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Cucumber BDD Framework using Java, Maven, Junit, and Selenium

Folder Structure

Our main package takes place under test package, it should have your project name.

In our main package, we have 4 different packages. Pages, runners, step_definitions, and utilities. Pages package has the page object classes, runners package has our runner classes this is where we trigger our framework, step_definitions has implementation of our code for running the driver, and utilities package is used for general utility classes.

Also under test package, there is a resources file, and under it we have our features directory for our feature files.

Finally, we have a file right under our root file.


Feature files are used to write our test cases like scenarios from real life. This is what makes our project Behaviour Driven. On top of using this file to write and read our test cases for automation, also non-technical people can understand what we are testing. We need to provide path of these files in our cukes runner class for our framework to read test cases from these files. It is done by features keyword inside @CucumberOptions tag. It uses Gherkin language which makes plain test structured enough for cucumber to understand. Link for the reference from official website. In this project, features files are located in test/resources/features. To see the example click here.

Step Definitions

Step Defintions is the package where we write our java code to implement selenium logic. We have to implement all scenarios from our feature files otherwise it will give an error. The framework uses runner classes to run these implementation, we need to provide path of this file in our cukes runner class .This is done by using glue keyword inside @CucumberOptions tag.


Hooks class is used to provide precondition, and cleaning for our tests. It uses @Before @BeforeStep and @After @AfterStep annotations for providing these conditions. @Before and @After runs before and after each scenario . @BeforeStep and @AfterStep runs before and after each step in our feature files.In this layout, the most important part in this class is @After annotation since with the cod implemented there, the framework takes a screenshot and attach it to scenario whenever our test cases fail.


The framework implements page object model to locate elements, and implement some useful methods about elements. Page object model is a design pattern that helps to organize located web elements and avoid code repetition. It uses PageFactory.initElements() method to initialize web elements with the driver. Base Page class is used to avoid initializing elements in each page class, and locate common elements that exist all pages of an application in one place. Each page class is recommended to extend Base Page class. Otherwise, also these classes need to call initElements method in their constructor. Check the code from here For more information about page object design pattern:


Cucumber is launched by running JUnit, and it is possible to configure how to run the framework. To run our scenarios we need cucumber-junit dependency in our pom.xml. We need to add @RunWith(Cucumber.class) annotation. Then we can add our configurations inside @CucumberOptions tag. In this framework, we have html, json, and rerun for our plugin configuration. Html is provided to create built-in html report, json is used for maven cucumber reporting to generate a detailed report, rerun plugin is used to save failed test cases in a txt file so later we can run these tests seperately. Path of the step definitions is provided through glue keyword. Path of the feature files is provided by features keyword. We can check if our step definitions implemented all the scenarios from feature files using dryRun keyword, if it is true, it only makes a check, does not run the actual cod. Finally, tags are used to choose which test suites to run.

FailedTestRunner class is used to run only failed test cases, path of the step definitions need to be provided with rerun.txt for features since our main cukes runner stores failed test cases in that file.


The framework implements singleton design pattern to create and call the driver. Singleton allows framework to only have one instance for one session.If parallel execution is not an issue driver can be simply :

import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class Driver {

    private Driver(){

    private static WebDriver driver;

    public static WebDriver getDriver(){

        if(driver == null){
            String browser = ConfigurationReader.getProperty("browser");

            switch (browser){
                case "chrome":
                    driver =  new ChromeDriver();
                    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                    driver = new FirefoxDriver();
                    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                    driver = new ChromeDriver();
                    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

        return driver;


    public static void closeDriver(){
            driver = null;


The framework makes use of ThreadLocal for parallel execution together with singleton design pattern. Normally, singleton allows creation of only one instance, but with ThreadLocal, it is allowed to create one instance for each thread we are running.

Configuration Properties

Configuration properties is a file where we store some important information that can change the flow of the whole framework. Such as browser type, environment, username and password. It also helps us to avoid hard-coding, to change these values are easier as we only have to change them in one place. To see the file click here

Configuration Reader

Configuration Reader is an utility class that we use to read data from file. It has a private Properties object we load all the data from file, and we can get this data using public getProperty method.



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Selenium is defined as "Selenium is an umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries that enable and support the automation of web browsers." in its official website. It is basically the tool we automate browsers with for test automation.

WebDriver Manager

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Normally, to use some browsers like Firefox,Safari,Chrome etc. we have to download their drivers which is their binary files that let WebDriver to handle the specific browser. It is cumbersome effort, and you have to check new versions of driver manually. WebDriverManager can be used to make this process easier for us to download any kind of Driver. For example:

  WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

For more information click here

Cucumber Java

Dependency needed to integrate Cucumber into Java.


Cucumber JUnit

Dependency needed to run Cucumber with JUnit. Mostly, to use assertions of JUnit.

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Java Faker

Dependency that is used to create all kinds of dummy data.



Maven Compiler Plugin

To use the java 8 features (-source 1.8) and also compile classes to be compatible with JVM 1.8 (-target 1.8). This plugin is needed.


Maven Surefire Plugin

This plug-in allows us to run the cukes runner class from maven lifecycle. It also allows us to run our test parallel using threadCount we can decide how many threads to run, also with parallel tag we can choose if we want to run methods or classes parallel. Finally, if testFailureIgnore is true, it will continue with tests even if one test fails, otherwise it will stop execution.


Maven Cucumber Reporting

This is 3rd party tool for a detailed report generation. It makes use of cucumber.json file to create the report.
                            <projectName>Cucumber HTML Reports</projectName>

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