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Learn Fauna database fundamentals with Fauna Query Language (FQL) v10 and the .NET driver.

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Fauna .NET sample app


This sample app shows how to use Fauna in a production application.

The app uses .NET and the Fauna v10 .NET driver to create HTTP API endpoints for an e-commerce store. You can use the app's API endpoints to manage products, customers, and orders for the store.

The app uses Fauna schemas and queries to:

  • Read and write data with strong consistency.

  • Define and handle relationships between resources, such as linking orders to products and customers.

  • Validate data changes against business logic.

The app's source code includes comments that highlight Fauna best practices.


The sample app uses the following Fauna features:

  • Document type enforcement: Collection schemas enforce a structure for the app's documents. Fauna rejects document writes that don't conform to the schema, ensuring data consistency. Zero-downtime migrations let you safely change the schemas at any time.

  • Relationships: Normalized references link documents across collections. The app's queries use projection to dynamically retrieve linked documents, even when deeply nested. No complex joins, aggregations, or duplication needed.

  • Computed fields: Computed fields dynamically calculate their values at query time. For example, each customer's orders field uses a query to fetch a set of filtered orders. Similarly, each order's total is calculated at query time based on linked product prices and quantity.

  • Constraints: The app uses constraints to ensure field values are valid. For example, the app uses unique constraints to ensure each customer has a unique email address and each product has a unique name. Similarly, check constraints ensure each customer has only one cart at a time and that product prices are not negative.

  • User-defined functions (UDFs): The app uses UDFs to store business logic as reusable queries. For example, the app uses a checkout() UDF to process order updates. checkout() calls another UDF, validateOrderStatusTransition(), to validate status transitions for orders.


To run the app, you'll need:


  1. Clone the repo and navigate to the dotnet-sample-app directory:

    git clone
    cd dotnet-sample-app
  2. If you haven't already, log in to Fauna using the Fauna CLI:

    fauna login
  3. Use the Fauna CLI to create the EcommerceDotnet database:

    # Replace 'us' with your preferred region group:
    # 'us' (United States), 'eu' (Europe), or `global` (available to Pro accounts and above).
    fauna database create \
      --name EcommerceDotnet \
      --database us
  4. Push the .fsl files in the schema directory to the EcommerceDotnet database:

    # Replace 'us' with your region group identifier.
    fauna schema push \
      --database us/EcommerceDotnet

    When prompted, accept and stage the schema.

  5. Check the status of the staged schema:

    fauna schema status \
      --database us/EcommerceDotnet
  6. When the status is ready, commit the staged schema to the database:

    fauna schema commit \
      --database us/EcommerceDotnet

    The commit applies the staged schema to the database. The commit creates the collections and user-defined functions (UDFs) defined in the .fsl files of the schema directory.

  7. Create a key with the admin role for the EcommerceDotnet database:

    fauna query "Key.create({ role: 'admin' })" \
      --database us/EcommerceDotnet

    Copy the returned secret. The app can use the key's secret to authenticate requests to the database.

  8. Make a copy of the .env.example file and name the copy .env. For example:

    cp .env.example .env
  9. In .env, set the FAUNA_SECRET environment variable to the secret you copied earlier:


Run the app

The app runs an HTTP API server. From the DotNetSampleApp directory, run:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && \

Once started, the local server is available at http://localhost:5049.


You can also run the app in a Docker container. From the root directory, run:

docker build -t dotnet-sample-app .
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && \
docker run -p 5049:8080 \

Once started, the local server is available at http://localhost:5049.

Sample data

The app includes seed data that's populated when you make a successful request to any API endpoint.

HTTP API endpoints

The app's HTTP API endpoints are defined in the DotNetSampleApp/Controllers directory.

An OpenAPI spec and Swagger UI docs for the endpoints are available at:

Make API requests

You can use the endpoints to make API requests that read and write data from the EcommerceDotnet database.

For example, with the local server running in a separate terminal tab, run the following curl request to the POST /products endpoint. The request creates a Product collection document in the EcommerceDotnet database.

curl -v \
  http://localhost:5049/products \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "name": "The Old Man and the Sea",
    "price": 899,
    "description": "A book by Ernest Hemingway",
    "stock": 10,
    "category": "books"
  }' | jq .

Expand the app

You can further expand the app by adding fields and endpoints.

As an example, the following steps adds a computed totalPurchaseAmt field to Customer documents and related API responses:

  1. If the app server is running, stop the server by pressing Ctrl+C.

  2. In schema/collections.fsl, add the following totalPurchaseAmt computed field definition to the Customer collection:

    collection Customer {
      // Use a computed field to get the set of Orders for a customer.
      compute orders: Set<Order> = (customer => Order.byCustomer(customer))
    + // Use a computed field to calculate the customer's cumulative purchase total.
    + // The field sums purchase `total` values from the customer's linked Order documents.
    + compute totalPurchaseAmt: Number = (customer => customer.orders.fold(0, (sum, order) => {
    +   let order: Any = order
    +   sum +
    + }))

    Save schema/collections.fsl.

  3. In DotNetSampleApp/Controllers/QuerySnippets.cs, add the totalPurchaseAmt field to the CustomerResponse method's projection:

    customer {
    +   address,
    +   totalPurchaseAmt
  4. Push the updated schema to the EcommerceDotnet database:

    # Authenticated using the FAUNA_SECRET env var.
    fauna schema push

    When prompted, accept and stage the schema.

  5. Check the status of the staged schema:

    fauna schema status
  6. When the status is ready, commit the staged schema changes to the database:

    fauna schema commit
  7. In DotNetSampleApp/Models/Customer.cs, add the totalPurchaseAmt field to the Customer class:

    public class Customer
        /// <summary>
        /// Document ID
        /// </summary>
        public string? Id { get; init; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Address
        /// </summary>
        public required Address Address { get; init; }
    +   /// <summary>
    +   /// Total Purchase Amount
    +   /// </summary>
    +   [Field]
    +   public required int TotalPurchaseAmt { get; init; }

    Save DotNetSampleApp/Models/Customer.cs.

    Customer-related endpoints use this template to project Customer document fields in responses.

  8. Start the app server:

    export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && \

    If using Docker, run:

    docker build -t dotnet-sample-app .
    export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && \
    docker run -p 5049:8080 \
      -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development \
  9. With the local server running in a separate terminal tab, run the following curl request to the POST /customers endpoint:

    curl -v http://localhost:5049/customers/999 | jq .

    The response includes the computed totalPurchaseAmt field:

      "id": "999",
      "name": "Valued Customer",
      "email": "",
      "address": {
        "street": "123 Main St",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "12345",
        "country": "United States"
      "totalPurchaseAmt": 36000


Local Testing

  1. Install the v3 version of the Fauna CLI: npm install -g fauna-shell@3
  2. Start Fauna in a container: docker run --rm --name fauna -p 8443:8443 -p 8084:8084 fauna/faunadb
  3. Configure the schema: ./
  4. Run tests: dotnet test

dotnet run with local Fauna

  1. Start Fauna in a container: docker run --rm --name fauna -p 8443:8443 -p 8084:8084 fauna/faunadb
  2. Configure the schema: ./
  3. Copy the secret returned from running ./
  4. cd DotNetSampleApp
  5. FAUNA_SECRET="<SECRET>" FAUNA_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:8443" dotnet run


Learn Fauna database fundamentals with Fauna Query Language (FQL) v10 and the .NET driver.







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