import path to suggest, append the suggestion after a =
# Fail if the errors package is used and suggest to use
-paths ""
# Fail for the old context import path and suggest to use the stdlib context.
-paths ""
# Fail both on stdlib log and errors package to enforce other libraries.
-paths ","
# Fail on fmt.Errorf and suggest the Errorf function from github.compkg/errors instead.
-paths "fmt.{Errorf}{Errorf}"
If you want to ignore a problem reported by faillint
you can add a lint directive based on staticcheck's design.
Line-based lint directives can be applied to imports or functions you want to tolerate. The format is,
//lint:ignore faillint reason
For example,
package a
import (
//lint:ignore faillint Whatever your reason is.
"fmt" //lint:ignore faillint Whatever your reason is.
func foo() error {
//lint:ignore faillint Whatever your reason is.
return errors.New("bar!")
File-based lint directives can be applied to ignore faillint
problems in a whole file. The format is,
//lint:file-ignore faillint reason
This may be placed anywhere in the file but conventionally it should be placed at, or near, the top of the file.
For example,
//lint:file-ignore faillint This file should be ignored by faillint.
package a
import (
func foo() error {
return errors.New("bar!")
Most of these checks should be probably detected during the review cycle. But it's totally normal to accidentally import them (we're all humans in the end).
Second, tools like goimports
favors certain packages. As an example going
forward if you decided to use
in you project, and write
in a new file, goimports
will automatically import the
package (and not
). The code will perfectly
compile. faillint
would be able to detect and report it to you.
This tool is built on top of the excellent go/analysis
package that makes it
easy to write custom analyzers in Go. If you're interested in writing a tool,
check out my Using go/analysis to write a custom
blog post.
Part of the code is modified and based on astutil.UsesImport